I told my kids to NOT wake me up before 9am. And they really tried. I know they were trying. It was just that setting up a stuffed animal on a stool as a target, then throwing balls at it to knock it down wasn't such a good idea if the balls were gonna hit my bedroom wall when they missed. Sigh.
Luckily, they didn't start that game until 8:45am. So I mostly got to sleep in. I finally got up, had breakfast, and watched a little TV. The kids did chores, and had some free time.
I worked on Josephine's present for a bit. I spray painted the wooden plaque, then glue gunned the pre-painted Princess part on it. And headed to Terra's house to get some ribbon for it.
They were SO naughty, too. Not that each individual was naughty, but the group, together, was naughty. 5 slightly naughty kids makes for one crazy mom. hehe. Finally, the glasses were fixed, and we were off to shop.
Jake and Tom went off on their own, so that Tom could spend his babysitting money. And the little kids and I went to get some groceries.
Check out these AWESOME marshmallows that I found!!!
We finally headed to the check out. And found these flowers for 75% off! So I got some for me, and some for Josephine's birthday. Cool, huh?
Notice how all the kids are blurry? It's because they WOULD NOT stand still for a second... AHHH!!!
It was a fun party. Kari had rented a bouncy castle, and the kids had a TON of fun playing on it. They had hot dogs and chips and drinks and cake and ice cream, and the moms had TONS of fun chatting.
Looking back, I shouldn't have let Jake on the bouncy castle. At first, he seemed to be doing SO well. He really did. But then he and Eme got into it (still not sure on the details). She ended up kicking him, and he slugged her a few times. She cried for a good 5 minutes in my arms before she finally calmed down. Poor thing. Jake didn't get to go on the bouncy castle after that.
And later in the day, upon closer examination of her arm, she had 2 bruises on the left arm, and a HUGE bruise on the right arm. Sigh. What do I do? Do I just make him not be around the other kids? Because it is SO not acceptable to maim your siblings. Out of no where, he slugs her. She shouldn't have to put up with that. The bruise was SO big...
Anyway, I didn't know that at the time. The party went on, and we ended up staying for about 3-4 hours. It really was a great Saturday. And, for the most part, the kids played nicely. Brian (Kari's hubby) worked on my truck a little bit. Something about securing a battery better, and he changed a fuse (so my charger and lights would work again). Although, when we went back home, I plugged in the phone charger, something sparked, and now the lights don't work again....
I got home, got the kids all situated, and Jim and I headed to Maggie's house. Jake wanted SO bad to go to the Youth Center, but yeah, after hurting your little sister, that's SO not an option. Instead, he got to stay home and detail clean his room.
I was gonna help Maggie finish off designing her b-day shirts for her family. She was SO excited. So we sat down and go to work. Jim and Hannah and little Jake played in the backyard in the pool. And had SO much fun.
Maggie and I headed off to my house about an hour later to print off the designs. She'd bought iron on transfer paper, but she was out of ink. And we got to my house, and relaized that we'd left the paper back at her house. hehe. So we headed back to her house, got the paper, and headed back to my house. And couldn't get the dark colored shirt transfer to work. Crap. So, we ended up printing them all on the light colored shirt papers.
And she and I headed off to Target. She needed one more light colored shirt. And I needed contact solution. And some fingernail polish sheets. I'll show y'all tomorrow when I give myself a manicure :)
We walked around for a bit, and had a bunch of fun. Maggie's SUCH a fun friend to hang with :) We stopped by the Jewelry box, and by Payless Shoes (I ended up with an EXPENSIVE pair of flip flops, but BOY were they compfy!), then headed back to Maggies house.
Tom was just finishing up Mac and Cheese for the little kids. Such a great dad :)
And I looked at Eme's arm one more time before bed, and her bruise was MASSIVE. I was mad. I told Jake that it was COMPLETELY inappropriate what he did to her, and that he could go to Jail for maiming someone like that. I don't think that it got through to him, though. He was just upset that he didn't get to watch the show... I should totally take a picture of it and bring it to his Autism Test place to show them. They need a plan for if he gets like this at school....
Anyway, I watched an episode of Flash Forward, then designed a quick freebie, and started blogging. It's now 10:30pm, and I wanna watch one more episode of Flash Forward. Because I LOVE that show. I'm sad that it was canceled after one season. I wonder if it ties up at all? I guess I'll find out after a few more episodes, right?
Click on the links below to go to my account to downlaod the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
It's not Sharon's fault that there's no layout.... I didn't get it to her. I'm a slacker. I'm planning on spending a part of Sunday designing Freebies. Sorry, hon :(
lovely shirts! You're so talented. Hope Eme is ok.
You are sooooooo not a slacker girl!
Great smiles from you in this blog. I don't want to talk about Jake in this forum...
Hang in there Sweetie...give my little pie some hugs. And definitely takes some pics to show their school shrinks...
You may want to consider calling the school that Eme goes to and let them know what happened. Any teacher that sees that bruise may be very concerned. :/ (((HUGS))) for the poor girl!
Thanks so much for the lovely word art! :)
Sorry that Eme has the bruise from Jake. I pray that something gives soon for you all. The t-shirts are amazing!
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