I woke up at 9:10am. Which normally would have been DIVINE. BUT, I had a baseball game for Joe at 9:30am. Oops. So I hurried and got Jim and Joe dressed as fast as humanly possible, loaded up the car, and the three of us headed out to his game.
And we got there 10 minutes after it started. And they'd already passed out uniforms. And Joe felt SO bad. Critical Mom fail, right there... Sorry, Joe! I found a lady in charge, and got with the coach, and got his uniform, and we treked over to the bathrooms to get him all changed.
Here's me waiting for Joe.
The game got over at 10:30am, and we headed to Walmart. I needed something to keep all of the elecroncis in my room in. Because sitting on top of the desk is getting to be NOT an option. hehe.
We found one, and Joe and Jim spent their chores money. Joe got a new bat! OK, so I helped a tad bit for him. hehe. He was SO excited about it. The dude in the sporting good section has been playing baseball since he was 3, so he showed us how to pick a good bat. I didn't know - hehe.
We got the things that we needed, and headed back home. And had a few hours before it was time to take people to child care. We just kinda hung out at home and relaxed. And did chores. Because it takes SO much to keep my house from being a TOTAL disaster. Instead of a partial disaster. hehe.
At 1:30ish, we loaded up in the truck and drove Jake and Zach and Tom to the youth center. Jake had decided to take pity on Tom, and let him go to the youth center too. Thank goodness! No more hearing Tom complain about SAS. ha!
The were pretty excited when I dropped them off, and went to their various activities. We came back home, and had 20 minutes before we had to go to the CDC/SAS.
We dropped Joe and Eme off first (Em was pretty excited, since it was her first time), then dropped off Jim. Then, I was KID FREE!
And what marvelous things did I do with my free time? Because I ALWAYS do fabulous things, right?
Well, I was starting to get a migraine, so I came home and use my neck/back massager for a bit, and watched some TV. Then cleaned. Then watched and massaged some more, then cleaned and rearranged and reorganized some more. And that was how I spent my 5 hours. hehe. I know, not too exciting. But productive. The house looked pretty good (for my standards, anyway...)
And I was gonna count it as my workout for the day, because I was totally sweaty by the time I was done. hehe.
And it was almost 8pm, and time to gather the kid-lets. First stop, CDC to get Jim. And after 5 hours at the CDC on the last day of the month, I only owed 3 hours of childcare. So, it was $6. Not too shabby for a WHOLE afternoon to myself :)
Next ,we picked up Eme and Joe. They'd both had fun. Next, drive across post to get Joe and Jake (and Zach) from the Teen Center. Everyone seemed to have had a pretty nice time.
And we headed back home. And cleaned up a bit more. I'd pushed the piles into the center of the floor, and the kids were cleaning it up. I put Jim and Joe to bed, and Jake and Tom and I watched an episode and a half of V. SO good.
And then I put the big boys to bed, and it's now 10:50pm. And I can barely keep my eyes open. I'm afraid of what I'm typing. Maybe it's not making any sense. hehe. Tomorrow is Sunday, and I'm hoping that this migraine is good and gone. Otherwise, we'll be having a full day at home...
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks~
Hey sweetie...are you sure those are cars he is playing with? Looks like a snake to me!! YIKES! :)~
Thanks for the freebie, I love your creations!
Thank you!
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