We believe that we'll become closer during this years separation. We believe that our family and friends will help us. We believe that Heavenly Father will help us. We believe that we can get through this a better, closer family. We believe that we'll make it.
But I know that it's gonna be hard. As we drove home from dropping him off, and the kids were all filing into the house, and went back and check on the truck. If I don't check to make sure that all of the doors are shut and the lights are out, who will? That's all on me. And I started thinking about ALL of the little things that would be on me for this coming year.
And there are a TON of things... But there are also good things. I will have this year to focus more on myself, on my children, on my job. We love our husbands to death, ladies, but they DO require a TON of time and attention. hehe. I know that when Captain America is gone, I find that I have more time that I'm willing to devote just to cleaning alone - ha!
Anyway, we woke up around 8:30 or 9am this morning, and hung with the family for a bit. We all had breakfast, and just spent some quality time together. And I got this REALLY good picture of Jake and Boxer.
Around 11am, we went out to the garage, and Jake and Captain America and I moved the trailer from one side to the other, and put all the remaining stuff in either the trailer, or under it. And swept stuff out, and parked the car. Perfect!
We all had lunch at home, and Captain America packed his carry on and got all of the rest of the stuff together that he needed.
And I think that it took a LOT longer than he thought it was gonna. I tired to keep the kids quiet. You know how frustrating it can be to be in a time crunch, and have noisy kids all around... Some of the kids played in the back yard, or in their rooms, and I worked on teaching Eme to crochet. I'm left handed, so I only know how to do it "backwords".. hehe. Poor girl! But she's a trooper, and kept on trying.
Eventually, he was finished. I had him and the kids, one at a time, go outside and get their pictures taken together. I'm SO glad that we got the new cameras yesterday. We got some good photos!
And then he said a preliminary goodbye to all the kids, and gave them each (and me too), a blessing. It was SO nice. He and I were both in tears by the end. But it was good.
And then he and I headed out to the battery where I was to drop him off. We got there about 10 minutes early, and just sat in the car and chatted. And hugged, and told each other that it would be ok. And then he had to go. And I watched him walk away...
And cried the whole way home. Controlled crying, though. I knew that if I lost it, I wouldn't be able to gain control. And I needed control. He had to be at the battery at 3pm, and then they were all gonna go to Milam Gym from 430-630 for a farewell "party" with the families. So I was planning on taking the kids to Milam Gym at 415.
I came home, pulled myself together, and grabbed my phone. I was gonna install Skype Mobile. And test it to see if I could talk on the phone on Skype Mobile to a computer on Skype. So I installed it and logged in, then created an account for Jacob. And tested it out. And yup, I could log onto Skype Mobile on my Droid, click on Jake's name, and call him. And he could answer on the computer. Or he could call me on his Skype account, and it would come through as a Skype Application call. Sweet! Now, when Captain America's over seas, he can "call" me on my cell! On Skype! Or send a chat in Skype, and I'll get it on my Droid as a Text in Skype Mobile. I was pretty excited.
But, I realized that it was 3:50, and I didn't have time for a shower. Crap! So I went in my room, and started getting a little weepy. I let myself cry long enough to wipe off all the old make up, then sucked it up, and applied a fresh "coat". LOL! I used the greens/teals/blues that Captain America likes on my eyes, and found an outfit that looked good with it, and called it good.
I got the kids organized, and found my camera, and my phone, and my purse, and told the kids to find something to bring in case it was boring (we had NO idea what to expect), and headed out at 4:13pm. And drove to Milam Gym, and luckily, there were plenty of parking spots.
Family members were sitting on bleachers on both sides of the gym, and there were a few booth tables set up in the middle of the gym. They were from ACS, MWR, and other agencies, and were giving away free stuff. I turned the kids loose, and let them wander and grab stuff. They had a GREAT time.
They got suckers and bouncy balls and popcorn and cookies and color books and crayons and sunscreen and pens and a BUNCH of other stuff. Jim and Joe liked it the most, I think. It distracted them from the task at hand...
The guys were still not there, but the kids were entertained, so it was ok. Then, guys with M16's started filing in. hehe. You can't take a pocket knife or nail clippers on the plane, but they can bring their M16's. ROFL! Captain America was in one of the later groups that came in.
And we hung for an hour and a half to two hours. Just sat around, chatting, eating (Just our battery had subs and chips and sodas), and taking pictures and enjoying the family. It was very relaxed, and very good.
Jake was SOOO much better this time. I found out that part of the reason he was SO poorly behaved yesterday was that he'd forgotten to eat lunch. Yeah, that would do it! Plus, i wasn't formal today. VERY relaxed. And not crowded. Or hot. Those all helped :)
And at 625pm, the called formation, and the guys all lined up. We did last hugs and kisses, and he went to stand with the battery.
