Since I'm switching stores, I figured that I should have some kind of "Store Closing" sale, right? SO, here's a 50% off coupon for my Scraporchard store. Yeah!
CODE: storeclosingsale
I know, it's not very original....but it works!
Good till the end of the month when my store there closes.
I know, it's not very original....but it works!
Good till the end of the month when my store there closes.
SO, I was up at 7am with my alarm. I got the kids dressed and fed and packed up and out the door to the bus. And I started to clean for my party. I was hosting a Pure Romance party. They're fun with the right people. hehehe.
Anyway, since I spent ALL day long yesterday on the computer doing job stuff, I didn't have a lot of time to get ready for it today. I cleaned from 7:30am to 8:00am, got Jake going on school, Jimmy situated, and headed out for my walk. We walked until 9:15am, and I headed home.
We had this smoke detector, last night, that started beeping. Did I tell you about it? I beeped every 1 1/2 minutes last night. ALL NIGHT LONG. I guess I fell asleep, though. Anyway, after the walk, it started beeping every 10 seconds. Or was it 5? Either way, WAY annoying. So I texted the girls to see if anyone had an extra 9V battery. Veronica said she had one, and dropped it off, along with a cake for the party, on her way to school.
So, Jake got the ladder for me, and I tried to replace it. And I coudln't figure it out. Sigh. So it kept beeping. I cleaned the living room, moved the couches, swept, picked up the junk, cleaned the little boy's room, vacuumed, cleaned the downstairs bathroom, swept and picked up the dining room, pulled some chairs into the living room, and was starting on the Kitchen and my taco bake for lunch, when my friend Kari, our consultant, got there. How did it get to be 10:30am already. I guess it wasn't a shower day. I ran out of time.
I took Jake and Jimmy over to Rowans house, and came back to make lunch/clean the kitchen. It looked pretty good when I was done. Unfortunately, the power went out. As Kari was coming into the house, we heard a MASSIVE boom. I'm guessing some power thingy blew. They have a TON of construction near our house (building 1200 4plex townhouses), and I'm assuming they messed something up. Sigh. I changed the Taco Bake to Taco Casserole (stovetop). It worked....
People didn't show up until close to noon, but it was ok. We ended up with 6 girls and me and Kari. We had SO much fun laughing and giggling and giggling some more :) I ended up with some free stuff, and got 10% of the total sales in free products. Sweet! Now, to decide what I want :) hehehe.
I'm totally outing Andrea here, but she told her inlaws, who are visiting, that she was going to a "Primary Presidency" meeting. She's TOO funny. We kept teasing her, and saying that her "dad" was coming to the door. Ha!
So at 3pm, the party was over. OH YEAH, the cake that Veronica made was TO DIE FOR. I'm gonna have to get the recipe from her. It was a bundt cake. At first, it just looked like some ordinary bundt cake. It had powdered sugar sprinkled on it, no frosting. Looked kinda plain. But OMGosh, it was the most FABULOUS thing I'd ever had! She said there was sour cream in it. It was soft and moist and FULL of flavor. Yea, I need the recipe.....
Anyway, we went to the bus stop to get kids at 3:30. Laurie had brought Jake and Jim back home, and we all went to the park after the bus. Andrea came for a few minutes, and Veronica was there for a bit. Laurie and Hilary and Kayley were there too. We bad mouthed Hilary into bringing us Happy Hour sodas again - hehehe. She's SUCH a fun friend :)
I left the park at 5:30pm, and got home in just enough time to feed the kids left over Taco Bake, um, er, Taco Casserole, and get ready for football. Tom was all ready, with a change of clothes so we could go to church at 7pm for activities, and Jake was getting ready, when Captain America got home. He said that he'd take the boys. He wrapped up Jakes foot securely with tape, and off they all went. Captain America does such a good job with those 10-11 yr old boys :) Good job, honey! AND, because he's coaching, we got a better deal on the sport. It was $60 per kid, but a 20% discount on the 2nd child. NOW, it's the 1st kid free, and the 2nd kid 1/2 price. They won't give us cash back, it's just as a credit. BUT, that still helps...
I got to stay back home, and get ready for my Cub Scout Committee Meeting at 7pm. Thank goodness! I decided on what we needed to do, and go the kids ready. We headed out at 6:45pm. Dang the Pershing gate! Had it been open, we would have been on time. It closes at 6:00pm, though. And those MP's are SO sure to close it right on the dot.
Anyway, Eme went to Achievement days, and Jim and Joe came to my meeting with me. Andrea was there for the Webelos, Brother Blackman was there for the Wolves, Andreas husband, Ryan, was just called as our new Cubmaster, and he was there, Kayley was there as a parent, with her 4 kids, and Laurie was there as a parent, with her 4 kids. That's 10 kids and 6 adults in a little classroom. The kids entertained themselves by drawing on a big chalkboard, and being loud. Seriously, my ears HURT when I was done - hehehe. We planned Cub Scouts until August 2010. Should be a good time!
After scouts, we visited with Hilary in the hall for a while, then continued our conversation outside, near our rigs. The kids eventually got impatient, and came to get us. ha! Just as I was leaving, Captain America and the boys showed up. Oops. They were late. They'd missed the activities! Well, Jake had. Tom didn't have scouts.
I took the boys home with me, and Captain America stayed at church for a while. I got the little boys in bed, and the big boys all situated, and Eme in bed. And I sat down to be productive.
Captain America had gone to do Staff Duty at the BDE Headquarters. Apparently, his buddy Justin was supposed to do it, but had something that he really needed to do at work the next day, so told Captain America that if he could come up at around 9pm, that that would work for him. SO, I won't see Captain America until around 9am tomorrow.... So that means that he gets the day off tomorrow. Sure, he'll be sleeping, but he gets the day off - hehehe. Such is the life of a soldier...
What did I do? I texted Hilary for about an hour, and chatted on Gmail chat with Jen (Graham Like the Cracker), and eventually read a new chapter of my Twilight Fan Fic from last summer. See, I'd told myself that I was either gonna design my new kits for the week, or blog and design for tomorrow, or fold laundry and watch a movie. Chat with my friends and read was NOT on the list. Oh well, it was really enjoyable - hehehe.
So now it's time to go and design something, and it's after midnight. Not much, though. Maybe I can still make a coherent thought! hehehe. We'll see.....
Dude, I should have designed BEFORE the reading of the Fan Fic - hehehe. It's not 12:21pm, and I'm tired. So, I picked out this nice quite, then sat down to WordArt it. I decided that the Word Life needed to be in the font Title Wave, got it all pretty, then totally forgot what the saying way. COMPLETELY forgot it. Yeah, so what you get today is not what I had intended it to be. Not that I can remember what I intended it to be - ROFL!
Anyway, here ya go. I do have a crazy life, as I'm sure you do to - hehehe. We just all have our own brand of crazy, right?
Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.l Thanks!

Thank you for this WA :)
Thank you for the freebie, and the great coupon!! :)
Thank you, just ordered some WA with the coupon. Thanks!
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on in the DigiFree category today [25 Mar 05:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Haha. We need to not give each other fan fic links until our work is done. I swear you do more before noon that I do all day. :)
Thanks for the freebie! Glad I'm not the only one that goes for the Twilight Fan Fiction!!!!
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