Hey, guys! Blogger won’t let me on tonight. Well, it let me do a little, then it freaked out. Sigh. Guess I should have blogged earlier, right? Procrastination sometimes comes back to get ya! Hehe.
Anyway, I woke up at 6:30am with a SPLITTING headache. I popped an Imitrex, and went back to bed until 7:40am. Nope, didn’t touch it. I got up, got Eme ready in 5 minutes, and drove her up to Volleyball camp. And took some more meds when I got home (after eating a protein bar – no meds on an empty stomach, you know!). And laid down for a while longer.
And my head hurt SO bad. I think it’s hormonal. Before “that time”, I get headaches more frequently. Anyway, by 10am, I was feeling a lot better. But no yoga for me. Sorry, Kari! I was looking forward to going, too ;(
I texted Charlotte, and asked if she could get Eme while she picked up Maddie. She said yes. Thanks, my dear! I was feeling a tad better, so I worked on my closet and laundry man. He was getting in my way last night. I pulled out ALL the clothes that were winter-ish, and put them on top of my closet. Then I boxed up all the clothes that must have shrunk. Because they fit before Captain America deployed… That’s the only thing I can think of. They MUST have shrunk… ROFL!
Anyway, I hung up all the stuff that still fit that’s been piling up on my bed, and put away the rest of the stuff too. My bed is mine again. Ha! And the closet looks a TON better. Kids had lunch, I had lunch, Eme came home at 12 something. At 1pm, since I was feeling a bit better, I went with Terra to take Krista to a doctors appointment. We went to Sonic first, then headed on over. I was along for the ride. Hehe. Avery and Eryn were babysitting Kendra at home.
While I was with Terra, CPS called to say that my case was being dismissed, and that after a quick questionnaire, I’d be officially done. Thank goodness!
I was hoping that my headache had gone away, but it hadn’t. My meds started to wear off, and I was feeling awful by the time Terra dropped me off at home. I took a round 2 of meds, and laid down for a bit. The kids were driving me NUTS. Jake was being annoying, little kids were fighting and being EXTREMELY messy. And I felt like I was gonna puke. Sigh.
Eventually, Jake and Tom decided to ride their bikes to the library. Thank goodness! Tom was gonna sit in the compfy chair and read, and Jake was looking for a Star Wars book. Sounded like a plan to me.
After about 15 minutes, I got a text from Jake saying that Tom had passed out once they got to the library once they were locking their bikes up, and that he fell and scrapped his face. OH NO! The little kids were in the pool, so I had them jump out real fast, grab towels, load in the truck, and we were off to the library. Wet kids and all!
Tom and Jake were sitting in the lobby of the library, reading. Tom had a little scratch on his face, but looked a bit dehydrated. I helped him to the car, and Jake grabbed his bike and helped load it up in the truck. Jake stayed to look for his book, and I took Tom home. He got some water, and rested on the couch, and felt SO much better. Poor child!
I felt SO sick all the way home. I was trying not to puke. My head was still hurting. I got back home, and laid down. And after about an hour, I felt a LOT better. I was able to get up and cook dinner and do a few things.
I decided to use my hair color and fix my gray. I bought a lighter brown than normal for me, so we’ll see how it turns out! I applied all the color, and waited for the right amount of time.
Amanda got home from New Mexico around 7pm, and she came over to show me her new phone! It was pretty cool. I can’t remember what it’s called, though. Some fancy schmancy name. hehe. We chatted for a bit, and the boys played. I looked spiffy with the hair color still in my hair. Hehe.
She headed home, and I hopped in the shower to get the hair color out. And shower. Ha! Gotta do that every once in a while, too, right? I blow dried my hair, and I don’t know that it looks any different than it did before. Less gray, but same color. Hmpf! Oh well…
I told Jake and Tom that if they put the little boys to bed, and read them library book bedtime stories, that I’d let them watch a movie together. They agreed. Thank goodness! I sat down to blog, and blogger wasn’t working. Crap.
I watched a few episodes of 24 on and off all day long today. LOVE that show J It’s now almost 11 pm. And I may watch one more episode. Or I might just go to bed. I’m definitely taking another round of meds. My head is starting to hurt again. Poor head!
Tomorrow, Eme has Volleyball camp at 8am, and we’re taking kids to free lunch at main post CDC at 11:30, picking eme up at noon, and pool after that. Hopefully Kari comes too! Then we’d have Kari and me and Amanda and Terra. Fun times with my girls!!!
I hope your headache was all gone today. Boy! That was scary to have Tom pass out. The heat there is brutal.
Thank you for the great word art. Hugs!!!
I think I'd have been totally freaked if my kids passed out. You handled that very well. :) Thank you for word art!
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