I was totally planning on going the to Relief Society enrichment meeting today at 10am, but realized that there's no way that I could do that AND get things ready for the Living History event at Old Fort Bliss at noon. There just wasn't enough time. So at 10am, I started putting on my Civil War clothes.
Seriously, it took me 3o minutes to get dressed. SO many layers - hehehe. I got all of the kids dressed, which was no small feat, and started in on food prep. I got a pineapple upside down cake, complete with marchino cherries, ready in a dutch oven, minus the cooking part. Same with cornbread. All we needed to do was heat some charcoal, and we could cook it there. I also got a BIG pot of stew ready to go.
And it was all ready to go at 11:30AM. Captain America and Tom were home around then I seriously was starting to feel sick. I don't know if it was the corset, or what, but my head was starting to hurt, and the lack of air was throwing me off. I took a migraine pill, and laid down for about 30 minutes.
We spent the next hour loading the truck, and getting everyone ready to go. We were supposed to be at Old Ft Bliss at noon, but it was closer to 12:45 when we got there. But it was all good.
The kids had a BLAST running around, seeing the Fort, and talking with people who came through. It was a bit bright for me, but I was ok. I drank water, and didn't move around too much. My headache went away, but it was still hard to breathe. Imagine if you take a deep, full breathe of air, that's 100%. Normal everyday breathing is 75%. I probably had my breathing reduced to 40%. Corsets are wicked things - hehehe. But I had to have it so tight to fit into the dress. LOL! I must have been skinnier than this when I made the dress :)
Anyway, I'd texted about 20 people, and told them that we were at Old Fort Bliss, and to come with their kids and check it out. I had a few friends come up. Laurie and her oldest child, Elise, dropped by. So did Heather Shoaf and her 2 kids. And Karin, her hubby, and daughter. And my neighbors Mindy and Sarah and their 6 kids between them. And Hilary came up briefly, to bring me my apple and crackers snack, which I'd totally forgotten to bring. THANKS, girl! And thanks to my friends for stopping by!
At about 3:30pm, we broke "camp", and headed home. It really was a fun little event. Close to home, and not too long. My kind of thing :) We got home, and I helped Tom make dinner. He cut up the meat into a large mixing bowl, added the cream of chicken soup, milk, shredded the cheese, added the stuffing, stirred it up, poured it into a pan sprayed with cooking spray, and cooked it What a good kid he is!
I cooked some dinner for myself real fast, and Hilary came to pick me up at 5pm. We headed across town to I-10 and Yarborogh to pick up that girl who was in town looking at houses. Her name is Lisa, and it wasn't her sister who was a fan of mine, it was a friend from church. Anyway, she was real nice, and Hilary and I look her on a driving tour of Ft Bliss.
Lisa and her hubby and 2 kids (one on the way) live in Pennsylvania, and her hubby is in Dental School. He graduates in the end of May, and he's in the Army Reserve. He'll get stationed at Ft Bliss, and is doing some kind of Dental thing here, then Oral Sugery something else. I don't know - hehehe. She seemed like a super nice lady. And she was 30, so she's close to our ages, too. Gotta love it :)
The realtor had told her that there was no way that they could live on post, because only E5 and below were getting on post. Um, yeah, I don't know what the guy was smokin' - hehehe. We told her to get on the list as soon as he got his orders, and to come in when they got here, and see what housing could do for them. I'm a total believer that Heavenly Father puts you where he wants you. We totally shouldn't have gotten to live on post, but we ended up here. Because He put us here. Anyway, we'll see where they end up :)
So we drove around some of the post housing areas, we showed her the PX, and the commissary, and Colonel Row, and the pool, and Biggs Field, and the hospital, and Hilarys housing area, and the church, then took her back to her hotel. It was about 2 hours worth of driving around. About 20 minutes before we dropped her off, my head started to hurt again.
By the time we dropped her off, I seriously thought I was gonna puke because of the pain. I told Hilary, and she gave me some Tylenol and Advil, but it was still hard. I kept rubbing my neck, hoping that it would get better, but it didn't seem to help. I couldn't get home fast enough. Sigh. Sorry, Hilary. I didn't mean to be such bad company - hehehe.
I got home, and Captain America came and rubbed my neck and back, and tried to help me feel better. He got me another migraine pill, and some sinus meds, just in case it was sinus pressure. And I fell asleep.
And woke up at 10pm. And the headache was gone, but my body felt weird. WAY too many drugs in my system. Yeah, not so good. I went out, and all the kids were still awake. Sigh. I reminded Captain America what time it was (he'd TOTALLY lost track of time), and he put them to bed. I laid down in bed, and started blogging.
It's now 10:23pm, and I gotta try and make a freebee, and get my thoughts together for my singing time/sharing time tomorrow. I've asked Captain America to wear his Civil War shirt over his Sunday clothes, and pretend to be Joseph Smith, and come and talk to the primary kids. The theme for the week is, "Jesus Christ restored the gospel through Joseph Smith". I just wanted him to talk to them for about 10 minutes. Then we need to work on the Song for the month, and the Mothers Day song. I figure that will take up all the time allotted. Unless I still have the migraine tomorrow. I'm just praying that the meds do the trick. And I don't feel drugged like I do right now.
Diet wise, I'm doing good :) I started on Wednesday, I think. So today was day 4. No cheats! Wait, or maybe it's day 3. I can't remember. Anyway, I'm doing good :) I hope it's for the long haul this time. I have about 30 lbs to cut to be at the point I was at last summer. I'm ready for my clothes to fit again. I know how to eat healthy. And make healthy choices. I'm ready to do it again :)
So Hilary had this quote as her Facebook status tonight, and I grabbed it to make a WordArt for ya! Hope you like it ;) Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thanks Bethany!! :) Love your gifts. ;)
BTW.. DiAnna here.. the one that rambled on a few weeks back about drinking lots of fluids when feeling a migraine coming on. lol
I see you wrote about getting another bad headache.. and was just wondering if you had tried out what I had mentioned or not? I feel so bad for you.. I know that nautious .. very... very bad pain throbbing in your head feeling. :S So sorry to hear you were there again.
Been following your blog for a few years now.. and crazy I know.. but you are totally like a friend I have never spoken too. LOL I hope you don't feel like I am being pushy.. I'm so just the opposite of that.. but wanting to extend some help.. since you are so kind to all of us. ;)
Anyhow.. glad your migraine is gone. If I can help in any way with some advice from my experience with them. Plz let me know?
DiAnna from Canada
You weren't bad company! I just felt bad that all I could offer were drugs and legal ones at that! ;-)
Hope you are feeling better. And I really hope you feel better enough to make it to church and Primary! hehe
Thanks for being an awesome friend. I totally would not be as happy here as I am without you and Laurie! The lesson I gave was on depression and how to cope with it. One of the suggestions was to find friends. Anyway, my own thoughts on that idea were directed toward you and Laurie and I'd have totally made it through that thought had Laurie not been there to make me cry (and had you been there I'd have done so too). So anyway, thank you! You are amazing!
How true this quote is. I just sang about Joseph yesterday and so this quote is all the more meaningful for me. Those enduring difficulties and those with joy to share most appreciate loving friends. Good choice of fonts too.
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [25 Apr 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
This is really sweet...love it! Thanks you for sharing!
Love this WA thanks a Bunch
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