I woke up at 6:30 am, and started cleaning my room. Yeah, because it's SO important that my room is clean when my parents come - LOL! Like they're gonna be in there - hehehe. I don't know. I just wanted it clean, I guess. Maybe I was avoiding the rest of the house. Yeah, I think that was it - hehehe.
At 7am, I went out to get the kids ready for school, and out the door. Jake started doing school early so he could be done by 11am. The kids left at 7:30, and I started cleaning Joe and Jim's room. That's where my parents were staying. I sprayed down the mattresses, and put on fresh sheets. I cleaned the room, and hung up some curtains (yeah, TOTAL blankets tacked to the window before - hehehe), and washed down some walls.
I cleaned the bathroom (NASTY!), and did the dishes, and cleaned the counter tops, and swept the floor, and rearranged a little bit, and hid some piles of stuff, and trimmed the bushes in the front yard, and cleaned out the truck, and I don't remember what else. A lot.
Jake was done with school at 1oam, so he was able to help me out a little bit. Jimmy? Not so much. One of these days, he'll be helpful too. But not this day. And probably not tomorrow either. Poor Jimmy.
At 11:25am, we headed off to the airport. We got there 7 minutes after their flight was scheduled to land, but it was 10 minutes late, so actually, we were 3 minutes early. You like that? Works for me! Apparently, there were 15 planes on the runway, waiting to take off in Phoenix before my parents. Dang! That's a lot of planes.
It was SO good to see them! Jimmy ran right up and hugged Grandma Lyn, but looked a little skeptical at Papa Steve. A few months ago, Jimmy was talking to my mom on the phone, and told her that he had an owie on his toe. She said that Papa would cut it off with his knife (just joking, of course). Well, he's been concerned that my dad was gonna chop of his toes. Nice. It only took him a few minutes to warm back up to my dad, though. He realized that there would be no chopping of the toes. LOL!

So, after we got the luggage, we headed off to Olive Garden. Mmmmm, I just LOVE their unlimited Soup and Salad. Tasty! My friend Laurie and her son Rowan came too! It was a good time. A little busy with an almost 3 year old and a just turned 4 year old, but good. Lunch with friends and family can't be beat!

Next, it was back home to drop off the luggage,

Next, on to the PX,

yeah, SO embarrassing - my mom was snapping pictures at all the soldiers who were walking by - hehehe. This pictures for you, Aunt Sue!!!

Hehehe, there was a card board cut out of an MP back by the bathrooms, and my mom thought it would be funny to take our pictures with him. Is it just me, or do I have a big head - ROFL!

then Sonic for happy hour 1/2 price drinks. We picked up some for the kids when they got home, too. Mmmm, drinks!

After the kids got home from school, we went on a driving tour of El Paso. We went out the Jeb Stuart gate, then got on I-10 heading West.

We took Transmountian over the mountains,

and got on 54, then back in the Cassiday gate.

We made a big loop! It was pretty fun to see the whole town.
Next, it was on to the Pack Meeting for Joe. Here's Joe and I before the Pack Meeting. We brought cookies from WalMart for treats. And put them in the Halloween Buckets. Yeah, I know. We're SO fancy.

Andrea and her family were there too. They'd just got back in town from Tombstone. They'd gone there on vacation for a few days. It was good to see her. Funny how a few days can seem like SO long. Missed ya, girl!
Joe earned his Bobcat badge, and got some beads for his Tiger award thingy. Good job, Joseph! I'm SO proud of you!

After the Pack Meeting, we headed to the Burger King on Montana. There's a big playland there. It was a good time. But the AC was cranked so high, I thought I was gonna freeze - LOL!
Back home again, hang out for a while, and put the kids to bed. My mom and I worked on the baptism program, and then she "helped" me design and blog, and off to bed we go.
Friday should be a good day. We wanna go to the On Post Thrift Store for their $0.10 sale, we wanna work on a poster project at Staples, we need to work on Eme's baptism dress, lunch at Taco Cabana at noon, maybe a movie at 5pm (G-Force - anyone see it?), and print out Eme's baptism program. Dang, that's a full day already. We might try and squeeze a little bit of sight seeing in there too.
My mom's freaking out about all the bugs in my house. I live in the desert. We have crickets. And other unmentionable bugs. You get use to them. They sing you to sleep at night. She thinks that's ok, as long as they do it from a distance. hehehe. She said as long as it's just on my dad, it's ok. ROFL!
OK, I don't know if you can use this one or not, but my Mom made me do it - hehehe. It's Glenn Beck's new favorite saying. At least part of it. The whole thing is "Question with Boldness, Hold to the Truth, and Speak Without Fear". It's a Thomas Jefferson quote. Pretty nice, don't you think. What are you gonna use it for? Hmmmm, don't know. LOL! Maybe political layouts? Education layouts? I don't know. You tell me. Anyone got a good idea?
Anyway, click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Oh, I LOVE Glenn Beck! He's probably my favorite person on TV right now. No nonsense, regular guy. Thanks so much for the word art! Sounds like you had a very busy day with your mom getting into town. Have a great time while she's there!!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 8 post on Oct. 23, 2009. Thanks again.
I see your a fan of Glenn Beck too! My husband and I watch him every night. I kept thing to myself, I need to write down those phrases and use them. You did it first. Thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful and inspiring phrase. Are you going to do the other two?
The phrase would be good for any patrotic theme, especially in today's world.
You people who listen to Glenn Beck really scare me. Aren't you aware of what's really going on in the world. One evening when someone told me about Glen Beck I said ok I'll listen to him but after a few minutes I had to turn him off. He was making me nauseous.
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