Holy cow, SUPER busy day today. But it was a good day :) So I can't complain :) But I AM extremely tired now...
Woke up a few times in the night to pee. Yeah, the downside with hydrating yourself. Usually I NEVER do that... hehe. I woke up at 6am and went out and turned the hose back on the pool, and checked on the kids. And tired to sleep until the my alarm went off at 645am, but I was awake. I checked Facebook and played on my phone in my bed for a bit, then went out and joined the kids when the alarm finally went off.
I sat in the back yard in my lovely jammies, and read my scriptures. It was SO peaceful and quite out there. And not too hot, not too cold. Just PERFECT! I absolutely loved it.
Jake left for school at 7am, and Tom and Eme and Joe left at 7:30am. And I got myself ready, and hung out in the backyard for a while longer. Because I liked it out there :) I made sure that the portable DVD/TV was charged for Jim to use during the awards ceremony for Eme, and got my stuff together.
My first of 2- 64 oz waters for the day!
Eme did SO well in 3rd grade this year. She got tons of awards on a classroom level, got 100% on her Math TAKS assessment test, only missed 1 on her Reading TAKS test (got medalions for both), got a trophy for being on the A Honor roll all year long, and got the 2nd biggest trophy in her grade for getting the 2nd highest AR (accelerated reader) score in 3rd grade. She had 248 points. Well done, Emeline!
We got home, and the pool was ALMOST done!
I turned off the water right before taking Jim to the bus. It was FINALLY full. I needed to go and get some pool chemicals. I dropped Jim off at the bus and headed to Big Lots. Surely they'd have something there. They sell pools, after all.
Yeah, not so much. Lots of pools, lots of toys, no chemicals. Drat! I did find a few other fun things, though.
I went home, grabbed my microwave steamer dinner thingy, and an apple, and my 2nd 64 oz water, and headed to Terra's house. I ate over there, then she and I and the twins loaded up, and headed to Costco. Amanda came too! It was a good time. Surely Costco sells pool chemicals.
TONS of samples out today, and I resisted each and every one of them. Well, I take that back. I asked if they were sugar free, and if they said yes, then I'd take them. I had some vitamin water that was HORRID. And some fizzy flavored water that was do-able. Barely... I'll stick with what I have already, thanks :)
We dropped Amanda off at her house, and Terra and I and the twins continued on to the commissary. I didn't need anything, but the social time is all good :) LOL.
She grabbed a few necessities, and I ended up with some cheap steaks and a can of re-fried beans. ha!
We headed home, and I had enough time to go and grab Jim from the bus. The pool was DONE! Hip Hip HORRAY! Jim SO wanted to go inside of it and play. And what did I do? No pool until your room is clean and your chores are done. He cried and cried and cried.
So I went into his room with him, and helped him separate his stuff from Joe's, get the shoes, and the dirty clothes, and the clean clothes, and the trash, and everything cleaned and sorted. He left Joe's for him to clean when he got home. And the room looked SO much better when he was done. Good job, Jim! I'm proud of you :)
And then, the pool was open! Jim and I went and played inside of it! And I SUPER DUPER loved it!!!!
They hurried and did their chores and cleaned their rooms, then all went to play in the pool. And we came up with a few simple rules. NO leaning on the blue ring part. NO hanging on the stairs unless you're jumping from them. NO complaining that someone is splashing you (we're in a pool...).
I tried my hardest to get a photo of everyone together, but Joe kept ducking his head underwater. And Tom didn't wanna do it. Sigh.
We all got dried off and changed, and it was time to go and get Jake from the youth center. We were eating at Laurie's tonight, so if Jake was gonna get dinner, I needed to get him now. LOL. We started to drive over there, and the wind started to pick up, and it was SUPER nasty out. Where did this come from???
By the time we got to the Youth Center (10 minutes across post), the wind was SO windy, I was afraid I was gonna blow away when I went inside! Good thing I've picked up a few lbs, right? hehe.
Jake had asked to take snacks to his family, so he came out with little bags of chips. SO sweet :) And we headed home. And it was SO windy, and dusty, and nasty, that we couldn't even see the mountains. Usually, you can see them perfectly.
We made it to Laurie's, and ran inside to avoid the moisture. hehe. Jake wasn't sure about being in a house with 8 kids, and he didn't end up staying long. I let him walk back home. Better than having him be there and be grouchy. He recognized that it wasn't a situation that he was gonna be comfortable with, and asked to be removed from it. Good job, Jake, for self-regulating the environment :)
Laurie and family are moving next week to California. Her hubby is going to Grad School with the Army. So, they had perishable foods that they wanted to cook and get rid of. So we were having a buffet of foods. LOL. My kids had lasagna and ramen and stir fry with rice and smoothies and banana bread. And they were all happy. hehe.
He's got my manners....
Yeah, we got home, and it was gone. Boxer was out of his kennel, and I thought I'd put away anything he could get into. Forgot about the butter. He likes butter, but not margarine. He ate the 3 cubes of butter, and didn't touch the margarine. That poor dog is gonna have a HUGE tummy ache. Any suggestions??? Can you tell that I'm still not used to having a dog around?
I finally got my store loaded, and pictures uploaded, and blog started, and I went to snuggle with Jake and Boxer on the couch for the last 15 minutes of the movie. Then, I sent the big kids to bed at 9:30pm, and I started on the cookies. It's my banana oatmeal chocolate chip recipe. My most favorite cookies to make EVER.

I baked 10 dozen. 4 dozen for Eme's class, and 4 dozen for Tom's class (because they thought it sounded like a WONDERFUL idea to bring treats tomorrow), and I had 2 dozen left over. For the kids, and for the bus drive. hehe. Gotta keep the bus driver happy, you know :)
It's now 11:44pm. And I'm supposed to be up early for the Post Fun Run. Um, yeah, I'm SO tired. I think I'm gonna skip it. Does the fact that I baked 10 dozen cookies and didn't taste a single bit count? Isn't that exercise by default? Can I count that?
Tomorrow, I'm going with Amanda grocery shopping in the morning (I need some popsicles and a watermelon for our Pool party), helping Shelly, the Autism Support Group Leader design a new flyer at 10am, getting Jim to the bus, Tom's award ceremony at 1:15pm, Jim's bus at 2:30pm, other kids at 3:30, Pool Party from 3:30-4:30 at my house, baseball game for tom at 5, and for Joe at 5:30... Yeah, I think my day is full. Maybe I don't wanna start it off at 6am with a 5K....
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!
Super cool, my dear! Love the music theme! Thanks, Sharon!
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 10 post on Jun. 03, 2011. Thanks again.
Hi Bethany,
Congratulatiosn to Eme for doing so well at her school awards. You must be really proud of her and that will be some lovely news for Brent too.
That pool looks amazing, the kids are going to have so much fun this summer :)
I have tried to download your file from 4shared and it aid they suspect it for breaching copyright, thought I'd better let you know, don't want you to get in any trouble. Download from Boxnet was fine.
Lots of love
Mandy xxx
Congrats to Eme on her school achievements!
Thanks so much for today's wordart.
Thank you! :)
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