Anyway, we'd decided that we wanted to go hiking in the mountains today. But first we needed to get a parks pass. And get everyone ready. And that takes FOREVER. hehe. But finally, we were ready. Here's the kids, waiting patiently. ha! I turned on a movie - ROFL!
I packed lunches, and we headed out around noon.
Then it was on to the Parks Pass place, up McKelligan canyon. And I was getting car sick ALL the way there. We stopped, Captain America bought the pass, and the kids and dog and I walked around for a bit. Eme and I went to find the bathroom, and I didn't even care that there were no doors on the stalls. I had to PEE! hehe.
We got ready to hike, and noticed Joe in the backseat. Sick. Whaaaaat? Poor kid needed to speak up SO much sooner. He looked pretty puny. So we abbreviated out hike, and Jake volunteered to stay in the truck with Joe. It was in the 60's today, so it wasn't too cold or too hot for sitting in the car. And the trail we picked went up-ish and followed a ridge, so we could see the truck the whole time. Even better! Sorry, Joe and Jake. You can come next time, I promise!
Boxer LOVED the hike. He was SO excited to go on a walk. Hike. Whatever... I started off with him, but passed him off to Captain America before he pulled my arm out of joint - ROFL! He was excited to go faster than I could while supervising Jim. hehe.
We walked for about 15 minutes (VERY slowly), then turned around and came back. And this is by far my favorite picture from the day - ha!
And, we finally got home. I made "chili bake" with the left over chili and refrigerator biscuits. The kids liked it good enough :) And we set up Gmail Chat with Video so that our family could talk with Captain America's family. And we tested it out between my TV computer and Captain America's laptop. THe kids thought it was AWESOME.
ANd here it is, 9:30pm, and I'm finished with my blogging, and my designing, and I'm ready to concentrate on this WONDERFUL movie (hehe). And I almost had a perfect eating day today. Almost. That frozen banana bread in the freezer was calling out to me. And instead of chucking it down the garbage disposal, I ate it. Sigh. Well, it's not there for tomorrow, right? Stupid frozen banana bread. I'm gonna go make a HUGE amount of peppermint herbal tea and watch my show :) Night, girls!
Oh yeah, and before I forget, I've had a few of you ask about my storage bins in the garage. See, we started numbering them YEARS ago, and had a Master List. So we knew that #22 held the ice cream maker, and #64 had Christmas decorations, and that kind of thing. Then, you hang the master list near the bins, and viola! You can easily access whatever it is you need :) And instead of writing on the totes whats inside, you just change the master list and the numbers stay the same. Yeah, Captain Americadevised this method Years ago. Such a smart boy :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Sharon, this is FABULOUS! Yeah, I'm SURE this is what Boxer was thinking - ROFL! Heck, I was thinking that a few times - hehe.
Thank you.
5 children, you are blessed. this word art is just what i need for my trip to san diego & disneyland for 9 day next month with 4 of my grandchildren & one of my daughters. thanks for sharing with me.
i love it! You're family is AWESOME!!
Wondering if you could do some word art for a computer illiterate fan??? I am a girl who waited a long time to find the right man who would put up with me and in having to wait for the right man,I waitied a long to finally have my children. I am the Mama of twins- boy and girl, who are 13 months old. They along with my husband are my life and my joy! Our fav story is "I'll Love You Forever" but I change the words a little to say, "I'll love you forever, I'll love you in all ways, forever and ever my baby you'll be!" I would love this saying to hang on their wzll to remind them how much their Mama loves them.
Thank you! Love yuour work!
Thanks for the great word art. As for your hike, much more energetic than I've been for our Christmas break! LOL
What a great retelling of your day. I guess I have the wrong idea of El Paso--that's so NOT what my part of Texas (San Antonio) looks like! The Suburban made me dad had one, same model but burnt orange and white (he's a longhorn) and it's what I had to drive. Darn thing was ALWAYS waking up dead!!
BTW, Gremlins is one of our Christmas traditions around here, too. It makes good sense!! Almost as much as naming your boxer...Boxer! Thanks for sharing!
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