I woke up at 6:35, and pushed snooze. I'm making a habit of that. hehe. I got up at 6:45am, read my scriptures, said my prayers, and then got the kids ready. Captain America was off today, so he came out and helped the last few minutes before getting kids on the bus, then he went to go and skate for exercise.
And I hopped in the shower. And got ready for the day. We were going up to Albuquerque New Mexico to the temple, but first, we had our couples counseling. Busy day!
Here's me, all fixed up and ready to go :)
He talked about 4 main problems in communication. First was Criticism. Criticism is bad. It's counterpart, that is better, is complaining. To complain, you say the behavior, say how you feel about it, and WHY you feel that way about it. That's the proper way to complain.
The next was Defensiveness. And the better counterpart to that is admitting the truth about the complaint. Because there's always SOME truth to a complaint. Here's what you say "You're right about xxxxx. Can I explain to you why I did what I did?" I really liked this one, and could see how these first two can play off of each other.
The third was Contempt. Where you think you're better than the other person. As long as we're not in a HUGE MASSIVE argument, we don't struggle with this one. And the last one is Stonewalling. Yeah, same as the contempt. I'm thinking that if we do better on the criticism/defensiveness stage, we won't move to the contempt/stonewalling phase. Make sense?
Anyway, we finished up, and headed back home. But stopped at the commissary first to buy some snacks for our trip. Cause 4 hours each way in the car with 5 kids was gonna be a LONG time :)
And then headed home. And started packing. And getting things ready to go. And looking for hotels. And eating lunch. And calling the temple, and finding out hours, and junk like that. And finally, by 2pm, we were ready to go. We loaded up in the truck, and headed up to the school to pick up kids.
And were all in the car, and dropped off backpacks and cellos and stuff at home, then were on the interstate by 2:20pm. Yeah, we were a little off schedule. But we were on the road.
And it was really windy in my truck. My POOR hair. Check out the disaster that it is with the windows down. Did I mention that we don't have A/C in the truck?
Kids in the truck at the gas station
So I was noticing that Captain America didn't seem to have any problem with is hair and the wind...
So Captain America called, and said he'd be there at 7pm. And yeah, now it was gonna be a push to make it by 7pm. But push on we did.
We pulled into the parking lot a few minutes after 7pm, and the temple ladies said they were reserving a spot for Captain America. So it all worked out. He and I snapped a few quick pictures of ourselves, and he ran inside, and I stayed out with all the kids.
We headed back towards Soccorro, and got a hotel for the night. We were gonna do Motel 6, but they only had smoking rooms left. So we drove down the street a ways, and found an EconoLodge. And it was cheap! $40 a room! Sweet :) And they were HUGE rooms. And we got 2 rooms. Even better - hehehe :)
Here's some pics right before bedtime.
We found Jimmy laying on the bed like this. Silly kid. We fall him "Fat Panda", lovingly, from Kung Fu Panda. Have you seen that movie? It was a good one :)
We found Jimmy laying on the bed like this. Silly kid. We fall him "Fat Panda", lovingly, from Kung Fu Panda. Have you seen that movie? It was a good one :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

OMGosh I love the 5 kids on the steps pic
that is awesome
ps it's so nice to have you back...
I loved that picture, too! Great post!!!! Hope you have/had a safe trip home!
Be blessed! You have a beautiful - NORMAL - family! LOL Be safe! Enjoy! D :)
Wow! What a busy day! Kids are always a crack up on a long trip.
I love your word art and reading your blog makes me smile.
You're doing good kiddo! What a mission, I don't know how you do it most days. Just take some time for you too, k? Some nice meditation was the plan, you told me to remind you that you liked it. The kids can join in too, just play a nice cd and call it reflection time, for reading and creativity, and set them up with materials and teach them how to potter around. I love pottering, which kind of means, you are able to slow down and be in your own space, doing whatever you feel drawn to. Love always
Miss Renee
You were only 3 hours away from where we live, we are in the ABQ temple district too. If you ever make it inside there is even some artwork from some people in our ward/stake. Thanks for the great word art!
Bethany, I had no idea that a fellow New Mexican was on line. I have purchased some of your wonderful art. I live less than 3 miles from the Temple, if my hubby comes home on time...big if some day we can leave at 6:40 and still make the 7:00 session. I can so see how you have to plan ahead. I grew up in a family of 5 children. Alas, my 2 are all grown and gone. Sigh! My only grandson lives in Atlanta. If you need an extra grandma sometime in ABQ please email me I have a great place for kids.
Your pictures are beautiful. I just realized that we don't have any night time shots. Have to take a camera up...
I love your blog and miss having kids around.Then I realize that I don't have the energy I did when I was thirty...imagine that--I don't really feel that much older inside but my body can definitely remind me. LOL
Have a great weekend.
Thank you for your freebies. Link on your post was added to PickleMouse freebie list
Just me, don't know if you and hubby can manage to get away for a night by yourselves but I saw this freebie for military couples and thought of you.
"B&Bs and Inns are providing free rooms on Wednesday, November 10, in observance of Veterans Day, November 11, to honor servicemen and women currently serving or who have previously served their country. The program was started in 2009 by the West Virginia B&B Association (formerly called MABB) and this year has expanded to include 48 states, 4 international locations and more than 600 Inns."
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