I sent the kids off to school, and Jake and Jim were still sleeping. I went back to bed. But Jimmy was awake 3 minutes later. So I had him come and join me, and we watched a bit of PBS cartoons. About 20 minutes, Andrea texted, and asked if i wanted to go walking. We agreed to go at 8:20am.
At about 8:10, I started to get ready for the walk. I threw on some exercise clothes, a sock hat, a scarf, a jacket, some gloves, and got Jimmy ready, and headed out the door. It was a nice walk. Cold outside, but nice walk. Buuurrrrrrr!
After the walk, I hurried home, and got ready to go grocery shopping. I was supposed to go tomorrow, but Andrea was going today, and I figured that I could go one day early, and have company. Sounded like more fun to me. Hehehe.
I printed out my list, and crossed off all the stuff that I already had. I went to Andreas house, and we drove to the commissary. Jimmy and Luke came with us. I left Jake at home, undisturbed, to complete his school.
We shopped, and got all the stuff that we needed. I was even $50 under budget. I'll save it for the end of the month. Sounds like a plan.
After shopping, we went home, and Jake helped me carry in all of the groceries. We ate lunch, put away groceries, and Jimmy and I headed back out with Andrea. We went to Wal-Mart this time. I needed Blistex for Captain America, and she needed a few things. We found Christmas stuff for 75% off, and I got some gift baskets for SUPER cheap. Lotions and bath soaps and such. Should be good for a "fast" gift. And under $2 is a FABULOUS price :)
We went back home, and Jimmy and I went to lay down for a little while, before the kids came home from school. At 4pm, the kids came home, and Laurie invited them over to her house to play with her kids. Jim and Joe and Eme and Tom went to play for a few hours. Jake was still working on Homework (he was doing SO well without the distractions of Jim and the rest of the kids), and Andrea and I went out to JoAnns Fabric. We wanted to do THIS craft. Here's a pic of it:

Isn't it cute? We got the foam wreath, and we'd already bought the lima beans earlier at the commissary. I'll keep you posted on the progress :) Should be a lot of fun. I think that after our walk tomorrow, I'll go over to her house and work on it. Which means that I need to find my glue gun and glue. I wonder where that is......
The kids came back home at around 6:00pm, and we had dinner. Crock pot chicken, and salad with croutons, and green beans. Mmmmm, tasty. I cleaned up the kitchen (washed ALL the dishes by hand), Jake did school, Eme played Wii fit, the little kids took a bath, and Tom, um, er, well, I'm not sure what he did - hehehe.
I put the little kids to bed, Jake finished up school, Tom and Eme went to read, and I designed. I got 3 new WordArt packs designed. One about friends, one all Mark Twain quotes, and one about the past. I think they turned out pretty good. I did notice a typo in one, but I still have time to fix it. I just need to remember to go and do it - LOL!
I took a nice hot bath, and relaxed for a while before Captain America came home. He and I chatted for a while before bed, and here it is, 11pm. I'm gonna shut this computer off, and listen to Breaking Dawn for a while. I'm already on chapter 9. Dang, it goes fast when you listen, not read. hehehe.
OK, I thought that this one would be PERFECT for the New Year. Maybe you can scrap a page with your New Years resolutions or goals. What do ya think??
And, while I'm talking about New Years Resolutions, I have an idea. Leave me a comment, with your New Years resolution (and an email address), and I'll come back and give out a few of my new WordArt packs that are releasing on Friday. Sound like a plan?
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
TYPO IS ALL FIXED. The downloads have been updated as of 1/5/10 (12pm MST) And yes, I know that the preview is STILL wrong.....

My resolution is to find lots of happy thoughts when I'm finding a bad day. Like thinking about cute puppies and my boys giving out those unexpected hugs. So just working on being not getting myself down, especially about things I have no control. Happy New Year and as always, thanks for the wonderful wordart.
joy8rangel at gmail.com
I know this sounds cheesy but mine is to be the best I can be. Its something I tell my daughters all the time. (scrapbooksis at yahoo.com)
Just letting you know that Obstacle is spelled wrong in your preview! Thanks.
