Well, 2010 is almost over! Just a few more days, my friends. Are you ready for 2011? I'm really not sure how I'm gonna make it through the WHOLE year on my own. I'll need you guys to help keep me sane, you know! If you see me on Facebook next month, say hi. I may be dying for some grown up interactions. LOL!
Anyway, Captain America and I woke up around 9am. And yeah, my phone was STILL freaking out. Wouldn't receive texts. Wouldn't tell me if I had emails. Wouldn't tell me about facebook. So basically, all the features that I use regularly stopped working. SO not cool. I was gonna need them to fix it again...
Captain America and I decided to go jogging in the morning. And I put on my cute little jogging skirt/shorts, and my shoes, and a long sleeved shirt, and thought I looked SO cute. Until I stepped outside. See, it's been in the upper 60's ALL week. Well, not today! Something chilly was blowing into town. So I put some yoga pants on, and a pair of gloves, and was good to go. Well, with all the other stuff that I had on before, silly!
We took Boxer with us, and jogged a shorter distance than normal, but still, we jogged. About 2 miles. Maybe a little less. Still, I wasn't really feeling it, so I was proud that I did anything at all. hehe. I was feeling the extra 5-6 lbs I'd picked up since my b-day, and I wasn't liking it. Today was gonna be the first day of no cheats. Sigh. It was kinda getting me down.
I did feel good about exercising, though. We got back home, kids were all doing great, and I took a shower. I made lunch for everyone, and at around 11:45am, Captain America and I headed out for our couples counseling session.
(this is only the 2nd hat I've found that fits my HUGE melon - ROFL!)
It was a good session. We learned about the "proper" way to address "complaints or criticisms". As long as we remember the rules and the procedures, we should be fine :) I think we need a little cheat sheet to keep with us at all times - ROFL!
After our session, we headed to Verizon. Because my phone was acting up. Sigh. I put our names on the waiting list, and sent Captain America off to Howdys to get us some drinks. See, I was thinking. I facebooked for a while, and after about 20 minutes, they called my name. Captain America was there about 5 minutes after that.
The chickie helping us said that yeah, it was my phone freaking out, and that flashing it again wouldn't help. She had one in stock, so she was gonna switch it out. Yes! New phone :)
And you know how it goes at Cell Phone stores... FOREVER to get stuff done. Captain America and I had fun playing with the IPads and such. He was pretending to make a call on this one. Apparently they're JUST like the droid, but they don't do phone calls. HA! He said he'd wait for them to be able to make phone calls too. Yeah, he'd be SUPER cool then.... hehe.
So we just walked around for a bit, then headed home. Here's us at a ToysRUs mini store.
And at 9ish, Captain America and I decided to play cards. We LOVE playing Rummy, but haven't played in a while. I remember now why. Because I always lose - ROFL!!!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
LOVE it, Sharon!
Hi Bethany, thanks for all your hard work over the year with your Word Art. It's all amazing.
I hope 2011 is a fantastic year for you and your family.
Loads of love and hugs to you all xxx
Thanks for the word art! Love it! With our Minnesota weather I have lots of pictures I can use this one on.
I have to say it... worse rummy hand I've ever seen! *lol*
Hello Bethany
thank you very much for all your hard work. Your art gave me more light to my digital art.
Some of them u can see
if u click on the link
Happy new year
I sent many messdages to u by email, but u did not answer
Wow! Thank you for the Word ARt. It is awesome. I loved looking at the photos of you and your husband and reading what your day was like. It sounds like a day that my husband and I have on the weekends. :)
I hope that you have a very Happy New Year. Please keep making your awesome wordart.
Thank you for the sweet WA! I enjoy reading your blog and peeking into your life everyday! LOL HNY!!
Today's word art is perfect for our chilly winter here in MD. Thank you!
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [31 Dec 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Thanks for the great word art. We've had the freezing. Just no snow. *sigh* One day! LOL
I love this--thank you! :)
Oh my gosh, that hat you're wearing in the photos looks amazing on you - what a great look!
Oh, and thanks for the great WA, as always. :)
That pretty much says it all!!!LOL LOVE it! Thanks so much.:)
Thanks Bethany for such adorable word art! Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for everything you do! I love reading your blog! You are so down-to-earth and you remind me so much of myself!!! (that's a good thing, I think!).
Happy New Year!!!!
Perfect WA! Thanks so much!
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