Today was good. Kids up and dressed and out the door to the bus. I had to write a note to Joe's teacher explaining why his homework wasn't done. I was gone all evening, and Jake didn't do it with him. He'll finish it up on the weekend.
I checked emails and facebooked for a while after the kids were on the bus, and at 8:30am, went walking with Andrea. I came home, and was supposed to go to the grocery store, but kept putting it off.
Captain America came home briefly at noon, but had to run to go and meet someone at Old Fort Bliss for the rest of his lunch hour. I can't even remember what I fed my kids for lunch, since we were out of bread. No sandwiches, that's for sure - hehehe.
After lunch, I watched an episode of LOST on, then saw that I'd missed a few texts from Hilary. She wanted me to go to Walmart with her. DANG! I'd missed some fun :( She texted a bit later and said that she was at Laurie's hanging out. SO, while I'd just taken a shower and gotten ready, hoping to go grocery shopping right before the bus, I headed over to Laurie's instead. hehehe. I didn't bring Jimmy, because he was still contagious. He was bummed.
We hung there for an hour, then I left for the bus stop. I picked up the kids, and headed home. I printed off my shopping list, and started figuring out what I needed. Tom and I were gonna go to the Commissary. Then I got a text from Hilary, saying "Um, park? Where are you". Crap. I'd forgotten.
So I took the kids who wanted to go to the park, and we hung until around 5;30pm. Laurie and Hilary and Me and Kari and Kayely. It was pretty fun. Plus, our friend Karin came for a while. She lives in the neighborhood, just on the opposite side of Robert E Lee Drive. Her daughter is the same age as Jimmy, and she's Captain Americas age. Super nice lady.
Anyway, we stayed and chatted and hung out for a while. I went back home at 5;30ish, and this time, rEALLY went to the commissary. Tom too. I told Jake that we'd eat when we got back home. I timed it, and it takes about 55 minutes to grocery shop, including driving time. Not too shabby.
We got home, unloaded the truck, put away groceries, and I cooked dinner. Pork and stuffing and veggies. Mmmmm, it was tasty.
We cleaned up a little, and I snuck over to the neighbors house to visit. Leslie is a fun friend. Her youngest is Tom's age, so her house dynamic is SO much different than mine. Nice and quiet and peaceful - hehehe. She made me some herbal tea, and we sat and chatted for about an hour. SO relaxing.
She showed me her brand new table and chairs set that she'd just got, and it was BEAUTIFUL! Plus, she said that I could have her old one. SWEET! Since Joe broke mine a while back, and we still hadn't replaced it. Thanks, girl! You're awesome :)
I got home, did a whirwind clean of the house, and put the kids to bed. Captain America got home at around 9pm. He had been at a "Hail and Farewell" dinner. I could have gone, but it was $20 per person, and we were already going to 2 other events this month (or next), all costing about the same price. That adds up, you know :)
Anyway, he wanted to go out for a date, but my head was starting to hurt. I could feel a migraine coming one. I took a pill, and it was kinda working ,but still kinda hurt. We decided to just watch a movie here, one that we hadn't seen yet. We moved the ginormous TV into our room, and had our own Movie Date Nite :)
I'm thinking that whatever is in the new Migraine meds is affecting me differently than the last stuff. This is a generic version of Imitrex, and it's making me SUPER sleepy. I almost fell asleep during the movie. That's not a good sign....
Anyway, here's your freebie for the day. It's after midnight here, so no guarantees on the spelling. I'll run spell check, though, just to be safe - ha!
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

I have SO many pictures to go with this word art. Thank you! :)
Thanks for sharing - looking forward to using it for summer photos!
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [10 Apr 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
We are hoping for sun someday soon I am armed and ready when our dear friend returns :) Thanks for all the freebies!
Thanks for the freebie! It's great to think about the pictures I'll be able to use it with!
You're right! I can't tell if you're clever or clever!
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