I woke up at 6:45am, got the kids up and going (they were mostly already up, you know...), read my scriptures, said prayers, and dozed for a while. I don't know why I was SO sleepy. Jim came and snuggled for a bit. Jake left at 7am, and the others left at 7:30am.
I lounged around until 7:45am, when I started getting ready for the day - ha! Jim got dressed, and I threw on some workout clothes. And drove on over to the CDC to drop off Jim.
And headed back home. I got some workout shoes on, and headed to pick up Amanda and Kari to go to Spin. I hate spin, but was going for the good of the group. lol. I picked up Amanda first, and headed over to Kari's house, when I got a text from her saying that josephine was sick, and she couldn't go.
So Amanda and I decided to go on a short walk (to the tank/Pershing gate) and back, then head to Target. She wanted to use her coupons. Couponing is her new thing. hehe. She ended up with Advil (generic) for $0.19, and free hydrogen peroxide. I got some Sunscreen for Jake, and we stopped by Payless shoes real fast (she wanted Cowboy boots for Austin), then headed back to post. And ran to the CDC to get Jim. Then to the bus stop to drop off Jimmy.
We headed to Terra's house, and dropped off her order. I had to go in and see the little girls, of course. Me, pretending to drink out of their teapot. hehe.
I got there at noon, and had a nice session. We talked about how this week went better because I've been doing those things that act as a "good filler" for me. Exercise, prayers, scriptures, all those good things have been helping me when the bad things come. Because, you know, the bad things just keep coming, and don't go away. But being in a better position to handle them sure help :)
After the session, I headed back home. I considered going to the commissary, but realized that I'd left my ID card in Amanda's car. So I planned on getting it from her at the library after school. Oh well. I'll shop tomorrow :) Who needs food, right? hehe.
I watched an episode of Flash Forward, and then got Jim from the bus. He watched some Phineas and Ferb, and I napped for an hour. I don't know why I was SO sleepy. I decided to cancel going to the library. I was still SO tired.
The kids got home from school, and I made mini pizza's for dinner. And cookie dough so that I could send cookies to Captain America tomorrow. Dark chocolate chip oatmeal coconut cookies. Yeah, good sounding, huh?
Eme went to play at her friends house until 5:30pm, and the other kids did chores and played around the house. At 5:30pm, I loaded up in the car, and headed out for Girls Night Out. Tom had directions on what to do, and I was picking up Jake at the Youth Center.
I picked up his new GameStop magazine from the mailbox today, so he had something fun to look at in the car. And I headed out to the new Chinese restaurant across town. He had pizza and read his magazine in the car, and I went in to eat with the ladies. Bad, I know. But he didn't mind. hehe. He was THRILLED with the magazine.
It was a chinese buffet, but I wasn't really that hungry. I had 1 plate, and ate a few bites of my crab ragoon, and that was it. 3 Diet Cokes, though. LOL.
It was $5 movie night, and they had $1 sodas and $1 popcorns. So Jake and I each got one, then went to see the movie. I really enjoyed it. It was more Sci-Fi than vampire, but I love me a good Sci-Fi movie. And it had the dude, James, from Twilight in it, and the Chaucer guy from First Knight. And a dude from the new Star Trek movie. I liked it :)
We chatted afterwords with the ladies (Paige, Kristal, Lynette, and Kristal's neighbor), and Jake had fun visiting with Paige's son. He's Jake's age. They seemed to get along pretty well.
We headed home, and found some lawn chairs in the neighbors trash, so I sent Jake to retrieve them for us. hehe. And I had Tom pick up the messes that the little kids made while I was gone, and Jake did his chores real fast, and I cleaned up the kitchen. Then the boys went to bed.
And I blogged, and watched a few episodes of In Plain Sight. Because I'd finished off Flash Forward. It was SO good. I so wish that they hadn't canceled it. One of the best series I'd ever seen...
It's now 10:50pm, and I'm gonna go watch the end of my show. Then go to bed. Really, I should go grocery shopping in the morning. And I'm swimming after Jim gets on the bus. And we have baseball practice and scouts and achievement days tomorrow. Busy times...
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks~!
I have to admit, when I saw the preview for this word art on Facebook yesterday I got very excited! I have BIG plans for this one and will of course share them! :)
TY so much for the "Epic Fail". What a cute pic of your little one! :)
I love epic fail, its one of my sons favorite sayings so I cant wait to see what I can make with it. Thank you so much for sharing.
Love this WA! I think I have a bazillion pics that will fit this!
I have a question for you - are you using your new IPhone to take the pics you post, or some other camera? Seems like the IPhone would be handy - I'm craving one like mad but my current contract isn't up til February...wah!
Thanks for the cute sentiment!
Thanks for your digi, appreciate it very much.
Thank you for the 'Epic Fail.' I'm positive I have photos for this one. :)
thank you so much!
Thank you! This is perfect for those days.
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