Morning, all! Well, I accomplished what I wanted to do today. Take a shower and leave the house - ROFL!
Captain America and I were awake and out of bed by 9am (hehe, vacation is WONDERFUL), and we hung with the kids for a while. Captain America helped Tom with his guitar for a bit, and I took a shower and to pretty. And finally got the chance to wear my big red flower. Like it?

We got ready, got the kids situated, and Captain America and I headed out to run errands on post. First stop, the Vet's clinic. We took Boxers paperwork and got him registered. They gave us a paper, and we then took that one to Housing. And got some new lightbulbs from Self Help (wrong size, but we didn't know it at the time). And while we were out and about, we went to lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings. Pretty good place. I had the garlic parmesean sauce on my wrap - mmmm!

Check out the big Santa chair we found outside the PX

Last stop, Game Stop on post. They were having a buy 2 get one free of used games. We needed some 4 player games, and went to check it out. We found a few that we thought the kids would like.

The kids were SO excited about the new games. Here's them playing some Nerf game.

We were gonna go to the free movie at the library at 3pm, but I wasn't feeling very good. My migraine was trying to come back, so I took a pill and laid down. And felt SO much better when I woke up an hour later. And Captain America was all finished with the garage! Doesn't it look FABULOUS!!!

I made homemade chili for the kids, andCaptain America and I ate our dinners, and spent a bit more time with the kids, then Captain America and I headed out for a few hours. We took a LARGE bag of clothes to Savers to donate (4 bags, actually), and looked around for a bit. Here's Captain America and I in the parking lot of Savers.

I found a few jackets that were SO cute, and a few things that were $0.99. I was a relatively quick trip. See my new jacket? Thanks, Grandma Ida, for the Christmas Money! I LOVE my new jacket!

We swung by the Dollar Tree to get bread, and then the pet place to find Boxer a new collar. The one from walmart was slipping too much. And we looked around for a bit. Yeah, I wouldn't be broadcasting this one....

We headed home, got the kids all ready for bed, and the older kids and Captain America and I watched an episode of the Old Star Trek shows. Kinda funny, but good :)
It's now 9:30pm, and I'm all done for the night :) Wonder what tomorrow will hold?
While this one does NOT fit my life right now, AT ALL (hehe), I'm sure that it would work for many of you - ROFL!
Click on the link below to go to my account to downalod the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
See, Sharon has snow and can use this one...

Your Wordart is so great!! i want you to know that I am addicted to your blog! lol. Found it by chance a few weeks ago and I now read it every morning to see what is new with your family! and I just love Boxer!! lol! crazy, I know! Have a wonderful New year =)
What great word art. Now if only we could get some snow to go with it!
What great word art. Now if only we could get some snow to go with it!
Thanks for the word art! We had snow but it's warmed up and melted away now. Which Star Trek did you watch? And by "old", do you mean original series? (Just checking. Some young'uns think Next Generation is "old". LOL.)
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [29 Dec 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Thanks so much!!
Thanks for the WA, I love the lyrics to that song.
Now PLEASE share with us your garage bin organizational method. I especially want to know how you know what's in each bin.
What were those lizards called, do you remember? I've wanted one for ages but i can't find one and no-one knows what they are so they can't help me get one :o/
That is one VERY organised garage!!
I need one of those santa chairs for my giant butt :o)
...Nothing wrong with classic Star Trek! :o)
Th♥nks for sharing and H♥ppy New Year!
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