I woke up at 7am, got the kids ready for school, out the door, and then, blah. I just sat on the couch. For most of the rest of the morning/early afternoon. I laid on the couch, snuggling with Jimmy, and watched a whole movie. I played around on Facebook. I laid down by myself and tried to take a nap.
Captain America came home at noon, and I chatted with him for a while. I convinced me to come outside and help him wash the rigs on his lunch hour, and I was the drying girl. Yeah, bending over to get the low spots about killed my head. I'm thinking it's a sinus pressure headache. Not sure, though.
I did take some sinus meds, and eventually a migraine pill. And some caffeine. That might help. I was desparate.
Anyway, while washing the rigs, Andreas Father in Law wandered down, and stopped to say hi. "Mom" and the kids were at the park, and he continued walking. He and Captain America chatted about cars, and old trucks, and such.
He continued on to the park, and Captain America went back to work, and I came back inside. Head still hurt. Not unbearable, but hurting and annoying. Anyway, I hung out until about 3:30, then headed to the bus stop.
Jimmy and I walked over, and hung out with Rowan and Laurie until the kids came. Then, we all headed to the park. I was on Bus duty, and Veronica was on AQ duty. She was meeting us at the park.
Kayley and Laurie and I went to the park, and Hilary joined us soon after. She lives in a different housing area as us, but hear about my migraine, and since she got off early today, picked up her kids from their school, then went to Sonic and got me a Diet Dr Pepper, then headed over to our park. Awe, what a sweetie!
Kari, from a few streets over, came to hang too. We had quite the little girls gathering. Slowly, people trickled off home. We were there till about 5:45pm, though. Eme had left earlier with Veronica to go with Bella to soccer practice. Jake was still at home doing school. He'd spent 15 minutes out of each hour during the day icing his ankle, and it was disrupting his school. So he was still working. Slowly, but surely.
SO, I cooked dinner, and helped Joe with his homework, and went to take a hot bath. Hoping it would help my head. At 8pm, I put the little kids to bed, and laid with Jimmy till he fell asleep. Tom was watching a movie, Flushed Away, so I watched the rest with him. Eme's still at Veronicas (or soccer practice, or coming home), Jakes upstairs reading, and Captain America's still at work.
I'm getting my work done early (well, early for me), so that I can go to bed early. Hopefully, when I wake up in the am, this headache will be gone :) I've got stuff to do tomorrow :)
Day 2 of my diet is over. Plus, Johnny came, so hopefully the hormones will be all settled down :) hehehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
And yes, I know that my upper shadow is wanky. I fixed it on the PSD file, but this one slipped by. It'll be all right on tomorrows freebee. You'll forgive me, right? hehehe. BUT, I do think that this version will work for my new packaging.
I'm sure I can find SEVERAL photos of faces to fit this particular WordArt.....
And yes, I know that my upper shadow is wanky. I fixed it on the PSD file, but this one slipped by. It'll be all right on tomorrows freebee. You'll forgive me, right? hehehe. BUT, I do think that this version will work for my new packaging.
I'm sure I can find SEVERAL photos of faces to fit this particular WordArt.....

Thank you so much Bethany for all your awesome wordart!
This is great! Thank you so much! And, most definitely a sinus headache.... No OTC ever works for me, tried all the nasal sprays and the only one that works for me is Omnaris. HOpe you're feeling better!
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave.com in the DigiFree category today [23 Mar 10:16am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
He's still icing his ankle from hurting it at the campout?? Doesn't that need to be done within the first 24 hrs or so to do any good?
Thanks for the WA!
My sinus pressure relief trick...put Vicks Salve on your forehead, sinus areas, and on your eyelids...yes, ON your eyelids. You will not be able to open your eyes...so, take a little nap. Usually the headache will be gone or at least greatly lessened when you wake up!
I LOVE IT!! And I have the perfect picture for it. My 3 yo little boy HATES to wake up for school in the morning, so this will go nicely with that picture!
thank you!!
I have plenty of photos to go with this. Thanks.
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