Andrea and I decided to go to the garage sale at my neighbors house at around 9am. They had some nice clothes. I got 4 tops and Jake bought a fish tank (with light and water pump). Yep, we're getting a fish. LOL! We're gonna have a pet - ROFL!
After the garage sale, I went down the block to Andreas. The kids were all occupied, and Captain Americawas still asleep. His goal of sleeping in was working MUCH better than mine. hehehe.
I helped Andrea go though her closet, organizing it by color, and getting rid of the things that she no longer wanted/liked/fit/etc. I was there for a few hours.
At noon, I hurried home, got Jake and Tom ready, and headed off to the neighbor kids Birthday party. We were the first friends to arrive. It was at the bowling alley on post, and the kids had SO much fun. Tom, in particular, likes bowling, we discovered :)
We were there until about 2:30pm. We came home, did chores for a little while, and finalized what everyone wanted to be for Halloween. Jake wants to be Darth Maul. Tom wants to be a Knight. Eme wants to be a cat. Joe wants to be a Jedi. Jim wants to be a dinosaur. But with wings. Or something like that. I wanna be a witch. I don't know what Captain America wants to be, but I figure he can figure that out on his own - LOL!
Then, we headed off to Goodwill. I'm not much for buying pre-made costumes. That can REALLY add up, since they start at $15-$20. A little out of my budget.
SO, we got a black graduation robe for Jake for Darth Maul. It's all face paint after that. Maybe he can get his hair cut short for it too. He has the light saber, so he's all set.
I bought Tom a black tee shirt and some slinkly pants. Here's what I'm gonna do with them.
Then cut out a "tunic" part out of some other fabric I have laying around, and sew the rest of the pants to the top of it. There's directions HERE. It's kinda snazzy, really.
Joe got a long brown hooded tunic. PERFECT for Jedi. He has the lightsaber, and I can take some tan fabric and drape if over his shoulders, with a brown belt or sash, and he'll look very Jedi-ish.
Jim, I bought some green velvety sparkly fabric for. 4 yards for 4 bucks. I'm sure I can make something dino-ish out of it. Surely there's something on line that I can find. For free, that is - hehehe.
Next, it was on to Wal-Mart. I know, I know, I hate Wal-Mart. But they have cheap fish.... What can I say? Jake picked out his fish, and some gravel, and a net, and some food, then we went off to the toy isle. Eme had birthday money, but couldn't really find anything that she loved. She's at an awkward age. Too big for dolls or ponies or such. But too young for make-up or jewelry or stuff like that. Poor thing. She settled on a $5.00 bracelet making set. She'll have to spend the bulk of her money a different time.
Tom found a sword that went well with his costume for only $4.00. Great, since he had $4.50 to spend. I bought a fake witch nose with face paint, and black eyeline, and black nail polish. Then we headed home.
We showed Captain America all of our purchases, and made dinner. Hawaiian haystacks with fortune cookies. Mmmmm. Oh yeah, at Goodwill we found Lilo & Stitch and El Dorado on VHS for a buck each. After dinner, we all sat down and watched El Dorado.
Since Captain America was gonna be busy doing stuff on Saturday night, I decided to call the girls and see if anyone could play. Unfortunately, they all had plans and were already gone. Drat. So, here it is, 8pm on Saturday night, and I find myself with nothing to do. Maybe the girls will come home early. Or maybe Captain America I can convince Captain America to go and see a movie with me (although probably not, since he doesn't like to see movies), or maybe I'll make some hot herbal tea and take a bath and read some in my book. Hmmmm, I don't know what I'll do. Probably not design, though. Or answer emails, which I REALLY need to do. But I don't think I have the energy for that tonight - hehehe. My inbox is getting OUT OF CONTROL again. LOL! Sorry, you guys!
This WordArt idea comes from the October 2009 Visiting Teaching message. Yeah, I know that it's almost the end of the month. But, if you're slow like me, maybe you can use it. If not, it's a GREAT WordArt for pics of kids, or kids with older people, don't you think???
Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 6 post on Oct. 18, 2009. Thanks again.
I SO need to go to Goodwill next week and look for some things for my kids for Halloween. Sarah wants to be Luna Lovegood, and Spencer wants to be some sort of knight (Legend of Zelda? some game his friends play) and needs a couple of things. Gotta get off my behind and do that next week!
Thanks so much for the great word art! We had a great SS lesson that incorporated some themes from conference. It was SO great.
you are very creative in your efforts for halloween costumes. I would never have thoght of going to the Goodwill for items to use for costumes or had the ideas. Hats off to you.
Just a talented woman you are. I love the Halloween outfit you created and thank you for the word art.
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