My goal this year is to not let myself get in my way! I start school on Monday and its go time for me! Thanks for the WA, its awesome as always! (msawyer428 at gmail.com)
My resolution is to let go of perfect and allow myself to create. That means spending some serious time with my photography with always trying to wait out "that" shot and creating at least three scrap pages a week.
Opps forgot my email! DigiScrappinKat@gmail.com
My resolution is to loose the 15 pounds that I gained back last year after a 42 pound weight loss two years ago. I want to lose them before vacation in May. I know you can relate, Bethany! :0) Also, I HATE to say this, but I think you have obstacle spelled wrong. It didn't look quite right to me, and I had to check my dictionary and it still doesn't look right, but the dictionary says - "obstacle". My email is - cafdhf@embarqmail.com. Happy New Year!
I hate to say it but my NY's resolution is very boring....to eat healthier. But let me shed some background so that it's not quite as boring as it seems....after having had breast cancer and gone through chemotherapy, it has taken a really long time to feel normal again. That stuff is wonderful and toxic all at the same time! So I just feel that a MUCH healthier diet will help with my chronic fatigue and lack of energy.
Thanks for all your wonderful WA!
I have a slew of resolutions this year - drink more water, walk every day, scrapbook a ton, and most importantly get pregnant and finally become a mom! Thanks for all your wonderful artwork!
one of my resolution this year is to have a baby. :)
Happy new year!!!
forgot my email addy nyempluk2001 AT yahoo DOT com
my biggest goal this year is to loose some weight... after the pregnancy i took so much and my son is already 2 now... so i hope i can lose something like 15kg that would be great to get myself in shape again :D
thank you sweety for this fantastic chance... love your wordart.
my email is: coco_kimo@gmx.de
This sounds like the same old, same old, but mine is to lose weight and stick with it. I've recently been on heavy doses of steroids and antibiotics for having Labrynthitis and then suddenly losing the hearing in my left ear. Nothing has seemed to work...except the steroids have caused me to gain almost 25 pounds and I had 25 pounds to loose before that! So I am determined that 2010 is the year that I CAN DO IT! Can you share your diet secrets again???? Pretty please?
Love your word art! You used to list what fonts you used, it would be nice if you could include that again. So that we could use the same font in our layouts. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful talent.
(jmutch at tampabay dot rr dot com)
My resolution is to take more time for me and not feel quilty for it. I tend to forgot about me and then get stressed out.
Email: sdspicer at bellsouth.net
We aren't doing "resolutions" at our house this year... we're doing "10 for 2010". Each person in our family is making a list of 10 things they want to accomplish by the end of the year. Using a checklist style, makes it seem a little more attainable and less like it has to be something we uphold for the rest of our lives!
So, my 10 for 10 include:
*Complete our 52 new foods project
*Read to the girls at least 20 nights per month (a challenge when one gets home from gymnastics at 8 pm 3 nights a week!)
*take a family photo once a month
*catch up with the laundry (could take all year, lol!)
*complete at least 3 photobooks
*have a weekly plan for healthy meals we eat together at the table!
*spend more time outside with the kids (though this will be delayed until the temps are above -35!)
*declutter everywhere! (hopefully in prep for a move)
*keep in better contact with distant friends
*take more everyday pictures in addition to the "big" events!
Just to let you know, the younger the child, the funnier the goals! Our 5 year old has a list that includes:
*go to Disney again
*go outside someday
*climb in a tree
*swing in a hammock
Happy New Year!
gasstud at hotmail dot com
Mine is gonna be to make sure we actually do a family real vacation this year....and also to take more time and actually work on the scrapbooks I have been wanting to do!!!
I would like to become more disciplined in my life, including devotions, eating, and organization.
Thanks for the entertainment and the great word art!
