Yeah, I TOTALLY forgot about working yesterday.... Oops :) Can I play the "I w

as sick" card? I DID puke, you know... Anyway,
HERE"s my new stuff for the week!

Oh yeah, NOT a peaceful sleep last night... I finally went to bed at 1am, and fell instantly asleep. Only to wake up at 4:30am, and NOT be able to go back to sleep. You know, my little deal with myself, about not playing on electronics or reading or doing something enjoyable when I can't sleep at night. Yeah, after 30 minutes of tossing and turning, I got up, and cleaned for an hour. The kitchen looked pretty good when I was done. And then I was tired.
And went back to sleep for an hour and a half, then had to get up to take Eme to Volleyball camp. And I was dragging. SO sleepy... I totally went in my jammies, again...

I came back home, and Joe and Jim were awake. I got them breakfast, turned on some TV, and crawled back into bed. And JUST as I was about to drift off to sleep, I realized that it was Friday. Which meant that yesterday was Thursday. My "load the store with new products" day. And yeah, I totally hadn't. Crap! I checked the Designers Thread at SBG, and it was still open, luckily! I grabbed my laptop, came out with the kids, and proceeded to package and load my store. And got it done in about an hour. But by then, there was no sleeping for me...
I decided against free lunch, and instead to go to lunch with Terra and Eryn and Avery at L&J's. I left Tom in charge, arranged for Charlotte to pick up Eme from Volleyball and drop her off at the house, and I left with Terra and the girls for lunch.
First stop, Post Office to mail Captain America his package. And the lady at the counter had the COOLEST nails. I totally tried to sneakily take her pic, but the darn flash went off. hehe. I was like, "Sorry, but you're nails are AWESOME!". LOL!

And off we went to L&J's. And as we drove by the airport, we saw this HUGE plane. Fat thing. Sure, it doesn't look so strange in the picture, but in real life, it was disproportionate... We thought it was cool. It caught ALL of our attentions...

We got to L&J's, and there was a wait. So we got the beeper (that looked like a taser), and waited. And played on our phones. And chatted. And waited. And finally got our seats. And yeah, I've picked up a few lbs as of late... My diet hasn't been too successful. Anyway, I had on my full body girdle, and it was squeezing me. And I couldn't hardly breathe. And felt almost sick. Not the best for eating out. Or maybe it is. hehe. I didn't really feel hungry...





We play FourSquare, and sometimes at check-ins, you get bonuses. And for Terra's 5th check in at L&J's, we got FREE chips and queso. Cool, huh???

We all ordered, got our food, and there wasn't space on the table for all of it - hehe. Yummy!

My salad. I ended up eating 1/2 of it, no shell, and brought the rest home as my "babysitter bonus".

Terra let me bring her leftovers home for Tom, too. Chicken Tacos. And I brought home the chips and queso. My kids were gonna be excited!

I think we all must have been a bit tired. We were very low keyed and relaxed at lunch. I was SUPER full super fast. Yeah, full body girdle at work... I couldn't wait to get home and take it off!
We paid, and headed out. And drove over to the Cielo Vista mall. The girls wanted to look around. We were there for about 30 minutes, then headed home. I SO needed a nap. Here's me with my Howdys water.

We made plans to meet back at the pool at 3pm. And I had time for an hour and a half nap. But I didn't get one.... And that made me kinda grouchy... I got home, gave the kids the food, and laid down for my nap. About 1:30, i think. And then Jake woke up... And was grouchy. And tried to take over the Wii, and was being SUPER rude to all the kids. I tried to ignore it as long as I could. But I seriously wanted to go and yell at him. Or worse... PMS, you know...
Anyway, I decided to bump up my pool schedule. And drop Jake off at the youth center. For all of our sanitys! We got into swim gear, loaded up in the truck, and drove on over to the youth center. And dropped Jake off. He didn't need picked up until 9pm. Sa-weet!
We headed to the pool, and met Amanda there. And Terra. And Kari. And Becky. And Paige and Lynette came later. And we made a new friend named Tara. She had 4 kids, and seemed super nice.
We stayed from 2 ish until 5 something. And had SO much fun. I got in the water a few times, and had a ball chatting with all my different friends.
Check this out. We were under the sunshade, and looking one direction, perfect blue sky...

And the other direction, Thunder Storm! It looked like it was gonna cut loose. Lightening flashed a few times, and the pool was temporarily closed. That was our cue to go home :)

We got home, had dinner, and relaxed for the evening. I watched some 24, and finished off season 4. Kids cleaned their rooms, and had electronics free time. At 7pm, I got a call from Jake saying that the Youth Center was closing early because there wasn't enough kids there. Crap. So I loaded up in the truck in my jammies, and headed to pick him up. LOL.
We got home, kids finished rooms, I took a nice, relaxing bath, and we watched a movie together. I designed a few wordart packs, and then proceeded to make this layout. hehe. Funny, huh?

I put the little kids to bed, and Jake and Tom and I started a movie. And I started blogging. And I think my head is starting to hurt again. I'm not liking this... Maybe it's just lack of sleep. I really didn't get a lot of sleep last night. No one wake me up tomorrow, I'm sleeping in, ok?
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Tee hee hee, TOO funny, Sharon! Love it :)

You have a talent for designing words as well as writing. I always love reading your blog. Thanks for the freebie:)
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 9 post on Jul. 02, 2011. Thanks again.
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [03 Jul 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
That was an amazing looking salad/taco thing! Yum! Great word art as always!
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