Well, I did get to chat with Captain America last night, so my evening was complete! Love that man :) He's SUCH a great guy :) Miss you, sweetheart!
Good morning, world! I'd like to say that I was nice and rested when I woke up, but yeah, I was still tired. hehe. I woke up before my alarm by about 15 minutes, read my scriptures, and reset my alarm for 7:05. hehe. That was kinda nice to sleep in. Sort of - LOL!
I finally got out of bed, read my scriptures, and got the kids all ready for school. They had French Toast or cereal for breakfast. Seriously? You'd choose nasty cereal over tasty french toast, kids? You're nuts - hehe.
Anyway, off on the bus they went, and I checked my emails, and straightened up my bed/room, and got ready for swimming. I was supposed to meet Kari there at 8:30am, but I wanted to go a little early. I was going out with Terra at 10, and needed time to shower and get pretty. So I headed to the pool at 8.
And yeah, when I walked up to the door (parking in the vacant lot across from the pool because the other side of the pool is under construction), the gate was locked. Whaaat? How was I supposed to swim. And since it was SOO cold outside, I went back to my truck to make a plan. I googled Replica Pool and found the phone number, but no one was answering. Hmmm, what next. I saw a van of army dudes pull up, and they went out and stood in front of the gate for a few minutes. I decided to watch and see what they were doing.
Eventually, they walked around to the other side of the building. And didn't come back. OK, so that other door must be opened. I texted Kari to tell her to use the other door, and that they had a BRAND new parking lot. It was SWEET! I'll park over there next time - LOL.
Anyway, I got about 3 laps (6 half laps) in before Kari came to swim too. She's SO much faster than me - hehe. And I really did well today. The first few laps were hard, but after that, I got in a groove! And I swam 32 half laps, 16 full laps, or 1 mile! A mile! It's SO much farther than walking - hehe.
Anyway, I can only do the backstroke. I've tried freestyle (maybe that's what it's called), but I don't like to get my nose in the water.... And it tires me out SO much. Plus, I am getting a workout from the backstroke. And my arms are getting buffer. Well, buff at all. I've never had upper body strength before - ha!
And I was barely ready to go when Terra came to pick me up at 10am. But I was ready - hehe. I wore my hair straight again (dang, my gray was showing...), and threw on a new skirt. A red one - I loved it :)
And we headed out. Her girls were in daycare for the morning/afternoon, and Jake was getting Jim to the bus. Thanks, Jakie! And we headed off to KMart. She had some gift card to spend. Sweet! And she really seemed to have a hard time spending the money. hehe. Yeah, I could have spent it 5 times over - LOL! Maybe that's not a good thing - ROFL!
Anyway, there's a SUPER cute ring that she got for me!
And we headed to lunch.
I had Jake's ID, so I showed that to the gate guard, and he was like, all stern, Well, Ms Harty, Don't forget it next time. Yeah, like I forgot it this time ON PURPOSE. Silly gate guard. I guess he let me in, so I shouldn't be complaining, right? hehe.
Check out my eye. OK, so that was a random segway, but whatever. I was having a HARD time seeing all morning. Can you see that skum or film or whatever it is covering my contact? SO not cool. I washed it off with Baking Soda when I got home, and it was MUCH better. And yes, Andrea, it's WAY past time to thread...
I got home in time to watch an episode of Fringe with Jake, and design for a little bit, and play on Facebook for a bit too. Oh yeah, Tom went to school. He was up before me, and had his backpack and cello packed, and shoes and socks and coat on. I guess he was feeling better - hehe.
Anyway, right before Jim got off the bus, I had to head out to my Therapy session. So Jake was a godsend for me today :) Thanks, hon! I did buy you a surprise at the Dollar Tree!
Anyway, I headed out, and got there, and waited, and waited and waited, and waited. And 20 minutes after my appointment time, I figured out that my appointment was at 3:30, not 3:00. Yeah, would have been good to remember that one. It was in my text right... hehe. Oh well, I had some nice quality time with my phone. Read my emails and played on Facebook. I'm sure my Facebook Friends were getting quite tired of my constant updates. Oh well. Y'all can hide me if I get annoying. I won't be offended - hehe.
It was a nice session, and the doctor said that I was doing SO well. And that we could "wean" me off of sessions. So cut back to every two weeks, then every month. OK :) I do enjoy going and chatting. hehe. Cause, remember, I'm not shy. I'm just insecure, and I'm a LOT less insecure now than I've ever been :)
Anyway, headed home at 4:30pm, and yeah, traffic was HORRIBLE. I think there was a wreck. Half of the drive home, I had the car in 2nd gear, and was going under 15 mph. Did I mind? Nope. I just BLARED my music, and sang REALLY loud and danced. Yeah, I'm sure that the other cars were getting a kick out of it. hehe.
I was singing to Lady Gaga's Poker Face in this picture.
So I get home around 5pm, and the kids are all SUPER happy to see me. Well, because I make them dinner. It was like, YEAH! Mom's here! (no pause) What's for dinner? hehe. I started some rice in the rice cooker, and ground turkey in the pan, and planned on making Haystacks. The kids mostly like that.
And as dinner was cooking, I examined my grays. See, Leslie moved on me. Sure, she left me with most of the stuff to do my hair, but I needed to have been taking notes. Sigh. I'm hopelessly gray...
And then, as dinner was cooking, I hooked up my cell phone to the stereo, and started singing the Jordan Sparks song, Battlefield. Have you all seen the new Hillywood Eclipse Parody? That's where I heard this song first... It combines that one, and Bad Romance from Lady Gaga. Hence the interest with those two songs as of late...
Anyway, here's me signing. And I had Tom take pictures of me. I've got a TON of them on my facebook page, and I think Sharon is gonna make a page for me out of them tomorrow. She's such a doll! Don't you wish you could hang out with me - hehe. Cause it's normal to belt out a tune into the Vanilla bottle in the kitchen and have your children take pictures of you.....
After dinner, we did chores, and hung out as a family for a while. The TV was turned off, so that was nice. I wouldn't say that it was quite, though. There was SO much bickering. It was kinda getting on my nerves a little. Not too bad, though.
I had Jake put Jimmy to bed, and told him that I'd be in to snuggle with him in a few. I helped Joe with his homework, then went to snuggle with Jim. And he'd fallen asleep already! So, I woke him up a little, and snuggled with him - hehe. He seemed happy :)
Joe had a little bit of homework left, but he was tired and went to bed anyway. He lacks focus when it comes to homework......
Anyway, I sent the big kids to bed around 8:15pm, and it's now 8:38pm. And it's just me and the dog. I think I'm gonna watch a movie and crochet. I'm not feeling like designing at the moment. I'm gonna drink the herbal tea that Jake made me before he went to bed, turn down the lights, grab a blankie, and zone out on the couch. Sounds like a great evening to me :)
Night, everyone!
Awe, Sharon, what a CUTE page of you and your hubby! Did y'all know that Sharon Scraps for Hire? You can check out her page HERE.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Thanks!! :D
This is SUPER CUTE! Thanks so much for sharing!
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 6 post on Jan. 14, 2011. Thanks again.
You sound so happy today! Glad to hear it. Thanks so much for the WA - love it! Beth
You make every one of your days an adventure and I love that about your blog posts. The photo of you with the helmest/face mask is such a hoot. You must be a blast to hang out with. I do things like that in the stores that I go to. Okay makbe not the mask thingy but I love to fool aound and be silly. Thanks for being silly and sharing it with us.
I love all of your new word art.The states set is very unique!
hank you for the Word Art it is so kind of you to share your work.
Thank you!
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