And that was that. The kids and I walked to the truck, and off we went. Tom was crying a little, but we all were laughing and joking in the truck. I had to lighten the mood a little bit. So we joked.
When we got home, I told the kids that AFTER their chores, they could have electronics. I went and changed my clothes, and hurried back out to be with the kids. I was afraid that I'd fall apart if I were by myself. I helped them all do their chores, and cleaned up the little kids' room. And then sat down to blog. It's now 8:14pm, and I really need to put the kids to bed. We have 9am church in the morning.
OK, so now it's 9:11pm, and kids are all asleep, dog is snoring on the couch, and my blog is finished. I may watch a movie. I may clean my room. I may sweep. I may read. I may design. I may just go cry myself to sleep. We'll see how I feel once I post this...
I can do this, right?
This is the 2011 Mutual Theme. I could have sworn that I'd already designed something for it, but nope. So here it is. And click HERE if you want the 2011 Primary Theme. Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Bethany if anyone can do this
"you can" be strong
I know I can sit here and say it time will go fast, I hope for your sake it does.
Keep bloggin...we are all here to support you
Reading this post just breaks my heart. I've followed your struggles this year and will pray for you, Brent and the kids. We so much appreciate the sacrifice of your entire family. I appreciate Brent's attitude too, we should all say, "If not me then who?" ever day about whatever task is in front of us. We will be here for you.
Bless Brent, you, and your family for the sacrifice and service you give to our country. Your family is such an inspiration to everyone. My BF was raised in a career Navy family so we can relate to what your are going through. Hang in there - keep blogging - we are there to help support you, Brent, and the kids during this time.
You are loved and strong. It's okay to have other's be there standing in the gap for you holding you up.
Lord, you know Bethany and her family as your children. You know their hearts and their needs. Wrap them in your arms, let them know and feel your comfort. Keep Brent safe and bring him home. Let this year be one of growth for them.
Bethany, I'm not going to say I understand because I'm not in your shoes. I am going to say that in my years of teaching I've taught many students whose parents are in the military and they are all fabulous kids. The wives and husbands are some of the bravest strongest people I know. I am honored to know you. My life is richer because of you.
Day one has been accomplished. Let's make day 2 the best day 2 ever. Love ya girl!
Yes, sweetie, you can do this. You have great kids and a lot of support on the base - take advantage of it. Take care of yourself (get enough sleep, eat healthy and get some exercise) so you can take care of your family and that handsome husband of yours will be so proud of you and them. We so apprecieate you and Brent for sacrificing this year together for America's safety and I will pray for your family and the safety of your husband. May God bless you this year and give you His strength and comfort.
I wanted to thank your family so much for fighting for our country. Our freedom is so important and I appreciate it. I can't imagine the huge sacrifice your whole family has made. But I do appreciate it very much.
Hey lovely, Thanks for sharing with us. I'm feeling part of your family and always praying for you.You're amazing woman. HF is pleased with you, I can tell you that!
Now, about your YW Mutual Theme,I think a little mistake - it is 2011 Theme and, the link you put about Primary theme it is not working yet! Just to let you know in case you didn't.
You can count wit us, Bethany! We are here to serve and support you in feelings, love and with one just T H A N K Y OU! with love, Didi
The picture of you with the gun was pretty cute.
You can do this, you know you can.
All the best Bethany on this years challenge. You have been blessed as a strong women, a good mother and a beloved wife. Although I live in England, whenever I pray for our forces, it covers all the men and women who are serving in the same battle to keep our countries free from the grips of evil. We salute them one and all, and put our faith in the Lord to bless them and bring them home safely.
Best wishes to you all
Helen from England
Oh Bethany
what can I say apart from I knew from previous entries that this was pretty close. By the time you will read this it will probably be tomorrow morning in the US . ( Its late afternoon here in the UK )
I know that you can do this ! oops dont know how to underline. I've been thru many many things - I'll email you one day with all my woes . And you do get thru them . It may not feel like it at the mo but we will all support you and your family are stronger than you think and will supoport you in their own way . You have 5 brilliant kids and have managed with raising them all so far so you DO know how parenting is done .
I'd better stop before I fill all the comment box .
Lastly I am here for you , thank you with all my heart for what Brett is doing - He's not just doing this for the USA , He's doing it for all of us ( I'm from the UK ) for world peace . Us British do appreciate what your lads do for us and to help our lads aswell
love Chris
You can do it. And, gosh, you about have me in tears ... and I have to get ready for church! :P
Just know that you've got lots of people on your side, thinking of and praying for you and your family.
Oh my!! I wish I could give you a big hug...
