So I was excited to see Captain America when I woke up! I hung with him until he left at 7am, then said my prayers, got kids off to the bus, and read my scriptures. A little out of order, but I was happy to rearrange it to see Captain America for a few minutes :)
And then I went back to bed. ROFL! Because I was sleepy because I didn't sleep well last night. I think, because I took my pill at 5pm, that I hit my "energy burst" in the middle of the night, so I was restless. So I felt tired.
And I went back to sleep, and woke up at 9am. And felt SOOO much better. I texted with Captain America and Mandi and Laurie for a while, then decided to use the rotten bananas to make Banana Bread muffins to take to Captain Americas unit.
Here's 1/2 of the bananas that need used. 7 overly ripe bananas
Then I added 2 cups of flour, 1 tsp of soda, 1 tsp of salt, and 1/2 cup of buttermilk (regular milk with vinegar added to curdle it). And mixed it all together.
Then added 1 whole bag of chocolate chunks and mixed together.
And divided it between 24 cup cake tins. I didn't have papers, so I just sprayed it really good. And Banana bread is not complete without brown sugar and cinnamon on the top. It's just not. hehe.
I cooked it at 350 for 30 minutes, and the whole house smelled DIVINE! I let them cool on a baking rack, and set aside 6 for my family, and put the remaining muffins on a platter and wrapped it in saran wrap for Captain Americas peeps. Mmm, muffins!
So I still have 7 over ripe bananas left to make something out of. And a while bag of chocolate chips. Hmmm, I wonder what I'll bake tomorrow. Or later tonight. Then I can send whatever yumminess is cooked to work with Captain America in the morning, and I don't have to drive out there....
I got Jimmy to the bus at 11am, and then got dressed in real clothes. No shower, but my hair looked passable from yesterday :) My makeup was a bit smudged, but whatever. We don't have to shower EVERY day, right? ROFL!
At 11:20am, I headed out to El Taco Tote. I was gonna get some food for Captain America and I, and have lunch with him in the field. Yeah, I don't know if he was supposed to have "friends" out, but I was bringing muffins, so hopefully no one would have issues with it :)
I ordered the Brochetta plate, and got 2 to go boxes to get some cucumbers, chips, salad, and green sauce. And assembled that while my food was cooking. Within 10 minutes, I had our food and was headed out.
Here's me with my El Taco Tote soda :) Which I was very grateful for. Because apparently I WILL get a headache if I don't have a caffienated soda before 11am. I got 2 cans of Diet Dr Pepper and some pain meds before leaving the house, and felt much better about 30 minutes later.
Then, after they were all passed out, he and I sat by a launcher and ate lunch. Maybe it was a launcher. I don't know what it was. hehe.
Yeah, the parking was HORRIBLE. There were no spots, and I did stake out a spot and waited for it, and some fast zippy car slipped into my stop. I would have been SUPER mad, but noticed a spot right behind it opened too. So I would let it pass this one time. hehehe.
And I'm totally counting walking around in the field, and then walking to and from the hospital as exercise today, Dr. Slade. Because I had to park FOREVER away. Seriously. hehehe. Add that to the stairs that I walk each time I go to your office, and I think that will count as 1 of the 3 exercises a week, don't you?
And I was SO glad that they'd written Expedite on Captain America's prescription, because I got put in the "Military Personnel" line, which was SO much faster than the other one. People were glaring at me when I was seen withing 10 minutes of walking in. Sorry, guys. I've had my turns of waiting FOREVER for scripts. It was nice to be seen quickly.
I got Jakes meds, and they almost didn't give me Captain Americas, because I didn't have a copy of his Military ID. I didn't know I needed one. I guess I've never picked up meds for him before. I need to get a copy of it and keep it in my wallet, I guess. Hmmm. But they said they'd do it this one time, so I was happy :)
After the hospital, I headed to the Dollar Tree. Because they have cheap bread. And I found a tall, cylendrical vase to glue candy corns to. Because I'm not sure re-doing the wreath will work. I think they'll just break it again. But if I make it a candle holder, then I think it'll last longer. We'll try it :)
I found some Texas Toasts and some whole wheat hot dog buns. Jake can use those for his tuna sandwiches, me thinks :)
Next, I hopped back on the highway and went to Walmart. I needed some make up (cause I was out of foundation - had to call Jake to get the right color...) and some saltine crackers. Essentials, you know. I walked around the store a bit, because I didn't want to go home yet (ha!), and finally paid and went back to the truck.
And check out the gum that I found. Looked real tasty.
I headed to Fallas, and looked around for a bit too. And I found that big hat the fit my head! So I just HAD to buy it. Even thought I'm anti-hat in general, I'm gonna make myself wear it a few times. ROFL! And I found a new pair of Skinny Jeans, because my old pair are way too big now. Let's hope these fit. You can't try things on in Fallas, but you can take them back if they don't fit. So that works :)
And then I headed back to post, and, of course, got random inspected. I still had a few minutes before I had to get the kids from AQ, so I wasn't too worried. And I even snuck a pic of the guy. hehehe.
