Captain America called at 8:30am, and Eme had come to snuggle with me about 15 minutes before. I got to chat with him for about 30 minutes, before he had to run off to dinner and then bed. He had something going on at 2 am or some crazy time like that..
I eventually got up, got breakfast, and spent some time with the kids. Jim and Joe had had fun playing with the Easter village thing. hehe. Jim was SO excited for me to see it...
After the movie, we dropped by the Jewelry Box to browse (but didn't buy anything), and then Terra and Eryn dropped us back off at home. It was 1:30pm when we got there.
And I put on my neck massager, because my neck was KILLING me. And after 3 or 4 rounds, it was feeling much better. Or the drugs kicked in. One or the other. I felt well enough to help the kids with their chores, and went back to lay down for a while. Most of the afternoon consisted of me sleeping or resting.
Eme got to go to her friends house for a bit, and Joe and Jim had fun playing Wii with each other. Tom played on his laptop, and Jake was still at the neighbors house. It was a pretty good and relaxing day.
At 8pm, I decided that it was time to go to Walmart. Crazy, I know. Walmart on a Friday night is ALWAYS crazy busy. Anyway, I told the little kids they could watch 2 more cartoon episodes of Phineas and Ferb, and then to bed. And off I headed to Walmart.
And yeah, I was there till 10pm. I was just aimless wandering around. But I enjoyed every minute of it. hehe. And once my cart was sufficiently full, I checked out :)
And then we stuffed Easter Baskets, and got those all ready, and it was time for a movie. He and I had a GRAND time watching a movie together. Thanks, Tom, for being SUCH A fun date!
And now it's 12:39pm. And my eyes are tired. And I wanna go to sleep. We have the egg hunt tomorrow at noon. And I'm gonna go over there early to stake out areas for the egg hunt. Little kids, medium kids, and big kids. hehe. I bought some type of twine and paint stirrer sticks to mark off the area. I just need a hammer to pound it into the ground. I hope my "MacGyver" skills work! hehe. Then, at 6-9pm, we have our Waiting Families bowling party. Woohoo for a fun Saturday :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Awe, I love this one, Sharon! That kit is BEAUTIFUL :)
Awe, I love this one, Sharon! That kit is BEAUTIFUL :)
Thanks for all the WA's you share Bethany. Happy Easter!
I am glad to read things are going better again sweetie :)
Thanks for the word art and Happy Easter!
Big, big hugs!
Hi Bethany, Thank you for your beautiful word arts .. I have been reading some of your last few days posts .. my goodness, you are carrying a huge load!! My son is autisic, with severe language disorder (which means he can say any word he hears, but only understands very basic commands),He has just turned 13, but was diagnosed when he was about 2y.o. I have done a lot of courses on how to help autistic kids etc, but each child is SOOOOOO different .. you really have to pick & choose what is relevant/works for you. The best advice I can give is to give him a very structured life, most autistic kids don't like chaos or surprises - I always tell Josh at least 5 minutes before if I want him to do something different; also, usually a gluten free "diet" helps with behaviour etc.
All I can say is, read A LOT because everyone tells you something different, but reading gives you time to digest different ideas & sort out what suits you and Jake best. How long is it since Jake was diagnosed?? It seems like not too long ago? You are in my prayers .. autism is a very hard road, but soooo rewarding when you start making headway into understanding your child's particular brand of autism! I wish you lots of luck, but it certainly sounds like you are doing a wonderful job! Most of all, make sure you take the time to look after you! I also take anti depressants .. I call them my "happy pills" lol; but my goodness, they help a LOT! When Josh was diagnosed, I was also looking after my mum who was diagnosed with Alzheimers - not a fun period of my life! One didn't understand life, the other had forgotten all that she had learnt. Both diseases absolutely heartbreaking. Life throws us a lot of curve balls, but we get through it, and hopefully learn and grow from our experiences. I appreciate life a lot more than I used to .. it really is so precious. Anyway I better stop rambling ... Keep strong! xxx
Thanks for today's word art!
this is lovely! thanks so much :0)
Happy Easter to you and your family.
This is adorable! Thank you.
Thank you! :)
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