I really can't express my feelings.
I will pray for you,ok?
Lots of love going your way...
I was so sorry to read that your Brent left for duty for one year. I am going to keep you, Brent and your children in my prayers. I was happy to read that you will be able to talk and see your husband using Skype. I don't know you but I read your blog every day and I can tell that you are a very strong woman. With the way that the years have been flying by us so quickly you will have you Brent back before you know it. I am so pleased to see that you got a photo of him with each of you and then one family photo. You have a beautiful family. Oh and I can see why Brent loves the color blue on you. It is your color for sure!
Thank you for the beautiful word Art. Your very kind to do this on a daily basis.
I survived a deployment, and I never thought I could. You can do this. Just think of it as an extended vacation. Send care packages when you can. And keep blogging so Brent can see what y'all are up to. You'll be back together in no time!
My heart goes out to you Bethany. I have this digital frame on my desk with everyone's pictures and they flit by while I work, and it reminds me to pray for each one. I am going to add y'all's pictures to it. What your family goes through is for the benefit of all of us, and it is not unnoticed or unappreciated. God bless you!
God Bless you, Brent and the kids during this time! Having been through two deployments with my brother, I know the power of prayer works so you are correct...."We Believe"! Thank you again for your sacrifice and Godspeed to Brent and his unit!
I checked on your blog today looking for a word art and read every single word of your post. Thank you to you and your family for your sacrifice for our country. My prayers for you and your family through these first few days as they will be especially difficult. You will settle into a "new normal" for your days eventually but just realize that these first days will not be like all the rest. Blessings and appreciation for men who will stand up and serve!
I believe. I believe you can do this. You have SUCH amazing strength in you. I don't mean that you won't cry, or worry, not even that you won't get scared. But you're the kind of girl that will just go on and DO, and BE the best you can. And that is amazing. I couldn't even think about it for a million years. You're wonderful. Bless you.
Bethany, I've been lurking around your blog now for more than a year, but never felt the need to post. Now I do. As somebody who is much closer to where your husband will be, I only wish you a strong belief. War is not just care packages and glory and Skype chats. War is blood and guts and depleted uranium. Safe, harmless stuff... so they tell us. No matter whose side you're on, war is never pretty. Never glorious.
Keep on believing! My heart goes out to you.
Bless you Bethany. Our prayers are with you and Brent.
We are here for you all. I BELIEVE IN YOU! As individuals and as a family you can do this and will come out stronger, God bless. x
Sheesh I was in tears at the end of this post! Blessings to you and your family! It is hard to be strong buy YOU can do this, yes you can! Stay busy and love life! This year will pass quickly and before you know it y'all will be back together.
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 5 post on Jan. 09, 2011. Thanks again.
Bless you all and thank you for making this sacrifice for all of us. Holding you in prayer and asking that angels surround Brent and keep him safe.
((((((hugs)))))) to you and your children, Bethany. I will keep you and Brent in my prayers. Blessings to you and many thanks, too, for all of the sacrifices all of you will be making during the next year.
We do believe. That's why we pray for those who have chosen to serve. I was one in your place. Prayer helps. You are strong!
Keep taking funny pictures and journaling.
We'll keep writing so that you know we are all pulling for your family.
My prayers are with you and your family--thank you for serving!! My brother is in Iraq with a wife, 2 kids, and one on the way at home. It can't be easy. God bless you and your family.
Oh My! I have three sons in the military and when my second son joined, one of his classmates mother's told me 'there is no way my son is going to join, it's okay for someone else but my son is not going to'. Needless to say I was flabbergasted. I am very proud now to say all three have stepped up to the plate. I know you are very proud of Brent and you should be. Hold your head high and march on, he will be home soon to enjoy freedom with you. God Bless you all!!
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [10 Jan 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Hi Bethany,
I follow your blog every day and love hearing what is going on in your life and family. I am praying for you, Brent and your children. My gratitude to Brent, you and all the warriors and their families for the sacrifice and service on behalf of our country. God bless you all.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your sacrifice! As one who cannot serve I appreciate all who do & their families who share in the sacrifice!
Thank you for sharing your life so openly, you inspire me. I am praying for you, and Brent.
We said our goodbyes to our son this weekend so that the rest of his time before deployment can be spent with his family.
Just know that you and your children are very loved and have many thoughts and prayers sent everyday on your behalf.
I was hurting for you while reading this. You are all so very strong. Can not even imagine being in your shoes. Prayers headed your way!
by the way, I sent you an email seeing if you wanted my Family Dollar gift cards (sdwrdt at yahoo dot com)
I am so sad for you. My dad was in the military until I was 18, but he was never gone for more than 3 months at a time. However, you have learned so much about yourself lately that this next year shouldn't be too bad at all. Just remember to keep up the good habits you have started; reading your scriptures and saying your prayers are going to help you more than you know.
