Layout by Charmaine
Layout by Grace
Another long and event filled day, I must say - hehehe. I woke up at 7am, got kids ready for school, fed, all that jazz, and out the door. I knew that Andrea had to talk to the Vice Principal at the school, then she and Laurie and I would go walking. So I was just waiting for the call to say, "Lets go Walking".
Well, I did get a call, but it was to say that the VP was busy, and pushed the meeting time back. Sigh. So it pushed our walk. At around 10am, Andrea got a call from the Bishops wife, saying that one of our Visiting Teaching sisters was moved from one hospital to another, and needed us to bring her a few things. So we needed to pick up some stuff from the Bishops wife, and eventually take it to her.
SO, I ended up going with Andrea and the baby to the school, and sat in the car for the 30 minutes that Andrea chatted with the VP. Something about filling out speech papers for her 7 year old. I listened to Breaking Dawn on my MP3, and baby sat in the back, perfectly content to play with a car in his car seat. My kids weren't nearly that patient at that age - LOL!
Next, we went across post and picked up Kim. We then drove to the WalMart at Transmountain (Less Jaurez traffic), which was STILL Packed. It was crazy. BUT, I got the stuff that I needed. I needed white spray paint for my "bean wreath" project, some ribbon (I wanted it to be the same color as my new living room curtains), a little curtain rod ($0.97 ! can't beat that!), a glue gun, and some glue sticks, and I got more salad, and some salad spritzers (in ranch), and some single serving water bottle sugar free thingys, and some sugar free juice mix.
When we were done shopping, it was lunch time, and we drove back across town to Walgreens to drop off some of Kims pictures, and went to Taco Cabana right next door for lunch. I got the Cabana Bowl, but instead of meat, it had 3 Cheesey Encheladas. Yeah, I wasn't too impressed. I only finished about 1/2, because I was SO full by the end. I really like meat, though, and it had none. Sigh. Next time, I'll just get what I usually get - hehehe. BUT, it was a nice lunch.
Next, we dropped Kim off at her house, and Andrea got a call from Ryan in Iraq. We sat in the car while she chatted with her hubby for 20 minutes. After that, we drove to the Bishops wifes house, and got the stuff that Andrea needed.
Back to post, and she dropped me off. She went to get her kids, then I think she was running the stuff over to the Visiting Teaching sisters house. I helped my kids get the house clean-ish before the others came home from school, and started working on my wreath. I must say, I lost interest REALLY fast, but pushed on. It takes about 1 and 1/3 bag of Large Lima Beans to cover the size of wreath we got. The kids came home from school, and had a TON of fun watching me glue Lima Beans on the wreath. hehehehe.
Joe and Jim were both there, passing me glue sticks, or beans. I guess I need to craft more, right? LOL! Here's the finished product!

We did chores, and tried to get the house back to clean before Captain America got home. He was supposed to get off at 3pm, but by 6, we still hadn't seen him. I cooked soup for us for dinner (just boring soup from a can), with salad. Not the most original, but easy. And I'm all about easy.
I didn't feel well when I first got back home from shopping with Andrea, so I'd taken 2 Sudafeds, and was feeling a lot better around 6:30pm when Captain America finally got home. The kids hadn't seen him in a few days, so they all wanted to get their "I wanna tell daddy this" time. hehehe.
He left again at 7:30pm to go to the Verizon store to get his phone switched over. Come to find out, they closed at 6pm. Sigh. It's only open till 8pm certain days of the week. Poor guy. So he went to the mall to see if there was a Verizon there that could help him. I haven't heard from him yet to find out if he got it taken care of or not.
I gave Jim and Joe a bath, put them to bed, sent the big kids to bed, and cleaned my room. I had 4 loads of Laundry to fold and put away, and I did. I looks a lot better in here now. Captain America and I are planning on watching a movie when he gets back, if he gets back in time. Hopefully he will. I need to spend some quality time with him. I miss my man when he works so long.....
This WordArt request is from Angela. I thought it could be used on a serious page, or even on a funny one. Of someone lounging around, or in a messy room, or what not. Any other suggestions on how to use this WordArt???
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 6 post on Jan. 08, 2010. Thanks again.
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
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