Long, but good day today :) I woke up at 6:45am, made sure the kids were all awake, woke up the ones who needed woke up, then left my door open and crawled back in bed. The kids were in and out getting ready and asking questions. And Jim came in right before the last group of kids left for school, and he and I slept in till around 9am. Oh yeah, gotta love the morning routine - hehe.
Her's me when I finally woke up :)

Jim wanted to watch some cartoons in my room

And instead of lounging in bed, I got up, fixed my hair, AND my make up. No plans until after noon, but I just got ready, just because.
And it was a good thing, because around 10am, Terra called and said she was stopping by. She drove over, and on the way, found Boxer. Huh? I didn't know he'd gotten out. She called out to him, and he followed her van to my house. Silly dog! He must have got locked outside when the big kids went to school, jumped the fence, then went wandering and got lost. Gotta keep a closer eye on him, I guess...
Anyway, she and I decided to go before Jim got on the bus to Goodwill and search for hats. She ran home to get the diaper bag, and I got Jim ready for school, and off we went. First stop, Post Office to mail a package to her hubby, Ryan.
Jim and the twins and I stayed in the car and watched catroons. Car TV's are wonderful...

Next stop, the Montana Goodwill.

I found a pair of shoes, 2 big-ish hats, and a BIG waffle iron. Sweet! All for $10.

We headed pack to post, dropped Jim off at the bus, then headed over to the Dyer Howdys and Goodwill.
Here's a hat, but not really what I was looking for...

I did find a few hats that might work, though. I bought 3. That puts me at 5 to work with. I'll just sell the others to my friends. hehe :)
And then Howdys. Guess which one is mine? hehe.

And the Dollar Tree. Cause I LOVE Dollar Tree. I found a few flowers for my hat. And some Bread. And this hat. Just kidding, didn't get it :)

TOO funny!

Hangovers AND Joints? What kind of store IS this???

Then we headed over to Olive Garden. And Captain America was on Skype, so I Skype texted him the whole way over.

And tried on my hats...

We really did have a great time at Olive Garden. Me and Terra and her twins, and Amanda and Austin, and Maggie, and Kari, and Laurie and Rowan, and Alena. Quite a big group, actually. Love their Soup and Breadsticks and Salad :)

See, just water :)

Amanda and I played this kids game while we waited for food - hehe

And she let me try her dessert when it came. MMMMMmmmmm!!!

She took Austin to the bathroom at one point, and I pretended to eat all of her dessert. LOL!

We headed out around 2pm, so I could make it home in time to get Jim from the bus. And look at what Terra parked on! A manhole! And on my side, too. Sigh...

As we drove home, we were RIGHT next to Amanda at a stoplight, and I couldn't resist hanging out the window and waving!

Terra dropped me off at home, I let Boxer out, and put on my new shoes. And walked on over to the bus to pick up Jim.

And came back home, and decided to make banana bread. See, it's Teacher Appreciation week. And we got a note home with suggestions for each day of the week for gifts for the teachers. Monday was a sweet treat, and Tuesday was fruit. So I combined the 2 together into Banana bread. So this is what the teachers are getting tomorrow.

And then it was time for dinner (or almost), so I decided to make waffles in my new waffle maker. Here's my batter.

It can make 6 waffles at a time! (between the 2)

Joe wanted his to be like Papa Steve's waffles (my dad). With Peanut Butter and syrup. Mmmmm, tasty!

And I had to try on my hats again - hehe

Then it was time to go to T-Ball. Jake was at the Youth Center, and needed picked up first. So, at 6pm, Joe and Jim and I loaded up in the truck, and headed out. Eme and Tom were home and playing on laptops. That works :)
We picked up Jake. Her's where we found him. hehe.

This is the infamous Lego room!

We drove back to T-ball, and dropped Jake off at the main road so he could walk home. He didn't wanna go to T-ball, and I didn't have time to take him home. It wasn't that far :) He was good with it.
And after searching the field (4 different T-ball teams), we finally found Coach Joe and Jim's team. They're the A's! And his coach seemed pretty nice. He said he wanted Jim for his football team. ROFL! He was just joking, but it's SO true. He's a big kid!
The practiced in the outfield, and some batting. It was pretty humorous to watch, actually.

It was SO incredibly cold (like 60 degrees!) that Joe and I just sat in my chair and snuggled!

Then he decided he didn't want his picture taken, so I snapped them as fast as I could. Ha!

This one is my FAVORITE! It's his crazy eyed look that I just LOVE :)

After practice, Coach Joe passed out the uniforms. And Jim shirt JUST barely fit. hehe. Everyone else got a tiny small. He got one of the 2 mediums. And I'm not sure the medium pants are gonna fit. We went and talked with an official to try and get a large. I can drop by tomorrow at 5pm to pick them up. Good!

We loaded up, and headed home. And I put the kids to bed, and Jake and Tom and I watched an episode of V. LOVE that show! And then they went to bed, and I'm watching Phineas and Ferb (lol), and blogging. It's 9:53pm. And I'm almost done. And I'm either gonna go to sleep early, or I'm gonna watch some TV...
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Dang, that picture LOOKS miserable. hehe. Yeah, NOT the best of days... Good job, Sharon :)

Love the layout! Thanks for the WA. A group I belonged to years ago used to do a "hat luncheon" and then model the hats. Good times. Can't wait to see how you decorate your hat!
Great word art. I totally enjoy all your pictures and the review of your day. What an awesome journal. :)
I especially enjoyed the pictures of Joe. So fun and spontaneous!
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