Let's see, highlights of the day. I forgot about a super important work deadline that was due Sunday night and remembers it after the kids got on the bus. So I worked on it from 730-830am. Then I went walking with Kari.
Then I went with Kim to the Jewelry box and to Bassett center. We looked around for a while and has fun. We met CPT for lunch at L&J's, then he and I went driving around looking for suburbans.
We had decided that it would be cheaper to just buy one a few years newer than our old one rather than fix ours up. So we drove down alameda st looking for deals. Things were expensive. We did find one for $5900 that had super high miles that was a '01 but it had a cracked windshield.
Next, we had Tom get the kids from the bus and we went to check out one from Craigslist. They lived on pos over by Kim's kids school. And come to find out, CPT and the dude knew each other, and were deployed at the same time. Different BTRY's, but still, small world. And I loved the Suburban.
It was a white, 2001. It had the 3rd row seating and leather or pleather seats. Working AC. Lol. Butt Warmers. Door locks and keyless entry. Fancy bells and whistles. I won't know what to do with myself! And it's a 4x4 and gets 18 MPG or so. That's not bad considering mine gets 11 now. They wanted $5000 for it. Good price too!
We wrote them a check for the 4th, and said that if my PayPal transfer came in faster, we'd let them know. I keep 1/2 my savings there so I can't spur of the moment buy stuff. So as soon as the money hits the bank, we r going back! So excited! If I wasn't sitting in the truck right now, I'd so link you up with photos...
We came back home, CPT dropped me off, picked Eme up, and he took her to piano. I stayed with the other kids, and got ready for Cub Scouts. I planned a game and extra activity in case we had extra time.
We has pancakes for dinner, then CpT and I decided it was time to fight. Living the dream, you know. And before I knew it, it was 645. And we had to be to scouts at 700. He was going separate so he could leave early. I got all the kids, dropped off Jim and picked up Leo, and headed to church.
We played our game, and did our activity, and at 730 CPT came and did his part. Designing the pinewood derby cars. I don't know how to do that, and he agreed to help. After the meeting, we loaded back up, and headed home, collecting the correct kids.
And put our kids to bed, and continued the argument. At which point, I got so upset I left in tears and am currently blogging from my phone in the front seat of the suburban. I don't know why I am telling you all of this. Like you wanna know all of my nastiness. You just wanna hear the happy. He's home and everything is grand. Well, sometimes it is hard. It's hard to have to live apart for a year than suddenly be back together again and make everything work. To have to change daily plans and routines and stuff. Just life in general is hard, I think, even without a deployment/redeployment to deal with. And anyone who says that it isn't isn't telling you everything.... Life is messy. And unpleasant sometimes. But then, that's why we so appreciate the good times. They happy times. The peaceful time. I'm hoping that some happy, peaceful times are right around the corner for me...
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
I, for one, feel like I know you through your blog post. Unfortunately, not everything is happy in life. To me, it makes you seem human. I don't know what it is like to live the military way nor will I pretend to, however, life is hard for everyone in different ways. We all have our own struggles, some come up occasionally, others seem to stay awhile and make you hang on tight. Remember, to trust in the Lord and give HIM your problems. (Seems like Cpt's dad helps out to). I really hope things start working out for the better. God doesn't give us more than we can handle. Although, many times we think that we are going to break in spite of it all. (((hugs))).
Hi Bethany, Hang in there. This too shall pass. I couldn't even imagine to walk in your shoes. You have managed to be wife, mother, father, daughter, sister, friend to all this past year, and now it is time to be able to change gears. I hope you and Cpt can change gears together successfully. Just hang on for the ride of your life. I'm rooting for you!
It's YOUR blog girl. You write whatever YOU want. The nastiness comes with life. If you only wrote the nice things, it wouldn't seem real. And you sound real, every bit of the way. Hang in there. It sounds hard what you're going through. But hey, when you're going through hell.... Best thing to do is KEEP GOING. ;) It'll pass, and you'll come out stronger.
Wow, sending you big hugs :( I feel sad for you .. you have done a super duper job while Cpt was away, and he has done his .. now you have to try to mesh back together again. Hard enough if it was just you and the Cpt, but add kids into the mix as well .. I saw an interview with John Travolta many years ago, and he made the comment that it is easy to get through the good times, but hanging in there during the not so good takes real love .. not his exact words, he said it much more eloquently than I can remember! It is always disappointing/heartbreaking when things don't fit with what we were expecting, but in my experience what is happening with you and the Cpt is very normal (but no less gut wrenching and emotionally draining). This is a major readjustment for both of you; and I am sure you will get through it .. Love is a very difficult thing isn't it?? Sending lots of love and I hope you are feeling much happier real soon :)
I have lived through what you are going through right now and it really SUCKS!
When he came back after 18 months..it was a Nightmare! I had been alone so long with 3 kids (My youngest was 3 days old when he left for Korea.
I felt like "Who the hell is he coming home and trying to take controll" Its MY house, My life, MY kids...I am the one that stayed behind and held it all together..How dare he!!
We fought, we yelled, I cryed, my son did not even know what a father was or a Man for that matter, I had no brothers and he had no uncles so he only saw a man outside at stores or something..and having a baby whos afraid of this guy that is home now only added to everything else..
It will get better but its going to take lots of time, understanding and LOVE...OK and maybe some (LOTS) of Prozak!!
Thank you for the freebie and hang in there!
I absolutely love this blog freebie, thank you so much for sharing. As for the work involved in a marriage, "never stop communicating".
Hang in there Bethany. I hope that things get better for you and CPT soon.
I am so sorry you are having a hard time! I have talked to many military wives that go through exactly what you are talking about! It has to be tough. Praying for better days ahead. Thanks for the freebie! I hope this means the whole alphabet is coming...
Sending you lots of hugs. Keep talking and you will find a way through this, with a bit of give and take on all sides. You have good friends who have been through the same thing so lean on them a little and trust that God will show you the way. xx
Bethany, I have never lived life as a military wife, so I can't give you any advice re that. But I have been married 20 years (our anniversary was in January), and I know I want to strangle my hubby on a regular basis. LOL. So you're right, it's hard, and anybody who tells you it isn't is really lying their bum off. But I know I have an eternal relationship with my hubby, and my kids, and that it's important, and as much as they drive me insane some days, I'm sure I drive them insane too! And in the end, it'll all be worth it! (I hope, anyway!) Keep your chin up and God bless!!
One of the things that I love about your blog is that you're so real, Bethany. You aren't afraid to share good and bad times and let us see pictures that aren't just perfectly posed shots. Don't feel bad about sharing your problems. We, your readers, are all here because we like you for who you are and want to be here.
I pray that your happy, peaceful times arrive sooner than you expect. You deserve them. Big hugs, sweet gal!!!!
Totally understand. For the last almost 4 years, my dh's work took him away for weeks at a time. We got so used to having our own schedule, and the kids were used to listening to me. He has been home now since Nov, and while I love him to death and am so glad he is home, some days the togetherness gets to be too much. It is hard to work back into a mutual schedule when we are so used to separate ones. Hang in there.
I hope today was a better day for you, Bethany. I hope this re-adjustment period ends soon. I worry about this for my son & his wife, when he is due to return home from Afghanistan this summer. You've been so strong through the deployment time, I know you will make it thought this difficult period. Sending big hugs your way.
It may not be pretty, but it makes sense. They are gone for so long, and you have to build a life without them. Tearing that back down again and rebuilding your life with him in it is bound to be a messy, painful process at times. Hang in there, those beautiful moments will come back again.
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