Some of my resolutions are, be more patient with my kids, read my scriptures daily, save money and stick to a budget.
oops forgot the email, tiffanyandco6@gmail.com
My "word of 2010" is simplify; I'm finding it empowering - simplify stuff [less clutter], simplify life [spend more time with family doing things], simplify routines [do chores daily opposed to a big stack 1x/week], and simplify health. Lots in a word but five days in, it's is so helping. :-) Thanks for your generous gift. :-)
DaraGolden [at] yahoo [dot] com
My resolution is Live Everyday Like He Is Deploying Tomorrow. My husband recently left for a year long tour of Korea and as I am happy that he isn't in a war zone, I still do wish he didn't have to go. We want to grow our emotional bond during our time he is away. (goss.family at ymail.com)
Well I have lots of "goals" this year, but the biggest is probably clean out the garage, it is packed floor to ceiling with junk!!!!!
thanks for all you do.
That's a gorgeous wreath! I went with a word of the year for my resolution: Prioritize. I haven't done very well so far. Gotta prioritize: more time with the Lord, QT with my DH, take better care of myself, more QT with the family, etc. Happy New Year and thanks for all your generosity!!!
my resolutions are to seek Him in all that I do and find peace in the things that I cannot control. thanks so much for the opportunity - phartley at directv.net
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 6 post on Jan. 05, 2010. Thanks again.
My resolutions consist of making healthier choices, saving money through couponing, being a better wife, completing my degree in May with a 4.0, and blogging more. I think that covered it all. ;)
ashley at covenantsoftworks. com
One of my goal for this year is to complete my degree in early childhood education and to find a job. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. (beth.florkey@gmail.com)
My resolution this year is to plan our dinner menus better so I can shop once a week. I hate preparing dinner and hate shopping even more, so I think this will lessen the pain
Susan - scrappersue at gmail
My resolution is to spend more one-on-one time with each of my kids & my husband. They deserve it!
Oh, and I'm sure like eveyrone else, I need to lose a few pounds & just get healthier. We'll see.... :)
Thanks for everything...the word art is perfect, as always!
My resolution to keep my eye on the prize of achieving a goal and not to overload myself with too many goals at a time. I love to learn new things but I need to not overcrowd my plate and fill it with frustration.
Excellent quote, thanks! I have a ton of goals for 2010, but I guess a lot of them revolve around getting organized. I'm a terrible pack rat, so decluttering is half the battle for me. Thanks for the chance to win! lulutoo7 a t g mail . c o m.
I have lots of goals this year, but the most important one I think is my husband and I are going to try to have FHE together. We don't have any kids yet, so it should be easy right??? I want to get into the habit now so that we can continue when we do have a family.
I love your WA! Thanks so much for sharing your great talent!
My email is julijewelz@gmail.com
My resolution is to continue my weight loss journey. I have lost 10kg so far, but I a vowed that my "motivation" will not dissappear and i will continue this time!!!
I also vow to make sure I have "mommy" time with both kids, even when I am flat out. They are only little for so long!!!
Have a happy new year!!!
My resolution is really a goal with a very specific target of Disney during Thanksgiving. Which means that I will need to be even more strict with an already tight budget after losing my job yesterday. I have to laugh all the time when I'm reading your posts about budgeting and money because I do all the of the same things.
margaret DASH anderson AT charter D0T net
My resolution is to get out of debt. My second goal is to get my house organized which would help me save time for more important activites (like spending time with my three year old daughter).
It's so easy to get overwhelmed with goals and start making huge lists. I'm thinking about a goal for each role in my life (mother, wife, daughter, etc.).
My personal goal will be like most everyone on this list - to be healthier.
Thanks for the great blog!
hickenfam at hotmail.com
Not a resolution but a word "healing". That is my New Years focus.
Mine is to continue to have a fresh start to my life. (lovely1m at yahoo dot com)
My resolution is to send birthday postcards to all my family members and close friends. I'm doing well so far! :) I really want to be a better mom this year and keep a better house and be kinder and gentler. Thank you for all you do! You are absolutely amazing!
