So I shower and get ready for the day, start Jake on school, and get a call from Andrea. Shes on her way to take the boys to school, and Luke is sick. Really sick. Back in September, he was hospitalized for breathing issues for 4-5 days. They never did figure out what was the problem. Just that he wasn't getting enough oxygen.
I told her to just take the boys to school, then take Luke to the hospital. She did. Captain America was almost ready to go to work, and we decided that since I wasn't going Visiting teaching right away, I'd go to the Verizon store with his phone, and get it activated. He took my phone to his meetings, and I took his old one and his new one.
I took Jimmy, and got to the store at 9:30am. Should be open, right? Nope. It didn't open until 10am. Sigh. BUT, there was a Family Dollar next door. I spent 30 minutes in there. Jimmy got a car, and I found a TON of 75% off Christmas Decorations. Some ornaments, and a garland. They're pretty. I got some dishwasher soap, and a snack for Jimmy. Mostly, I was just killing time.
Oh yeah!! I have to tell you about this dream I had last night. ROFL! It was about Doctor Who! David Tennant........(I love you!!), yeah, where was I? Oh yeah. Dream. Doctor. OK, so in this dream, he was telling me that he loved me and wanted to marry me, but I recognized that he had an important job to do that couldn't tie him down, so I let him go. But I still remember him holding me tight, looking into my eyes, and telling me he loved me. ROFL!!! How sad is that - hehehe. Maybe we shouldn't tell this one to Captain America - hehehe.
Andrea called, and said that she was in her Suburban, following the Ambulance. They were transferring Luke to the Childrens hospital. Poor baby! She was pretty upset, and said that she'd call when she had more information.
Got to the Verizon place, and waited FOR EVER to be waited on. Sigh. They're pretty slow at that place. Then the little man who "helped" me wasn't very friendly. I even fixed my hair and put on makeup. See, I can't flirt to save my life - hehehe.
BUT, we got the phone turned on, and the contacts switched over. So that was good. It was 10:45am before I got to the place Captain America was having his meeting. It took another 15 minutes to get ahold of him, switch out the phones, and I was on my way home.
I got Jake back on track with Homework (only 2 more classes), and got lunch for people. I had an FRG meeting at 12:30 at the post coffee shop with the FRG leader (Family Readiness Group). I left Jim with Jake, and headed out.
We talked about Unit business, and calendared our events through June. We wanna have a bigger activity every 2 months. It should be fun. We talked about a Movie day, a Cinco De Mayo celebration, an 80's dance, and a few other things. We also planned meetings where we got together and received training. Like healthy living, and money management, and relationships, and such. Should be a good year! We're meeting with the Commander on Monday to go over the details.
I didn't get home until almost 3pm, and I had to jet out the door to pick up the kids from school, and Andreas kids. I'd told her this morning when I talked to her that I'd pick them up and bring them home. Her house was locked and the kids didn't have a key.
As I was waiting in the Parking lot at the school for the kids, she called, briefly (her cell was dying) and said that Kim was gonna get the kids, and take them to her house. She only has grown children, and was able to have them spend the night, and be comfortable. Kim's such a great lady :)
I picked up my kids, and headed home. I took Leslie's kids home too :) It was WAY too cold to be walking :) hehehe. (yet I let them walk to school, when it's even colder.... explain that logic - hehehe)
Andrea had texted her number at the hospital to me on the home phone, and I called her back when I got home. She said that after she'd got to the hospital, that the ambulance took Luke in, and that they wouldn't let her see him until she'd filled out paperwork. It took 3 freakin' hours for her to see her infant son. That's just not right. She was pretty upset. I would have been too...
She said that she hadn't had food since Thursday, and that all she could get there was crackers. Dang. I really felt for her. Plus, I needed to go and get the stuff from Heather and take it to Sister Montoya. WAY too much to do. She said that Kim was going to bring her food, and stuff. And I think she was gonna leave and come home real fast once Luke was asleep. The nurses said that she could do that.
I made mini personal pizzas for the kids for dinner, and tried to get ahold of Captain America about going to visit the people. He said he'd be home in about an hour. That was 3 hours ago. Sigh. It's now 7:22pm. The rehab place closes at 8pm. We have to go to Heathers place first, then to the rehab place. And Captain Americas still not here. I really hope he comes home fast and soon. Sigh.
My kids watched a REALLY funny movie tonight. Kung Pow. OMGosh. It's a compilation of 2 70's Kung Fu movies, and new modern stuff mixed in, and the voices redone. One of those "so stupid I can't believe I'm watching this" kinda movie. Like he Kung Fu fights a cow. And as a baby, he kicks everyones butt. And one of the ladies had ONE giant boob. Random, crazy, weird stuff. LOL! My kids laughed and laughed and laughed. hehehe.
After our "errands", we're probably gonna go and see a movie. Status quo for a Friday night, right. Maybe I'll make him take me to see Sherlock Holmes. I wanted to see that one on the "good" screen. Those dollar theaters are pretty crappy. Good for some movies, but an action movie really needs to be seen on a good screen, right?
