Last night, I tried to watch a movie, but wasn't really into it. At 10pm, I took a sleeping pill, and fell asleep on the couch watching the movie. And went to bed at 11pm. I slept on Captain Americas side of the bed, and only woke up a few times confused - hehe. I woke up with my alarm at 7:30am, and checked on the kids.
Jake and Tom were up and showered, and Jake was getting ready to take the dog on a walk. Eme and Joe and Jim were awake, and I sent Eme to the shower. The little boys were eating Breakfast.
And I decided that I didn't wanna shower. My make up was passable from yesterday, and my hair too. And I was afraid to shower, for fear I would cry. Because historically, the shower is where I cry. It washes away all the tears, and doesn't leave your face red - hehe. Sad that I know that, right? LOL!
Anyway, I pulled my hair back, and decided to leave on my glasses. And picked out a long black skirt, and a long sleeve white/black shirt. And my fuzzy black boot/slippers. Yeah, I was being a rebel today. If I had to go to church without my husband and best friend, I was gonna be comfy! LOL!
We all got ready, and I even had a few extra minutes to work on a Singing Time. They Primary President asked me to sub for 2 months while the real Singing Time lady recovers from having a baby.
I had bought big foamy dice at the dollar tree a while back, and decided to have a game with it. I took a poster board, and drew a line down the middle. One side said "Songs" and one side said "Actions". And I numbered each side from 1-6. And then had a list of songs, and a list of actions. Songs were for the Orange dice, and Actions were for the green dice.
So, I knew that if they were to roll the orange dice and get a 3, and the green dice and get a 2, we'd sing "Follow the Prophet" while standing up. That kind of thing. Eme and Tom helped me with the poster.
And then we headed out to church. And got there 10 minutes early, and our spot was TAKEN! It was Ward Conference, so there were a TON of extra people there today. Sigh. Oh well. We sat in the back, and the kids actually did pretty good.
Kids went off to classes after Sacrament, and I headed to Primary. The game went pretty good, too. Junior Primary didn't have a lot of time, but Senior Primary got to play for quite a while. And I think they all liked it :)
After church, we headed back home. Everyone was in a good mood, and there was no bickering. Wow, it was a miracle. I had Eme and Joe clean out the car, and waited for them to come inside the house, so I could make sure they shut the doors (hehe.)
I made sure everyone changed their clothes, and hung them up, too. Wearing Sunday clothes for 3 1/2 hours does NOT get them dirty, you know :) And then I made food for kids, and my own food, and changed clothes. And Captain America, you'd be happy to know, I even hung them up - LOL! Sure, the bed never got made, but I hung up my clothes! The bed is on my "to do" list...
The kids and I watched a movie, and Jake took the dog for a walk, and then hung out in the dining room. He was very apologetic for his actions, and Tom even thought that he should get to come and watch, but I didn't relent. He should have thought about that this morning. So after the movie, I let him have privileges back.
My in-laws called at some point during the movie, and I chatted with them for about 45 minutes. It was a very nice chat, and made me feel good to know that they were checking on me and the kids.
Eme and I crocheted during the movie, and I eventually got on Facebook and emails for a while. And, while I'm on that subject, THANK YOU so much to everyone for your well wishes and prayers. I know that's why I'm getting through today! You guys are awesome :)
Yeah, I made that head thingy Eme is wearing. It looks better on my head, because my head is bigger. LOL!
My mom called a little later, and we chatted for about 30 minutes. See, everyone loves me today - ha! We talked about phones and summer plans, and thanksgiving/christmas plans. It was a nice chat :)
Do you like the Madagascar movies? Well, my kids do. And over Christmas, Jim decided that he LOVED the Santa Claus is coming to Madagascar song, by King Julian. Yeah, it's HILARIOUS!
And even FUNNIER when Jim sings it!
And then, I asked the kids if they wanted to sing another song, and they wanted to do the "Give Said the Little Stream" song with motions. So of course, I had to jump in too!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Awe, thanks Sharon! I'm trying to Lighten Myself Up, you know!
This text made me laugh!! Just last night I watched a documentary on how the Asian Indian women all try and lighten their skins, and we were shown some Asian Wedding magazine - real upper class. You would never have thought that they were Indian women at all!! They looked more British than I do. (Yep, I live in England) On the same channel tonight, there is another documentary on how hooked people are on getting fake tans!! How funny hey? They want to be whiter, we want to be darker, curly hair people mostly would like straight hair, then women who have striaght hair are always curling theirs! Of course we wont go into the gender bender stuff either, but I am happy with who I am and how I look. I have had quite a bit of time to get to this point, but I am there - Yay!!
Well done for getting thru the night. My hubby died when I was 21, I was left with 2 small daughters that I had to raise by myself. You do what you have to do in life, and you come out the other side a much better person for the journey. It was hard, I was even poorer than you seemed quite a while back, tee hee. I worked day and night and all the weekends and holidays, just to get thru. But I am grateful for the ride, I have so much compassion for so many peole, 'cause I've been there, done that...
I too am LDS, 24 years now, whooppee!!
Take care Bethany, you can do it!
Kind regards
Helen from England
Good Morning!Thank you.
Enjoy your children and "make it a good day" (my mother-in-law's favorite phrase) : )
Thank you for your beautiful work!
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [11 Jan 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Glad you made it through your first full day with a smile. Kudos to you! The word art was a perfect reminder for me after a tough day - thank you!
You'll make it. Chin up! Love the word art. Perfect for the day!
I was very happy to read that you were able to get some sleep and make it through the day. You seem like a very strong and very busy woman. The time will pass by fast!!
I loved the photo of you and your daughter together. The band looks cute on her. :) Thanks for sharing your day and your art.
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