Anyway, I woke up today to get the kids ready for school, and SO wanted to go back to bed after they left at 7 and 7:30am, but had a child care appointment for Jim at 8am. So I got him ready, and had him there by 8:15am. And came back home. But stopped at the gas station first to fill up the truck. And rested for a little bit.
My throat hurt, and I was feeling stuffy. Head congestion, I guess? I did get a little bit of stuff done, though. I cleaned the garage, and put things back where they went. And swept it a bit. And removed the clothes/toys/dishes. Really? Why are those things in my garage??? Freakin' kids... hehe.
Then I moved the broken shelf into the garage and stacked it nicely (finally, right?), and all the boxes of books went under the trailer. And it still looks pretty good. And the dining room looks a TON better. And I sorted the laundry into piles, and did a load.
And it was time to go and pick up Jim. But first, I filled up the Saturn with gas, then got Jim. And dropped him off at the bus stop. And then headed back to home. And had a little bit of lunch (though it hurt to swallow), and watched a few episodes of V on and off. And slept most of the time. Because I didn't feel good.
And soon it was time to get Jim from the bus. And we came back home, and I cleaned a little bit more. Then it was time for the bigger kids to come home, and it was Library time. And yeah, I still felt like crap. I brought some crafty stuff to make a Mothers Day flower as an example for Achievement Days on Wednesday. It turned out pretty good. Here's the example from online.

The house was clean, so Tom and the little kids got free electronics time while I was gone. And they did great. I made Joe wear his uniform to practice, and NO other kids were wearing theirs. And he was SO mad at me. He hid behind the car, and refused to come out. I had to drag him, crying, onto the field. And he just sat on the bench. And refused to play. sigh.
Finally, the assistant coach came and talked to him, and I don't know what he said, but he started playing. Thank goodness! And he had a lot of fun playing. We found out that they're having Wednesday practice, same time, same place. Tom has practice at the same time tomorrow, just a few fields over. So we can drop him off, come to Joe's practice, stay with him, then go and pick up Tom, and continue on to Scouts/Achievement day.
After practice, we swung by the Youth Center (not really on the way, hehe) to pick up Jake, then came home. And Jake was feeling pretty crappy too. So I loaded him up with some cold meds, and fed everyone dinner.
And I'm totally taking some meds after I'm done blogging. And going to bed early. It's only 7:35pm here. And I'm gonna finish this up, put the little kids to bed, watching something quick with the big kids, then head to bed. Drugged, of course. hehe.
Jake has his big Autism test tomorrow at 8am. I need to look for the paper that shows the location BEFORE I take meds. hehe. Wish us luck. Think Autistic thoughts tomorrow, so he can qualify for an IEP and more help. ha!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
This one is SUPER cute, my dear, Sharon!!! Love it!
Good luck tomorrow with the test!!
Thanks for the freebie! And that wreath is DARLING!! How did you cut your "X", or did you just wing it? I don't have any of those fancy cutters ... sigh ... wonder if Craft Warehouse has a huge "X" diecut? Hmmm. Feel better, too!! Sending good thoughts your way!!
I hope you and Jake feel better soon. Hugs!!!
I hope all went well with the autistic test? Hugs from The Hague,
Elly (mom of a 20 year old son with Asperger syndrome)
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