It's now 2:21am, and I'm EXHAUSTED. And it's all Andreas fault! ROFL! I went over to her house at 10pm to dye my hair, and of COURSE we stayed up WAY too late laughing and giggling and having WAY too much fun. And now I'm working. Blogging at 2:21am is not good. Neither is designing. I'll have to do something REALLY simple. You know how I get with typos - ROFL!
So I was tired already when I woke up, from reading too late the night before. 2:30am will NOT be my new bedtime. I promise. I'm getting some more sleep after today :) I got the kids ready and out the door (somehow), and Jimmy and I went back to my room for some sleep. Well, trying to sleep for me, and PBS cartoon for him.
I woke up/got up at 9am. My mom called, then Andrea called, then I spent some time on the phone with CDC (Child Development Centers - Day Care for the Army) trying to schedule child care for Jim during my FRG (Family Readiness Group) leader training. They said I had to call CYS (Children Youth Services) and give them my sponsor (husbands) duty number (work phone number) before I could make an appointment.
So, I texted Captain America to tell him to text me the Duty number, and waited. My friend from church, Heather Shoaf, came over to visit, and we were gonna work on a "flyer" for her for work. She sells Scentsy. She's gonna put up a nice flyer (framed) in the local day salon/spa, and wanted some help to make it look nice.
We mostly chatted the whole time, and let her 1 and 3 year old girls play with Jimmy and Jake. I think Jake had the most fun - LOL! He really likes babies :) Jimmy? Well, he had some fun. But they are girls, you know :)
We got a good start on the flyer, and she had to go. I finished it up after she left. Captain America came home for lunch at noon, right as Heather was leaving. After lunch, I read for a bit, helped Jake with school for a bit, played with Jimmy for a bit (but mostly just read - LOL!), and finally, at 3pm, decided to get ready for my meeting at 4pm.
Kids were home at 3:50pm, right when I was leaving the house. I left Jake in charge, and headed for the battery (where Captain America works) (dang, there's a lot of Army Specific lingo in my language, isn't there!). The FRG leader and I were meeting with the Commander to go over some FRG stuff and to try and schedule dates. The dates were penciled in, cause he didn't know a hard fast set time for "field exercises". Sigh. We tried, though. We penciled in activities through April, I think. Or was it March?
It only last about 30 minutes with Commander, but we waited 1 1/2 hours to just get in to see him. Sigh. His previous meeting went long. So Angela (FRG leader) and I stood and sat and chatted about FRG stuff. For a very long time - heehehe.
When I finally left, it was almost 6pm. I stopped by Burger King on the way home, because i just knew that my kids would be starving. I waited in line F.O.R.E.V.E.R!!! How long does it take to make up a few fries and a few Whopper Juniors? I mean, really!
After about 20 minutes, I was back home. I started passing out the burgers, and found that I had 6 plates, and 6 fries, yet only 5 burgers. But I paid for 6. I was not happy. Jimmy said that he'd be fine with a hot dog, so I did end up with a burger after all. But I was out the dollar. Sigh.
I told the kids to do their chores, but they were a bit fried from being home for 2 hours with Jake. Captain America got home at about that time, and let me just go hide in the bedroom. I know that "Johnny" will be here soon ,and it makes me irritable. Plus, I'd just found out from Andrea that they may or may not be closing the gate behind the school. So my kids would have to be dropped off and picked up from school (outside of post) everday. SO not cool. For one, it's their exercise. For another, I'd have to leave post to drop off/pick up the kids. That kinda requires a different level of readiness for the day, you know. Bras are kinda required. And I have to leave the house.
I'm gonna have to speak to someone about it, and find out what's going on. Because that's not cool.
While in my room, I got 2 WordArt packs designed, and some emails taken care of. I told myself, that if I was productive, and did 2 WordArt packs, that I could be rewareded with reading more of my book - LOL!
Captain America put the little kids to bed, reading them stories and such, and played a game of Wii Tennis with Tom and played a real game of Chess with Jake. I like that it's becoming their nightly routine.
At 9pm, I texted Andrea and asked if she could help me color my hair. Because my graw was simple out of control. SO bad around my ears. Not so cool! No response, so I sat down on the bed and read for a little while.
Captain America came in, and popped in a Civil War DVD, and watched a few minutes of it while I read. Andrea texted again at around 10pm, and said that I could come over now for the hair party. Sigh. It was SO late, and I was tired, and hadn't blogged yet, but I just couldn't resist. I hadn't seen Andrea in over 24 hours, and that's just not right - ROFL! So I drug my tired butt down to her house.
She did a GREAT job on my hair! No more gray! Just some pretty Dark Mahogany highlight -hehehe.
SO, my tired brain came up with this. Hopefully it's passable. Hopefully :) I'm tired. I can hardly see the screen. I don't know if it's spelled right. My eyes won't stay awake. SO, Here it is. Hopefully it's fine :) Click on the lnks below to go to my accont to dwonload the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. See, typos galore...
Never again will I complain about my day. Yours is definitely the longest. Thanks for you all you do for us scrappers. I love your daily blog and free gift. May today gift you plenty of rest and free time. (Fingers crossed)
You always do such an awesome job on your word art, thank you for sharing!
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