I got up at 7am, got the kids ready for school, and out the door. I printed out the shopping list, and went through and found out what I needed to buy.
AS soon as the kids were out the door (well,, I did check my email and such first), I was off to the commissary. Jimmy was watching a movie, and Jake was working on school. I got all the weeks groceries bought, and came back home.
Captain America had just gotten off work. Poor guy had been awake for almost 30 hours. He was dead on his feet. I got him all tucked in his bed, and gave orders to not disturb him. After I got all the groceries put away, Jimmy and I headed out to the thrift store.
I needed to get some fabric or a dress for Eme for her baptism. First, we went to the Post Thrift Store. They had some quarter tee shirts for Tom, and a quarter movie for Jim, but not a dress for Eme. I decided to try another Thrift Store. I knew there was one on Dyer street, just not where. I looked it up on my phone on the way. Who knew that it was right next to the Little Ceasers that I used to go to when we lived on that end of town.
I found a formal dresses skirt that I ended up buying. It was white, and long, and felt pretty. I could work with that. I also bought a fake red leather long jacket for myself and a gray hooded zip up shirt thing.
We stopped at Little Ceasers on the way home for a $5.00 pizza, and headed back. Note to self. Don't try to enter post between 12:30 and 1:00 pm. OMGosh! I think every soldier in El Paso was trying to get back on post too. The line to get in was SO backed up. It took a good 15 minutes to get through the gate. Sheesh!
When I got home, I went to work on Cub Scouts. My job in the pack is Committee Chair. I'm in charge of the meeting where we plan the pack meeting. SO, I went through the "program helps", and pulled out the pieces that I thought would be good for our pack meething. The theme is Jungle Safari, and there were a TON of cute ideas. I got it all typed up, and printed out, and ready to go.
Next, I started on the dress for Eme. Luckily, Eme was home soon after that, and it turned out pretty good. I was able to cut the extra length off the bottom, use the existing waist, and use the excess for the top. My mother-in-law crocheted a top for Eme, and I'm using it as a jacket. I think it'll look pretty good when it's all finished. It's about 90% ready to go. Just a little bit more work.
I made Spaghetti for dinner, and headed off to Scouts. Eme, since she's now 8, could go to Activity Days (for girls 8-12 in our church), so she got to come, as well as Jake, since he's in Young Mens (12-18 yr old boys at church). Tom didn't get to come, since it was just a planning meeting for Cub Scouts. I left him and Joe and Jim home with Captain America.
We got our meeting done pretty quick. It was just me and the Cubmaster. No one else showed up. Oh well. It would have been nice to have a few other parents/leaders, though.
We were back in the truck and headed home by 8:30pm. I put the kids to bed, and sat down on the couch. OK, now that I blogged it, I can see why I am tired. I didn't sit still too long today. And my house didn't get cleaned either. Well, chores got done, so it's relatively clean. Picked up. And it smells good, since I bought new scented oils things. I'll clean up from 7:00am to 11:00 am tomorrow. Right? That's enough time. I'm tired now, and don't wanna clean. I wanna go take a nice, hot bath, drink some herbal tea, and read my book. That's what sounds good.
I am excited for my parents to come. We're going straight to Olive Garden for lunch when they get off the airplane, then take a tour of El Paso/Ft. Bliss by car, then get the kids from school, then dinner, then the other Cub Scout Pack meeting.
I'm not sure what's on the plan for Friday. Maybe a pumpkin patch. Saturday is (maybe) the garage sale, a Halloween Party, the baptism, then dinner at Chilis. Sunday is church, and my parents leave. Dang, we've got a full schedule!
So since my parents are coming into town, I wanted to give away a family WordArt. I saw this saying, and thought it was PERFECT! What do ya think???
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thank!

Thank you! I love it!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 8 post on Oct. 22, 2009. Thanks again.
Thanks so much! It will be perfect for my family reunion pages!
Merci !
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