Morning, all! I had a WONDERFUL nights sleep last night, thanks to my good friend, Ambien. hehe. I was feeling SUPER munchy, and just wanted to go and eat everything in sight. And yeah, I totally took a pill, and went right to sleep. hehe. Not a good long term solution, but good for the first few days, right? hehe.
I woke up, got the kids off to school, and laid in bed and watch Phineas and Ferb with Jim until 7:50am. Then got up, threw on some hiking clothes, got Jim ready, and headed to the CDC to drop Jim off at school. He just LOVES it at his "extra school" as he calls it - hehe.

Here's me on the way back to the car. SUPER windy already. It wasn't supposed to get really bad until after lunch, luckily...

I stopped back by the house, grabbed an apple and some water, and a few things I'd borrowed from Kari's house. Then drove on over to her house, and we headed up to the mountains.
We'd hiked the Shaffer Shuffle before, but this time we took it the opposite way. And yeah, I was dying. Totally dying. hehe. I couldn't breath the whole time. Well, that's not true. The down part was fine - LOL! It was a great hike, though :)

See, here's me dying in the car afterwords. hehe

We went back to Kari's house, I grabbed my car, and went to pick up Jim from daycare. I signed the kids up for Saturday daycare, then headed to school. I'd missed the bus, so I dropped Jim off at the school. And saw Maggie there dropping off little Jake too. Ha! She must have missed the bus also :)
And I headed back home, and let Boxer out of his kennel for a few minutes.

And at 11:30am, Terra and I made plans for lunch. We texted Kari to let her know, and tried to get ahold of Amanda, but she wasn't answering her phone. But we knew she was at the bus top. So we drove over, and tried calling her. And she didn't answer. And waved. But she didn't see us. So I left a freaky voicemail for her, and she eventually checked it, and came to chat with us. Funny girl. hehe.
She got Austin from the bus, and we met her at her house, and the 3 of us headed out for Souper Salad. Cause it's 5.99 per person. Kinda just begs to go there, right? hehe.

I was starving. So I got this HUGE salad with balsamic vinegar on it. And I had 2 of them. And totally could have eaten 4, but only had 2.

And I like Souper Salad, because they have diet Jello. Ha! LOVE me some diet Jello. I totally chocked on some of it, and it went up my nose somehow. Then I blew my nose, and it was totally red from Jello! OUCH!!!

Austin didn't want me taking his picture. hehe. Get used to it, kid! LOL!

Kari met us at the restaurant, and we chatted there for about an hour after eating, then headed back to post. Terra noticed that one of her tires on her hubbys car (she was driving it today) had low tire pressure (new fancy cars tell you such things, apparently...). We stopped off at the shoppette for their air.

Luckily Amanda knew what she was doing. hehe. Terra got out to help, and I got out to take pictures. ha! And the wind was blowing SO incredibly hard, I thought we were gonna blow away. And the dust and rocks were killer!

We dropped Austin and Amanda off at her house, and headed to the CDC to pick up the twins. They're SO cute when we pick them up. They like me. hehe :) I had to use the bathroom there, and thought this sign was SO funny. hehe. I need one at my house too, I think!

She dropped me off at my house, and I had about 10 minutes before Jim's bus. I got Jim from the bus, and headed over to the TMC (doctors office). I'd tried calling the appointment line earlier today, and after 10 minutes on hold, finally got a real person. I needed a refill inhaler for Emeline. They said to call the TMC and get a phone consult. Sounded like a plan, except that the TCM wasn't picking up. So I just drove over to try and get it.
And the lady was very nice who was helping me. She had me fill out a form, and said that she'd pass it on to the nurse, and that they'd call me withing 2 days to let me know if the inhaler was refillable or not. And if not, they could get me an emergency appointment. SWEET!
We headed back home, and I had 20 minutes before the kids got off the bus. And I took a little 15 minute nap, gathered up my stuff and Jim, and headed to the bus stop. And picked up the kids, and off to the library we went.
Capri Suns and Popcorn, and the National Geographic movie Super Croc. The one about the prehistoric Crocodile. It was REALLY good, but super long. We had to leave before it was over, because the kids were losing interest after 90 minutes. hehe. That's a long time for 5 year olds to pay attention. The older kids were loving it, though...
While there, I found out that Baseball for Joe was cancelled because of the wind, and that the nurse pushed through Eme's inhaler and I could pick it up tomorrow, and that Jake was indeed at the Teen center. He was supposed to call me from there and let me know. Good job, Jake :)
We were home by 5:30pm, and had some dinner. Thanks to Terra and the bags of food she'd given us yesterday. ha! Still haven't made it grocery shopping. Maybe tomorrow... And I noticed that the poor plants were frying in the backyard. Apparently, full sun in El Paso is NOT the same as full sun in the rest of the world.... I brought them inside and gave them a BIG drink. You green thumbs out there, will they live? Or did I wait too long? A few days ago, they looked fantastic. I'm really worried about the tomato plant. It's leaves are SO bad looking...

Jim and Joe and I went at 6:30pm to pick up Jake from the Teen Center, and the wind was SO bad. And the dust and dirt. I totally had to use my windshield wipers! TOO crazy!
WE got home, and did chores, and watched an episode of Buffy the Vampire slayer. Here's Jake with Boxer. He decided not to do his chores, so he didn't get to watch the show.

And then, after the show, I went to check on Jake, and he's snuck a laptop that Eme left on the table into his room, and was playing online. Yeah, not gonna happen. I took it away from him, and he lost privileges to the youth center tomorrow. Not yelling. No talking down to. Just the simple statement of the action, and the consequence. And I went about what I was doing. And he was very repentant, and apologized a few times. Yeah, this might work...
I put the little kids to bed, and let Jake read and sit with Boxer for a little while, then he went to bed too. And it's now 9:25pm. And I'm a little tired. And super hungry.. Sigh. Hopefully that passes soon. I think I may go get an extra 100 calorie popcorn to make up for the huge workout today.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!
Really, really cool, Sharon!!!

Hi, hun, You might want to check Jimmy's shoes in the first photo. I think he's got them on the wrong feet! LOL Thanks for your great WA! :0)
Leave the plants inside until the winds calm down a little more.. Or on the back patio. Just make sure if you leave them inside, that you put them in the windows so they still get lots of sun... They should be ok!
Whew! What a busy day!!! You're amazing! Your windy day pics crack me up. :)
ROFL...I was just going to comment on Jim's shoes too!! Too cute!
I am not a fan of wind either...blech, such a pain!
Thanks for the amazing WA, as usual.
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on Apr. 27, 2011. Thanks again.
Bethany, hi. I just wanted to say that you are admired all the way down to the South Hemisphere of the world. Wonderful work. Thanks! Greetings from Brazil. Vanessa
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [28 Apr 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Thank you! :)
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