I chatted with Suzanne for quite a while on the way home from the bus. She's prego with baby #6. Her oldest is 9. She's even more gung ho than I am! hehe :) She's such a sweet thing! I decided that when I went to Saver's today, I was gonna get something for her baby. She's only 5 weeks along, but still, I was gonna get her something tiny and soft!
I went back home, and got Jake ready, and out the door. CPT came home, and got ready, and headed off to work. Then I threw on some clothes (not very good ones, either - ha!) and got ready for Kim to come and get me. We loaded up her SUV with 6 trash bags full of donate items, and we headed to the East side. We got our coupons, and we met Kari inside.
And I wasn't gonna buy anything. But I found a few things that I just couldn't live without. hehe. I did find quite a few jackets that I liked. Kari didn't end up with this one, but I liked it for her, because it said Harley Davidson, and her hubby likes them - ha!
We paid, and headed out. Next stop, Hobby Lobby. I got a few sewing items for CPT (bobbins and straight pins - he has a project he's working on), and Kim got some fabric for her Miche holder. She's making one just like mine!
Then, we got distracted in the bead section. She wanted to make an anklet, and I wanted to make some charms for my purses... We were there for quite a while. hehe.
We eventually paid, then headed to the next store. But first, a quick stop at Chick-fil-a for lunch! Grilled chicken sandwich with light mayo, a diet dr pepper, and a fruit cup! There's a healthy lunch for ya :)
And on to Lowes. And wouldn't ya know it, I just HAD to pose on the POT when I first walked in - hehe. What a hideous picture, though! hehe :)
We looked at everything, and I had a grand time! I loved it - hehe. And I decided to make a shoe holder for my boys, using THIS pin from pinterest as inspiration.
Here's what it looked like when I got it all put together.
I built the cool shoe shelf, then put away the bread and stuff in the kitchen. I'd bought Valentine's stuff for the Cub Scouts, and I got that all organized too. And then Tom came home. I changed my clothes real fast before the bus, and fixed my hair a little bit. A little improvement. ha!
CPT took Jim on an errand, and to get his Slurpee from 7-11 from school. It was some nice father/son time. They were gone for a while. I had the kids start on homework. We didn't have dinner, per se, but had sandwiches and such tonight. Yeah, sometimes we just don't cook. lol.
CPT and Jim eventually came back. I guess they'd told the lady at the 7-11 how it was for a special reward, and how there were 4 other kids at home, and she wanted to be nice, so she gave them 5 coupons for next time! LOL. So now we have more to come back again... That was nice of her.
CPT sat down on the couch, and I snapped a picture of him real fast. Here's his, WHY are you taking a picture of me face - ha!
Anyway, they talked for quite a while. And I was SO grateful! His mood is always SO much better after a "dad" chat. We had family home evening before bed. We talked about the Widow's mite, and how what she gave was better than what the rich men gave, and why. It was SO much shorter than usual, and it was a lot better for the kids. It was the perfect family home evening for the kids. Good job, CPT!
We worked to get the kids to bed, then I started in on the taxes. I wanted to get them done tonight. I was using H&R Block through MilitaryOneSource.com. They had a deal where you get a discount. Or something like that. I don't know. I still paid $30 for the Deluxe version. But it's good. We ended up making hardly NO taxable income last year. Because all of CPT's money was non taxable because he was in a combat zone. And after expenses, I only had a few thousand dollars in income. We did make about $10K in Student Loan repayement from Uncle Sam, though. But it was taxed. So we ended up getting all that money (the taxed part) back too. Anyway, we got about double what I was expecting back! So I was pretty excited. Lets just hope I did it right, right? lol. Biggest tax return EVER... hehe.
So here it is, 10:34pm. We're about ready to go to bed. I'm sleepy. Tomorrow, I need to pick up my meds from the PX pharmacy. And I'm meeting my friend, Maria, at the Biggs TMC to watch her 2 youngest kids while she has a Well Woman visit. Those are NEVER fun, you know. ha! And if I get back in time, then I'll go to Yoga with Kari.
So, night, girls! See ya tomorrow!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thanks for the wonderful word art!! I haven't been on the computer for a while, so have downloaded quite a few of your gifties at once .. muchly appreciated. I came across this in an email, and thought you might appreciate it:
This is an English choir, and the words came from excerpts of letters between the couples whilst they were apart. You are American, this is English choir & I'm Aussie .. but I think this shows we are all the same!! Thanks to your hubby, yourself and your kids for your sacrifices to help keep us all safe!! I was sooo happy to hear Cpt America was home safe and sound. xxx
Hi, I'm a new follower of your blog. I love your word art, and I'm LDS too! Only one kid so far though, lol. You're a great inspiration!
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