Wow... Lots of comments here! My resolution is to be a more patient mommy. I have 2 beautiful little girls but I tend to lose my patience alot and that's not fair to them. (Not sure how you deal with 5!) Oh yeah, and scrapbook more for myself. Thanks for all the wonderful word art! My e-mail is kimmyscraps at att dot net. Thanks again.
My goals and resolutions for this year?
I would like to be more active in church, which I've already started by teaching Primary, but I want to get to know more of my sisters in the ward, and take part in the extra activities when I can (sometimes working nights is not conducive)
I need to be more active - so I've joined a volleyball team with work.
And I'd like to be able to become better at keeping up my house... cleaning and cooking and such.
Email is nursie at acsalaska dot net
My resolution (which is working so far - of course we're only 5 days into the year) is to make "me" time every day. It may not always be a long period of time, but I am resolved to have time for myself every day, even if it's only 15 minutes. Too many times I overlook that part, taking care of work and things I do for everyone else, and I don't take care of me! No more!
dreamsunltd at equestrimin dot com
I'm going to be more positive in the New Year, and try to stop all my negative self talk!
My resolution is to notice more of the "Good stuff" and forget the "not so good stuff" each day.
Great wordart!
Forgot to add my email.
ivorykeys74 at yahoo.com
I have quite a few resolutions...one is to get my digital files organized...daunting task that it is...but it is time for a purge of what I do not use.
Thanks for the opportunity.
Forgot e-mail...sorry candkallen at g mail dot com
Wow! 50 replies already! I have several goals this year. There is, of course, the weight loss goal that I know I share with most of America. I am also taking on the Project 365 challenge in my scrapbooking. Going along with this one is to blog daily with my 365 pictures. Whew! That's a lot of goals. My email is mscstephens@yahoo.com. Thanks for the opportunity to win some of your fabulous work!
I actually didn't make ANY resolutions this year. I don't like setting myself up for failure, LOL! I try to do little things all the time to improve myself, and fail often enough just with those baby steps. :)
sorzy at wideopenwest dot com
I haven't done resolutions in years because I never kept them. However, I changed the word to "goals" and I always achieve them. So my goals for this year are to finish my degree (I hate homework) and to not go crazy if we have to PCS again (twice in two years). My ultimate goal is to keep homeschooling my children while still trying to keep my sanity. LOL. (Oh, and pay a LOT more on my truck, do the bills ever stop?)
richdigigirl @ gmail . com
My resolution for this year is to declutter my closets and cabinets and to eat healthier...wish me luck!!!
My resolution this year is to get healthy...I have some health issues that I am getting treatment for and that has to be my focus. Thank you for your Word Art...it inspires me! My email is alepage AT baudoux DOT ca. :)
My resolution for the year is to take more time for ME and not feel bad for it...like you I am a stay at home mom of five kiddos (all boys) I am always doing something for one of them. for thier classrooms, church, playing taxi etc.....I want to go out KID free at least once a week and also get at least one hour of quiet time to myself each day.......yeah, good luck with that huh? LOL
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
My resolution this year is to do some traveling and see places I've not yet been and scrapbook the pics during the same year! lol
Thanks for the freebie!!
Thanks for the great WA, will come in handy. The wreath looks so neat to, can't wait to see your finished product. As for my goals for this year, #1 loss weight, so I can be healthy and spend more time with my family and #2 is get my life back in order. After gaining the weight from my oldest, I pushed all my friends and family away and I want them back.
opps forgot my email addy (ladieebugg@yahoo.com)
like most people, i want to get healthier. i would love to lose a few pounds and start regularly exercising. we also want to build a new home this year and get pregnant in the fall. good luck with yours!
sarahdproctor at gmail.com
p.s. i love your work
I just love your work. My goals are going to go visit teach each month and read the ensign each month.
Hmmmm... new resolutions.... I guess to use my craft stash more to make gifts for others. the biggest one is ACTUALLY sending cards out early/on time... to be more healthy.... so many things.
Love your word art, thanks for sharing daily!
(nbwcc at yahoo dot com)
Thank you for this awesome freebie!! It is shared on my new blog post at Hand Picked Freebies! :) Have a great day.
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