Then there is the things with Joe's lips. Vaseline, not chapstick, will help a lot with that. Or you can see if any of the doctors around there have any samples of a cream called PROTOPIC. That stuff is amazing at healing facial rashes/excema. I received four samples (and they are TINY) a year and a half ago and I'm still only through two tubes.
GOOD LUCK this year. You will be able to get through it better than you think - just remember to rely on the Savior. He can get you through anything because He has already been through it all.
Thank you for all your great artwork for those of us who are art/computer impaired hehe...my son-in-law was deployed 10 days after they got married and my daughter cried for 2 days and then picked herself up and got busy (as Pres. Hinckley said). Her sisters and I made a jar with chocolate kisses in it, one for everyday that Scott was gone-every morning she would wake up kiss his picture, say a prayer and eat a chocolate. Maybe with 5 kids you could do five different beans and then when Dad gets home make a killer pot of chili and have a party lol. My family thanks you and your children for their sacrifice and for your husbands sacrifice for my family and this wonderful country. It is families like yours that give families like mine something to look up to. You will be in our prayers.
ps. My DD is now an FRG specialist for hubby's unit-there are some really great things available for your kids to help them through.
Bless you Bethany and your dear family. Thank you for all the sacrifices that keep us safe. If possible I would love to send care packages to Brent to help out. If so please email me with his APO when you find out. My Son in Law is in San Antonio at Lackland AFB so I understand some of the struggles living the military life. Again.....thank you & continue Believing!
May God guide your husband while deployed! I also am a military wife and have been through about 9 year long deployments. Stay busy and time will pass! God Bless
Th♥nks for sharing =}
I wish you the best and a fast year. My husband was deployed to Iraq several years ago for a year and a half. I know just how you feel. It's hard to be THE one that is in charge. Family and friends are great, but in the end they can't understand how hard it is. I made the commitment to myself that I was going to use the time away from my husband to become a better person and that really helped the time to go by faster. In the end I feel like that time apart from eachother, while difficult, was wonderful for us as a couple. Not because we had a bad relationship, just the opposite, when he left, but because we learned just how precious we are to each other. We are now much more grateful for each moment together than ever before. We truly learned that nothing on this Earth is more precious than our family relationships. We didn't have skype then, so you're lucky in that! Good luck and I know that the Lord will be with your family during this next year.
I have tears in my eyes as I read your post. My son is active duty Army, facing his first deployment soon. My prayers go with you and your husband and your family. I am sure Brent hears "thank you for your service." Well, I'd like to say the same to YOU...for you are part of his strength. I pray this year goes quickly for you.
Thank you, Bethany, for your sacrifice, for your husband, and for your whole family. Trust that though this will be a hard year in some ways, that it will be a good year in others. Be strong for Brent, your kids, and yourself. And make sure you have time for yourself, to regroup and recharge. Thank you, Starla
You're going to make it! I know you will. What a great way for the base to let the families have some "fun" right before they left. Praying with you for safe deployment!
Bethany, You hang in there, I know you can do it. So great that you got to talk with your hubby! We are all out here thinkging of you and cheering you and your family on. Your husband is doing all of us a great service, and we appreciate him (and your sacrifice). I'm not a religious person, but God Bless! Marilyn
Bethany, I read your post only a few lines in and had all those feelings come back when my husband deployed 2 years ago to Afghanistan (and he is in the Reserves... so no base help here). I KNOW you can handle this... you are a strong woman witha strong faith that will help you, your kids, and your husband through this. If you need another wife to lean on, I AM here for ya! No matter what our branch of service, we are all one! (I am a Navy wife). therapy97@yahoo.com
Bethany1 You are amazing! I have told you thi before in a private email and I will say here again so that everyone can read it.
If you ever find out how to bottle your energy faith and positive attitude, let me know I will buy it by the case fulls.
I wish I had a friend like you that I could talk to and maybe I could get out of the rut Iam in.
I love and admire you,
Hi Bethany,
Just read this as I am just back from a trip to Ireland.
I got tears in my eyes to read all of it and to read all the wonderful comments people have posted...
Take care!! You got loads of people that are here to bear with you during this.
Hugs from your Dutch friend
i don't think i've ever left a comment on your blog before, but i love your artwork and your zest for life. and i'm sorry that you and your hubby are going to have miles between you...but as the daughter of an army wife, i know you can do this. i'm grateful you have skype. i'm grateful you have the gospel and i'm grateful that y'all love each other so. you can do this! sending love your way from a strange sister in wyoming...
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