I woke up at 7am, got the kids ready and out the door, then hopped in the shower, and got all ready for the day. I got Jake and Jim ready, and we left the house at 8:10am. We drove across El Paso to the site of the TAKS test. It's the Texas State Assessment test. Don't know what TAKS stands for, but that's what it is. hehehe. 7th Grade Math test.
I dropped him off at the Sylvan Learning Center with about 20 other kids. And then I had 3 hours to kill. I didn't wanna go home and waste the gas. So I went to Walmart. We looked at stuff, and toys, and then wandered to the electronics. Toy Story was on, so we sat down and watched the last 20 minutes of that. We wandered some more.
$50 later, we left Walmart. Sigh. Would have been cheaper to drive back home, right? LOL! I guess it was all stuff we needed. Ink for the printer, a cable for the TV, body wash, household stuff. Next, we went to McDonalds. It as 10:15, and I asked for a Kids Meal for Jimmy. Yeah, no burgers till 10:30. So I informed the guy we'd be hanging in the kids playland until 10:30. hehehe.
Jimmy kept coming and asking ever minute, "Is it time yet?". Sigh. He really wanted the car in the kids meal. hehehe. Finally, it was time. The child ate every bite. hehehe. I guess he was hungry :) I chatted with a few of the moms/grandmas in the playland, and at 11:10am we headed out. That was a nice killer of time :)
We went to Family Dollar and looked around for a bit, and then drove to the Dollar Tree. We'd just got to the toy isle when Jake texted and said that his test was over, and to come and get him. It was just after noon.
So we went and picked him up. The instructor lady waved and said "See you tomorrow", and I was like, "Whaaat?" She said, "Yeah, for the Reading Test tomorrow". I said "I thought we did that back in March". "Nope", she said, "That was the writing test".
Crap. Now I have to go back tomorrow. And wait another 3 hours for Jake to get done with a test..... Anyway, we headed back home.
Captain America was still there for lunch, so we got to see him for a few minutes. Hilary came over a few minutes before Captain America had to leave, since she was out for the day. Jake was a few classes behind in Math, so I got him set up for that, set Jimmy up on the Wii (he'd been asking to play it ALL day long - hehehe), and Hilary and I headed out to Fallas. A security tag was left on an item I'd purchased yesterday, and it needed removed.
We went to Walmart first, so she could return something, then on to Fallas. I found some $3.99 beach towels for the kids, which were pretty cool. I just knew that they'd love them :)
Next, we headed to the Thrift Store. I'd come to the conclusion that my Formals weren't gonna fit by the ball. Which is May 14th. Yeah, I can't lose 23 lbs in 2 1/2 weeks. Not gonna happen. Maybe if I'd started in January. hehehe. Anyway, I found a BEAUTIFUL formal for $12.50. Burgendey colored, with white trim. I"ll get pictures soon :)
We headed back home after that. I got the kids from the bus at 3:30, and by 4pm, we were headed to the PX. Jake had a gift card from his Birthday, last August (hehehe), that he wanted to spend, along with some babysitting money. He was one happy camper.
There's a GameStop in the PX, and he found 3 games that he wanted, for his money that he had. Can't remember what they were, but they were all movie themed, I think. Who knows - hehehe. We walked around in the PX for a while, then I got the kids $0.89 burritos. They were SO excited. Good thing they're easy to please :)
We came back home, and got ready for the pool. Joe and Jake wanted to stay home, so Jim and Eme and Tom and I headed out. Tom had his football gear with him, so he could shower and change at the pool.
We got there at 5pm, and I had to leave at 5:45 to get Tom there. And I did, with 1 minute to spare - hehehe. Hilary watched the other kids at the pool, so I didn't have to get them out. I hurried back to post, and luckily, the guy behind me got chosen for random inspection. Gotta like that - hehehe.
Back to the pool, hanging with Laurie and Hilary, then left the pool at 6:30pm. We went home, got the kids changed, and I headed to Leslies house. Her oldest son, who's name eludes me, and I carried her furniture to my house. OMGosh, they were heavy. We started with the couch, and I had to have Jake help me carry my end. hehehe. I'm a wimp.
We rested for a minute, then got the love seat. Yeah, I thought it would be lighter, but because I was tired, it was just as heavy - hehehe. We rested a bit longer, then got the oversized chair. JUST as heavy. hehehe. I know you're laughing at me now :) The kids helped carry the pillows, and cushions, and end tables. And rug. And extra bar stools.
At about that time, I got a text from Captain America telling me that he didn't get out of work in time to go coach Toms team, so I needed to pick Tom up. I had Jake put the little kids to bed, and at 7:50pm, I drove over to the football field. I was only about 5 minutes late. I got Tom, and headed back to post.
The dude in front of me got stopped for a random inspection at the gate. hehehe. Twice today :)
I got back home, Tom showered, and I rearranged the furniture. It's really full. 2 couches, 2 love seats, and an oversized chair. 2 coffee tables, 4 end tables, and an ottoman. Yeah, gotta figure something out.
I cooked dinner for myself, since I'd forgotten to eat and didn't eat to Taco Bell with the kids. I sat on my new couch, and ate some dinner, and watched the news. Yeah, it was nice :) Not the news, but the new couch - hehehe.
I started working on my Cub Scouts Pack Meeting paperwork stuff, and Captain America got home at 9:30pm from work. We hung for a while, then I finished the Cub Scout papers, and emailed them off.
I started blogging, and Captain America came and sat by me on the new couch, and we watch Simpsons together. ROFL! What a nice activity, right? hehehe.
Here it is, 10:42pm, and I'm almost done. I've gotta design something, then go to bed. Cause I'm tired. VERY tired. And I've gotta do it all again tomorrow. Wonder what stores I'll go to tomorrow. Or maybe I'll just go home, and come back when he calls. Cause that would be SO much cheaper :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Well done. I love the Sleepy part being kind of foggy like you feel when you are not all in the present. Thanks Bethany.
Gees, just THINKING about all the things you do in one day make me tired! Good luck tomorrow.
Lovely WA, Thank you so much!
Love the shabby look - Thank you!
I know I can use this - thanks! Love the blog too.
Sounds like you had a busy day! Thanks for the cute WA!
Thank U for sharing!:)
I love this one! I have sooooo many pics of my kids sleeping. =)
This wordart is freakin awesome!!! Thanks :o)
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