Woke up at 7am, and decided against showering. hehehe. Got the kids ready and on the bus, then cleaned for a while. I had to leave the house at 8am to get Jake to his test on time. So I had 30 minutes to straighten up the house, and make it look good. I got quite a bit done in 30 minutes, actually.
We left at 8am, and I stopped and got $40 worth of gas. It wasn't enough to fill it up, but it got me about 1/2 way. We have a HUGE tank. Then, it was off to the TAKS test.
We dropped Jake off at 8:45am, and headed to Walmart. Captain America needed a few things, so we went to pick them up. We got stuck in the TV isle again, this time watching Alice in Wonderland. It was ok, because I was on the phone with my Mom. We stayed there for about 30 minutes, then headed to get what we needed. We paid, and headed out to Fallas Paredes. Captain Americawanted some shorts, cause the last pair we got from there didn't fit. And I let Jimmy play/look in the toy isle for quite some time - hehehe. I also got Eme a little sun dress to go over the swim suit at the pool.
Jake texted at 10:30am, saying he was done. We went and picked him up, signed him out, then headed back home. We were there by 11:15am. We got the house the rest of the way cleaned up, and Captain America was home for lunch. We cooked together, and ate together, all of us at the table, and chatted. It was nice :)
After lunch, Captain America went back to work, Jake worked on a few math classes he needed to finish up, and I went with Hilary to Hobby Lobby.
We asked Laurie if she wanted to go, but she was freaking out because she'd tried to color her hair a brown color, and it turned out blue. BLUE? We drove over, and yep, it was bluish. More gray, but definitely a slight blue tint. Poor Laurie. She wasn't too happy.
I texted Leslie (my neighbor), who'd gone to beauty school, and had ALL the stuff in her house, so see what we could do to fix it.
Anyway, after a quick stop at Laurie's house, we headed out. Hilary's son had a Science project to do, and she needed some crafting supplies. We drove to Michaels, and she realized it wasn't Hobby Lobby. hehehe. It worked, though. She found everything she needed.
We stopped at Sam's club on the way home, and got a few things. I got some shredded lettuce, and we both got a pair of brown sequin flip flops, plus a pair for Laurie. Now we all match - hehehe.
SO, funny Hilary story. We stopped by Sonic on the way home to get a Rt 44 Diet Dr Pepper, Easy Ice, and we were both eating apples. Well, Hilary choked on hers. And she couldn't get it out of her wind pipe. She was almost gagging she was coughing so hard. OK, you're thinking this isn't so funny. Poor Hilary. She needed a drink, and hers was taking WAY too long to get, so she busted open the new milk from Sams Club. And me, being the great friend that I am, took a photo to document the occasion. Yep, I'm that good :)

She dropped me off at the house, and I had Jake start cleaning his room. It was pretty messy. Jimmy cleaned his too, and it was good, for a 4 year old - LOL! I walked to the bus stop with Veronica and Jimmy, and we got the kids from the bus.
Eme and Tom and Jake had to stay home and clean their room, but Jimmy and Joe got to come to the park and play. They had fun (the little boys, not the room cleaners)
Veronica and I hung at the bus for a while, then Laurie came too. Leslie came eventually, and Hilary. Leslie invited us over to fix Laurie's hair, and to get the gray out of mine. We were gonna be to her house at 8:30ish. Sounded good to me :)
We stayed and played at the park until 5:45pm, then headed home. Leftover Lasagna casserole from the freezer was dinner. Popped it in the microwave, and it was good to go. I prepared all the stuff I needed for Cub Scouts, and the kids helped me. We made a gathering activity game, and signs for the opening/closing ceremony. We made Fruit Kabobs. It took about an hour to get everything together.
So about 5 minutes before we left, I texted Leslie and asked if her boys wanted to come to scouts with my boys. She said yes, and we picked them up. Jake and Hunter got dropped off at the church, and me and the other kids continued on to the Park by the church. We got everything set up, then the other people started coming too.
Apparently the Cubmaster (Andrea's husband) missed the part where I was gonna take care of all of the preparation stuff for the Pack Meeting, because he had all the same stuff prepared that I did. Oh well...
We had my family, Andrea's family, Laurie's family, Karin's family, Kayley's family, Hilary, Kristie Blackman (and son), the Glendons, hmmm, I think that was all. It was a well attended meeting!
The kids had a great time, and Ryan did a nice job. It lasted for about an hour, and we all packed up, and headed back to the church/home. Captain America met us at the park, so I sent him back to the church to pick up Jake/Hunter. We met back at home.
Hunter and Braxton had a FABULOUS time. They wanna keep coming, and I'm fine with that! Scouting is a wonderful program :)
So I put the kids to bed, and got everyone situated, and headed over to Leslie's house. She got me in the hair coloring chair, put on the apron thingy, mixed the color, and off she went. She was FANTABULOUS! JUST like being at the salon!
Laurie came over too, and Leslie tried to do something to take the blue out, but it wasn't working. So she ended up bleaching part of it. Then tomorrow, she's gonna put in "Low Lights". It looked a TON better when she was done tonight. Not so blue - hehehe.
My hair looked great too! No more gray! Leslie really knew her junk! OK, I found a new hair dresser :) hehehe.
We stayed and chatted and talked WAY too late. But it was fun :) Gotta love late night girl time!
So here's a few pics from our evening. Me with the color on the gray parts.

SO, this WordArt request is from Cynthia. Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

This quote is so important too. I like the emphasis on "Important Child". Thank you for this. I will definitley use it with pleasure.
Awesome quote! I'm in awe at how you made so much text look stunning! Thank you!
I have this quote hanging on my entryway wall .. love it! Thanks so much!
LOVin' the girls hair night. been enjoying reading your blog everyday. great quote today
There's a teeny tiny typo in this. It should be: "...in the life of AN important child" instead of "A important child.
Great quote though! Can't wait to use it.
First, I LOVE the new hair do. It looks really, really cute on you - I think you should keep it for a while - honestly! And thank you for the great word art. My daughter bought a picture some years ago with a picture of a person holding a child's hand and this saying. Love it, and thanks! :0)
By the way, your quote is just fine. I think Anonymous misread it. "I was important in the life of a child" is how it should be read.
Adore this one.. ty so much!!!
DiAnna ;)
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
Thanks so much!
This quote is amazing!
This WA is awesome! Thanks :o)
You know those tacky green shoes your hubby was trying on that day? Well i had to giggle when i noticed our assistant paster wearing a cacky gold pair of them today! lol
I just wanted to let you know that I have been reading your blog and enjoying your wordart for a couple of weeks. I can't believe how busy you are all of the time and still manage to design! You sound like an amazing woman/wife/mother/friend, and I so appreciate your wordart. Also, thank your husband for serving our wonderful country!
What a wonderful and meaningful sentiment. thank you
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