Captain America was up and gone by 7:30am, but me? Yeah, I slept in. hehe. 9:30am and I was just waking up. Gotta love vacation day :)
I made sure the kids were all good, and I hopped on the computer for a while. I chatted with my mom for a while, and checked my emails, and facebook, and just played around for a while.
And finally, around 10:30am, I got in the shower. And got all pretty and ready for the day. Eme let me borrow her pink jacket thing. Thanks, Eme! You can borrow my white one any time :)
At 11:30am, I got lunch going, and the kids ready for lunch, and I headed out to my therapy session. Here's me, ready to go.
SO, I remembered that last time I stopped by the Dollar Tree, they had $1 cans of Apple Pie filling. Perfect! So I swung by, got 4 cans, and went on to Walmart.
And you know what. Next year, I'm TOTALLY not going to Walmart 2 days before Thanksgiving. It was INSANE! People everywhere. Craziness!
I got all the baking items I needed, and the Thanksgiving food items I needed. I'm making Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing, Gravy, Rolls, Fruit Salad, Green Bean Casserole, Cheese Ball and Crackers, Veggie Plate, Deviled Eggs. And Pie. Lots of Pie. Pumpkin, and Pecan, and Pumpkin Mousse, and maybe Apple.
And then I realized that it was 2:30pm, and I hadn't eaten lunch yet. And I was HUNGRY! So I swung by the in store McDonalds, and got 2 side salads and 2 burgers. I pulled off the buns, and tore the burger into pieces, and put them on my salad. And got a big drink. And then paid, and headed home.
The kids were SO excited to see me. hehe. I told them I'd bring them a treat, so yeah, maybe they were excited about the treat, not so much about me - hehe. I had bought a Christmas candy dish, and some mints.
We unloaded the truck, and started on the cupcakes. 4 boxes of Butter Yellow. Looked pretty good. Eme was my baking partner :) One box of cake mix, one cube of margarine or butter, 2/3 cup of water, and 3 eggs. Beat on low until mixed, then 2 minutes on medium.
And I put it in 24 cupcake tins with liners. And cooked for 15 minutes. Then, when the one batch was in the over, I did another. And 4 boxes of cake mixes. For a total of 96 cupcakes. Sigh. hehe.
And then, after they were cooled, I opened up one of the cans of apple pie filling. And I decided that 1 slice of apple from the can, cut into 4 pieces, with some of the goo (yeah, I know there's a more technical term for it, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it would be at the moment...). Then I took some canned frosting, put it in a tube with a flat tip, and put a ring around the outside of the cupcake, making it looked like a pie crust. And then 2 stripes, vertically and horizontally, to look like the lattice work of a pie. SO cute!
And yeah, my feet were KILLING me. See, I probably should have changed my shoes. Because I was still wearing my high heel boots. During the making of all 96 cupcakes. hehe.
So we took a tray into the house, and we all had one. OMHeavens, they were WONDERFUL! If I'm ever having a cupcake, I'm TOTALLY making those! I bet they'd be tasty in cherry, too. Or fresh strawberries. Now THAT would be good!
And I took some cupcakes over to Leigh's house, and we decided to give the rest to the battery tomorrow anyway. What else would I do with that many cupcakes. ha!
And then we got the kids all ready for bed, and sat them down with a movie, and Captain America and I headed out. He wanted to go to Lowes and the auto parts store, and I wanted to go to El Taco Tote. hehe :)
See that guacamole salsa on the left end? Yeah, it's my FAVORITE!
The kids were just finishing up their movie, I grabbed my computer to blog, and Captain America put the kids to bed. Captain America and I watched 2 episodes of The Office, then we said couples prayer, and he went to bed. I finished up blogging, watched an episode of Glee, and it's now 11:25pm. This episode is almost over, and I'm tying things up :) Kari and kids and my kids and I are going to the zoo tomorrow. Should be a fun time. Then, it'll be back home for some pie time :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!

Those lattice cupcakes look likes ones The Pioneer Woman had on her site [she linked it] -
Both versions look yummy, though the other site has a titch more fruit. :-) [one of The Pioneer Woman's readers said that it was her SIL's recipe and the cupcakes are fought over for the holidays :-) ]
My mom is a HUGE fan of The Pioneer Woman, so that's probably where she got her idea :) She texted me a picture of what she made yesterday morning, so I made the same thing :)
Yeah, I'm pretty cheap, so I just put 1 can of pie filling per cake mix. Because I made 4 batches. And it took FOREVER :) hehe. Next time I make those, I'm only making 1 batch, and I"ll put on more fruit :)
but still, they were SUPER tasty :)
Thank you, and best wishes and blessings for a Happy Thanksgiving.
Thank you for the wonderful word art - as always!!!! Love those cupcakes, I'll definitely have to give them a try!
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the Graphics category today [25 Nov 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Bethany -- first thanks for all the cute WA you have had for us this month, those cupcakes looked so cute--can't imagine what your feet felt like in those heels for so long,mine were done after about 2 hours the other day. Isn't the sierra mist/cranberry soda good:)
Hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving:)
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