I took my stuff inside the house, and changed my clothes. Because it had warmed up a LOT and was now too hot for a sweater. Good thing I had a ton of cute new things that I could wear. hehe. Here's a new shirt that I got a Savers yesterday. Me on the way to AQ to get Tom, Eme, and Bella
So here it is, 4:50pm, and I need to start on dinner. We're having Breakfast for dinner. I think French Toast, since we found the Texas Toasts at the Dollar Tree today. I wonder if Eme is old enough to cook French Toast. I bet she'd like to learn :) And I bet I'd like to have someone other than me cook french toast. ROFL!
OK, now it's 10:45pm, and I have 15 minutes to finish this off, and be to bed by 11pm. Can I do it? I think I can! hehe.
So at 5:30pm, I decided to let Eme cook the french toast. I set up the griddle (which can cook 9 french toasts at a time - SCORE!), and helped her crack 14 eggs into a large bowl. I added some milk, vanilla, and cinnamon, and mixed it all up. Then showed her how to spray the griddle with non stick spray, and dip the bread, and place it on the griddle.
She did a fabulous job. I showed her how to use the spatula to turn it, and when to, and she did the rest. I went back to my computer, and worked on a Birthday project for my Grandma Ida, and let her cook. She was very pleased with herself, as she should be!
And I needed a few newer pictures of the kids for my Birthday project for Grandma Ida, so I took a new pic of each of the kids.
Here's Emeline's
So we hustled over to the park. Laurie and family were there, and Veronica and family were there. I had some nice grown up interaction for an hour, and the kids played. I don't know if they ate hot dogs, but I know they had some Popsicle and chips. And waters. And they got whistles (yeah, it was REALLY loud at the park, with everyones small children having whistles...) and blinkie lights and balls and coloring books. Kids were SO excited about it.
And about 20 minutes before we left, the Fire Truck and a MP car showed up. And the kids got to try on the Fire outfit, and see the truck. Apparently the police dogs were there earlier, but that was before we came. Hmpf! That would have been fun to see.
Someones kids at the park. Yeah, it was dark, so I don't know who it was -hehe. I don't think there's any of mine in that photo :)
And Captain America texted me at 8:30pm and told me that he and his crew needed to stay until 8am. Whaaaat? 25 hour shift? Yeah, that's SO not cool. But, he said that I could come out and chat with him for a little bit in the parking lot if I wanted to.
The kids were all in bed, so I changed out of my jammies, grabbed a few things (sodas and ice and stuff), and headed out. And got a text after I'd already left to bring a few snacks for his buddies.
Oops. So I stopped at 7-11 on the way and got myself a Diet Dr Pepper (so I could give his buddies my cans of sodas I'd brought from the house) and some York Peppermint patties for the guys, and some honey roasted peanuts. I figured those would be nice snack type foods :)
I turned up Muse, and drove the 15 minutes out to Tobin Wells. Captain America came out, and we sat and chatted in the truck for about an hour. It was SO nice to just sit and chat. We drank our sodas and chewed gum and chatted. He liked the new Strawberry Shortcake gum. But then, his sense of taste/smell doesn't work too good.... hehe.
I headed back to post around 10:30pm, and here I sit. I've got 2 minutes to finish this up before 11pm. I'm feeling tired, yet jittery from all that caffeine. Should have forgone the soda, me thinks. hehe. I am tired, though, so I ought to sleep well.
Night, Digi-Land. Sleep well, and I'll see ya in the morning!
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Hi Bethany,
Love the clothes you got from Savers :)
Eme is such a sweet little lady, & a great help to Mummy!
And thanks for the lovely WordArt ^_^
I just LOVE that hat on you!!! It's a keeper!!! I wanted to let you know I love your blog and living vicariously thru The kiddos pictures are awesome....those 2 little ones look like stinkers :) And yayyyyyy to Eme!!! Always nice to have a back up 15 yr old son THINKS he can cook cuz he fixes burgers.....LOL
Hey! I just got a hat kind of like that too, only mine is Army Green and I got it on clearance at Target. I miss Fallas, we don't have one here, so I go every time I make the trip back home!
I think it's awesome that Brent's unit lets you visit him int he field. I wish my hubby's unit did that when they were mobilized. :( Oh well. ;)
I love the pictures of the kiddos, they came out great!
Have a wonderful Hump Day!
I am curious and have to ask this question, do you leave your kids alone in the house because you live on post? I am just wondering if I am missing something here, cos I dont think you have teenagers yet? Not judging, just wondering.
12 is the legal sibling babysitting age on post, and I have a 13 year old. My quality of life went way up when Jacob turned 12. Hehe.
Your kids are so cute! Thank you for the great word art!
Thank you for your freebies. Link on your post was added to PickleMouse freebie list
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