K, back from our "date". It's 11pm, and I think we're ready for bed. Captain America came home at 8:30pm. Crud. Sister Montoyas place closed at 8pm to visitors. But, we decided that if we still went to Heathers place (which was open till 10ish), we could grab the clothes, and just drop off the stuff at the front desk at the rehab place.
Captain America called Heather, and she said it was still ok to come. He changed, and ate, and by the time we got there, it was 10 after 9pm. Late, but she knew we were coming. I couldn't really remember which floor she was on, but was sure of the door. I thought it was the 3rd floor. Her favorite color is purple (she's only 34 and lives in an assisted living facility) and she's always got her door decorated "fun". This door had a beautiful purple wreath, and shiny silver wrapping paper, with silver tinsel trim. MUST be hers.
So I knock. No answer. Weird, because I'd just called from the lobby. Knock again, and a petite little old lady voice answers. Crap. Wrong door. I explain that I've got the wrong door, and we go down a floor, and find the right door. Sigh. Sorry, little old lady on the 3rd floor, for disturbing your evening.
We stay and chat with Heather for a few minutes, and collect the clothes that Sister Montoya needed, and head out. It's not about 10pm. We decided to see if we can just leave the stuff in the lobby at the rehab place. So we go through the first set of doors, and the 2nd set is locked. There's a maid there that lets us in. She hardly speaks English, so she tells us to go up to the 2nd floor to leave the clothes with someone.
We go to the 2nd floor, and they say that they don't know her, but that she's probably on the 4th floor. SO we go there. What a little field trip we're on - hehehe. The 4th floor staff seem to know her, and we ask if we can leave the stuff with them, because we don't want to wake her up. Oh, she's up, they say, so we go down to visit.
She seemed REALLY glad to see up. We left her with the stuff, and chatted for a little while. Apparently, she used to be in the army, and dd Morse Code back in the day. She and Captain America chatted for a little while, we left her with a prayer, and headed back out again.
We get to the downstairs lobby, and the front doors are all covered with signs that say "Please do no assist patients in exiting the building" ROFL! I thought that was SO funny. Until I tried to exit the building, and it was locked. Crap. We were stuck. We looked around, but there was no one on the floor. Not a soul.
So we rode the elevator back to the 2nd floor, and asked how to get out. They gave us a code, and we were able to "exit the building" just fine. OK, last time I make fun of people. LOL!
Captain America and I decided that a movie sounded like fun, so we called my mom to do some "internet research" for us, and see if there was any 11pm showings of Sherlock Holmes. We were in luck. Across town was showing it at 11pm. But as we drove there, we both realized that we were tired.
We ended up going home, and popping in a DVD we hadn't seen yet. The Echelon Conspiracy (The Gift - in Australia). I'm not sure if it was good or not, as I fell asleep for BIG chunks. I guess we should have just gone to bed - LOL! Either way, it was nice to just lay there and spend some time snuggling with my sweetheart :)
Tomorrow, we have a birthday party at 1pm for the neighbor twins, then at 2pm a party for Lauries little girl, and at 4pm a party for a friend of Joe's from school (Tom's teachers son who happens to be in Joe's class...). I'm not sure how we'll get it all done. And I think that Captain America is gonna go on a reenactment. Sigh. I'm all by myself again, it seems....
SO, if any of you are praying people, I know a CUTE little blond curly haired baby who needs a few prayers.....
OK, so I know that I had a clever name for Saturdays posts, but I can't for the life of me figure it out, and I don't feel like going back and looking. I know it had something to do with taking an older WordArt and giving it a remodel. Redo. Make-over. Second chance! Maybe that was it! Second chance Saturday? Maybe. Anyway, HERE is the old version. I still like it. It's very simple. And I like the newer version too :) Next time, I need to pick a really BADLY done WordArt to redo - LOL!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

I like the WA; and little Luke is in my prayers. How old is he?
Girl you're in trouble.
You can NOT pick a word art that's badly done and redo it.
I've browsed through all your stuff, old and new. There may be quotes I haven't picked up, as then the quote itself will never work for me. But I've yet have to find a badly done word art!! :)
Thanks for another great one!!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 09 Jan [LA 03:41am, NY 06:41am, UK 11:41am, OZ 10:41pm] ).
Luke is in my prayers. I'll check back for an update. It is so scary when a little one is so sick.
I agree with Dinphy - all your WA is good stuff! But I love the different versions anyway. :)
Have a great (busy party) day.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on Jan. 09, 2010. Thanks again.
"I rock, and roll, all day long, sweet Suzie."
Kung Pow is one of my favorite comedies.
Just found your blog. Beautiful wordart. I'll be Tweeting you. ;-)
Know where I can get Days of the Week wordart?
Hi! I love your word art. I download it and use it often. Thank you so very much for sharing your talents.
Thanks for the WA. Loved your commentary about your day, especially the dream. LOL Love David Tennant and will miss him as Dr Who. Glad you and Brent found your way out of the building and home.
Beautiful work as always, Bethany....TYVM!
love all your word art! and your day made me tired just reading about it. Please update about Luke as you can. Will be praying.
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