We had a "high counselor" guy talk to us at church. FABULOUS talk. I actually got to sit and listen to the whole thing, and the kids were well behaved and everything. Amazing, I know. Primary went well, not big problems. Well, except for the fact that the 6 yr old teacher and the 4 year old teachers didn't show up. That's not cool. BUT, we managed to find some substitutes.
Emeline had her interview to be baptized, and is all ready to go! We're doing the baptism on Saturday the 24th at 2pm. There was a little bit of a scheduling conflict. Well, actually, it was all me. I made the cute invite, but failed to inform anyone in leadership. Oops. There was another meeting at 10am on Saturday, so we bumped our meeting later. Not a problem. Works out fine. That way, we can do garage sale Saturday am, then Halloween party 10am, then baptism 2pm. Yeah, I like to run a full schedule - ROLF!
After church, I worked with the kids on their halloween costumes. I SO wish I would have taken pictures of the kids wearing them! They were ADORABLE! I sewed a dragon outfit for Jimmy. It turned out surprisingly good! It was a little tunic type shirt with long sleeves (elastic in the wrists), a hood, and 3 dino spikes on the back. SO cute. I'm gonna make pants to go with it also.
Then, Tom got his knight costume. Remember the directions from yesterday? I sewed the pant legs to the black tee-shirt, then kept the waits. I took the left over "dragon" fabric from Jim's costume, and cut a tunic type thing for Tom, and sewed the Pants waist to it as a hood type thing. Sounds funny, but looked GREAT! He added a wide belt, leggins, and army boots. Yeah, the army boots were kinda funny, but better than tennis shoes. You know, close up, the costume looked pretty good. But from far away, it looked a little "fruity". Know what I mean? hehehe. Like Robin Hood from Shrek - don't you dare tell him I said that - LOL! I'll get a picture posted tomorrow.
Next, it was Joe's turn. Obiwan Kenobi. He had a brown/gray robe type thing. Looked like a monks dress type thing with a hood. Joe wore his Civil War white shirt, then I took a long skinny rectangle of fabric, split it 3/4 of the way length-wise, and put one side of each "tail" around his neck/shoulders. Then I criss crossed it over his torso, and tucked the whole thing into his civil war white jammie pants. Next, I split the "monks robe" to make a "coat", and trimmed the sleeves and bottom. I used some of the extra fabric to make a belt. OMGosh - he looked FABULOUS! Again, what's up with me and not taking pictures????
After the costumes were sewn, we went to the park. In costume. They wouldn't take them off. It was TOO funny. I could hear kids saying "Here comes Obiwan Kenobi" and "Look at that knight". Silly kids. I had fun chatting with the girls for a while, and the kids got out of the house. Well, more like, I got the kids out of the house.
Since we had a big lunch, we just ate what we could find for dinner. Sandwiches and cereal and such. I helped Jim and Joe clean their room, and put them to bed. I even stayed in there and "snuggled" with them until they each fell asleep. It's been a while since I did that. They're such sweet little boys.
I chatted with my mom for a while, too. Ha! This WordArt wasn't supposed to be like this. ROFL! I was chatting with my mom on the phone as I was designing, and wasn't really paying attention to what I was writing, and messed it up! It was supposed to say "Forget the ghost, beware of me!". And it came out "Be Scared". hehehe. BUT, I liked it, so I left it. I thought it would be good for a layout of a very messy room, or messy kid, or dangerous situation. You get the idea. Maybe I'll try the "Beware of me" idea again some other time - hehehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

I love reading your blog everyday! Thank you for sharing your wordart with us. :)
My husband leaves for basic in January so it is nice getting a little bit of an inside look into the life a real army wife! =)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 8 post on Oct. 19, 2009. Thanks again.
I LOVE this happy accident! The only problem I am going to have is figuring out which "scary" picture to use it on. ;-) Thanks for sharing.
Great word art, thank you!!!
Love it! Thanx!
thank you!!
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