Anyway, click HERE to go to my store. I hope you like the new stuff! I may only have 3, but I like them!!!
Hey there party people!!! What's up in your world?? I hope that everything is good :) Life is ok here. I woke up, and knew that I should be designing. But when Kari texted and asked if I wanted to go walking, I really wanted to go. So, I knew that I wouldn't get all 5 packs done, but so be it...
I got the kids to school, then chatted with CPT after he got back from PT, then headed to walk. It was a good walk, too. Kari and Kim and me and Julia and Erin all went. We walked the loop and chatted the whole way. Lots of different people to talk to. LOL.
We got home, and had about 20 minutes to change and get ready for the movies. Erin didn't go, but Liz and Maggie met us there. We saw, "The Vow". And yeah, I wasn't a fan of the girl's character. I just wanted to punch her the whole time! Like that quote circulating on FB and Pinterest, "If I woke up from a coma, and Channing Tatum said that he was my husband, I'd go with it..." I'm just saying.... I thought she was a brat. We talked about it after, and it's kind of like that after a deployment. Who is this stranger? Why did I marry you? To a small extent, anyway.
We went to Schlotskis afterwords. I know I butchered that name. But I don't feel like looking it up. We got soup and a 1/2 a sandwich, and chatted for about an hour. About special needs, and schools, and teachers, and whatever else came up. Good friends, and good conversations.
Then we headed home. I cleaned the stove for about 30 minutes (I'd already self cleaned it, so I was finishing it off), then it was time for the kids to come home. Then CPT came home. We'd decided that Joe should go to Hockey practice even though he had a baseball game, because Ice time was more "precious" than field time. But Joe was almost in tears when I told him that he was gonna miss his game.
So we decided to let him go to the game. I took Joe and Jim and Eme to the baseball game at 4:45 to make it there at 5:00pm. The game started at 5:30, but they needed to be there early to warm up. CPT was in charge of Jake, and was taking Tom to his game at 7pm. We would stay at the game, and watch Tom's game. I had it all figured out.
Anyway, met Julia and Kari at the baseball game, and we were only about 10 minutes into the game before they called it. Because of wind. We couldn't even see the mountains. No more games for the rest of the night. All canceled. But, on the up side, Joe and CPT could still make it to Hockey.
We hurried and loaded up in the car, and hustled on home. CPT was still there calling people for his baseball team, so as soon as we pulled in the driveway, he grabbed Joe and he and Jake and Tom and Joe headed out. Tom still wanted to go, and Jake had fallen asleep in the backseat for some reason. Strange child.
I had from 6-730 to design and upload to the store and blog. So here I sit. 3 packs designed. And packaged. And loaded to the store. And blogged. And it's only 7:17pm. Oh yeah. I'm good :) But if I was really good, I'd go back and design the other 2 packs, right? Nope, not that good - hehe :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Beautiful as always!
Sorry things aren't going well with Jake. :(
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