OK, so I didn't get to blogging in the morning. It's now 7:21pm. Yeah, that's definitely not morning. BUT, I'm getting it done. hehe.
I decided not to do the run on Friday. Because I was up till midnight the night before. So yeah, being at a run at 6pm? Not so much. hehe.
I got the kids to school, their LAST day. Tom and Eme brought the cookies, and were pleased about it. I showered, and got all pretty, and Jim and I headed out to Walmart.

1st of my 3-44 oz waters for the day

I turned on the hose to top off the pool's water, and Jim and I headed out. Yeah, I forgot to turn it off... oops.
We went to Walmart, and were there for about 45 minutes. I got all the pool chemicals that I needed, and a few other things, and we headed back home.
Yeah, it was kinda full! But, it didn't overflow, so it was all good :)

Pretty looking, huh?

Check out the new water bowl/system that I got for Boxer!

I got Jim off to the bus at 11am, and sent some cookies with him for the bus driver. I hung out at home for a bit, and at 12:30, I headed to Terra's house for lunch. I brought my microwave dinner and apple, and hung with her for about a half an hour. We watched some TV, and then I headed to Tom's awards ceremony.

There was a line to get into the gym (great...) so after waiting around for a bit, we were finally seated. Dang, some of these girls had on prom style dressed. In 5th grade. They were taking this awards ceremony seriously... hehe.
Tom did super good. He had the most AR points in the school, and got a trophy for the 200+ AR points.

Trophy for A/B Honor Roll

He got Medallions for the TAKS test in Science, Math, and Reading.

I had to leave a few minutes early to go and grab Jim from his class, before he got on his bus. I got him to pose with his teacher, Ms. Villa, before he left :)

And back we went to the awards ceremony.

Is it almost over???

Jim had this photo from one of his first days of school in his bag of stuff. SO cute!

Jim found some other friends from preschool and sat with them.

Finally, it was over. hehe. I snapped a few pictures of Tom and his awards.

Tom and Mrs. Coleman

And then we headed home. Jim and I wanted to get in the pool. We swam for a little while, and had a ton of fun. I found out that I can swim laps, if I try hard. LOL.
Amanda came over around 3:15pm, and Austin and Jim swam for a bit. Then, while Amanda and I had our backs to the pool, we heard this HORRIBLE noise. Rushing sounds. We turned around, and one of the sides of the pool had collapsed! That bubble part on the top! We hurried over, and pulled it back up. But look that the FLOOD it caused!

I guess maybe it DID get too much water when I left it running while I was at Walmart. hehe. Oops. No worries, it'll dry. It's a desert.
Laurie and kids came over around 345pm, and had fun swimming until 4:40pm ish. Kids had popsicles, and Amanda brought watermelon, and we had cookies left over from school. Everyone had a great time.
We got out of the pool at 445pm, and got kids changed real fast, and headed out to the baseball games. I dropped Tom off at his game at 510 (a bit late) and got to Joe's game at 515. And they had team photos.

Jim played at the park, and Eme and I watched the game and read. I chatted with Joe's buddy Christian's mom, Louann. She's pretty cool. She confirmed that they still wanted Joe to come to the water park on Saturday. He'd be pretty excited.
Soon, the game was over, and the team did their cheer. Cute, huh?

And we loaded up, and drove on over to Tom's game. He was happy to see us. They'd just watered the trees, and there was mud EVERYWHERE. Eme and Jim both managed to step in it. Nasty. Eme took off her shoes, and spent the rest of the time in the truck reading. She didn't care to watch another game. hehe. Jim played with his buddies, and I watched the game.
After the last game, the coach got Pizza for the team, and they had a little party. And got trophies. Nice, huh?

He didn't wanna smile...

Tom and his coach :)

They had extra pizza, so Joe and Jim each got some, and we took some back for Eme. And headed out at around 7:30pm. And drove on over to the Youth Center to get Jake. And on the way home, the kids decided that they wanted to have a night swim. Hmmm, I'm sure I could use this to my advantage....
I told the kids that IF they wanted to have a night swim, that they'd have to clean out my truck first. hehe. And they didn't complain AT ALL. They got it looking pretty good, too!
At 8:00pm, I opened up the pool, and the neighbor kids got in too, and until 9:45pm, we had a pool party. Well, I sat and watched. I was done with the pool by that point.

Boxer didn't wanna get in the pool. hehe.

Once everyone was out of the pool for the night, we all grabbed blankets and sat down and watched a movie. And yeah, that's why I didn't blog yesterday. Because by the time time movie was over, I was SO sleepy.

I ended up snuggling with the kids on the couch, and had such a good time. Jake and Boxer went to bed after, and Joe and Jim and Eme and Tom had fallen asleep downstairs on the couches/floor, so they just slept there.
1 comment:
Hi Bethany,
I have been reading your blog for a cvouple of weeks now and with 1 grown up kid with autism at home and a fulltime job outside the house our lives a pretty much totally different. Add to that that I live in Europe and you in the US and we are as unlike each other as we could ever be. But I do wonder one thing. Your days are absolutely filled with running around...when do you ever find the time to iron? I know it's a strange question but still, it bugs me to no end... LOL Hope all is well with butter dog? Good luck on the dieting. I managed to shed about 11 ounds in 2 and a half mnths so I know what you are going thru... Hugs, Elly
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