I hopped in the shower, got ready, and was all ready to go by 8:30am. See, I clean up nicely - hehehe. I was all excited to wear these jeans, since they hadn't fit in a while. The fit me at 160. Not at 170. And I hit 160 today. Woohoo! I'm down 10 lbs from 21 days ago. Not too bad :) Only 20 more lbs to go to my weight last summer. Slow and steady wins the race, right?

Laurie came to my house close to 8:45am, and picked up Jimmy and I. We were going to Demming with her to drop off her new puppy at her brothers house. And, she'd picked up another of her brothers (she's kid #9 out of 11) at the airport last night, and was driving him to Demming too. I'm such a turd, I insisted that I ride in the front seat. I get car seat on long trips if I'm not careful. hehe.
Here's Rowan, holding the puppy. I don't know why he's holding his nose. Looks like it's because the puppy is smelly, but it really wasn't. ha!

After we dropped off the puppy and the brother (and his 4 year old son) at Laurie's dad's place, she and I and our boys headed into town to eat lunch. We went to a little Mexican place, and had YUMMY food :) Here's Jimmy with chips from lunch.

Diarrhea, he said. ROFL! Laurie was like, um, he means Quesidilla. TOO funny. Jimmy pipped in, and said that he wanted Diarrhea too! Boys are so much fun :)
We headed back to El Paso, and the little boys fell asleep in the car. But when Jimmy woke up on the outskirts of El Paso, he assured me that he wasn't sleeping. "Sometimes I sleep in the car, just not this time, Mom". Whatever. I heard the snoring, loud and clear :)
We got back to El Paso, and Laurie dropped me off at my house. I went to the bathroom, then loaded up Jake and Jim in the truck, and we went to Fallas. Laurie had gotten a purse there the other day, and Hilary got a new purse today, and I was feeling left out. I wanted a new purse too.
So I went to Fallas, and got the same one as Laurie. I texted her first, just to make sure it was ok. We do have the same shoes, so I guess the same purse is ok. Either that, or she was just way too nice to say "Dude, don't copy me". I'd like to think that she'd tell me "Dude, don't copy me" if that's how she felt :) Anyway, it was only $6, and was brown soft leather feeling. SUPER cute :)
I also found a new swimsuit. It's gonna match my zebra print flip flops. hehe. Black and white swim suit. For $6. And in my size. When I tried it on, it was a bit lower than I'm used to. I'll have to take it on a test run at the pool to see if I can do it. I'm not used to "the girls" being exposed at all. Hmmmm. But other than that, it was modest. The bottom half was perfect.
I also got 2 pairs of exercise shorts. Long ones, that come well to my knees. Gotta like that. They were $3 each. So I spent under $18 (military discount) for everything. Gotta love bargin shopping.
Hilary met me at Big Lots at 3pm, and I got a few things that I needed. I use "needed" loosely. I got a hanging tomato plant thingy, and some dirt, and more twinkle lights for Captain America to hang up. And the boys a candy. hehehe. "needed". LOL!
We hurried home, and picked up the kids from the bus, and brought them back home. Kids did their chores, and I went to my nice backyard patio set. Hilary and her daughter Megan came over around 4:30pm to hang for a bit, and Hilary and I played on Facebook on our laptops in the backyard.
At 5pm, I asked who wanted to go to the pool, and only Eme wanted to go. Jake and Tom had been fighting ever since Tom had gotten home from school, so they didn't get to come. Joe and Jim wanted to stay home, so it was just Eme and I. Sounded good to me.
Hilary and I hung out while the girls swam, then we came home at 6:20pm. She went home, and I started on dinner. Taco salad for me, and Calzones for them. I got one of the pizza crusts, rolled it out long and skinny, like for cinnamon rolls, and filled it with ground turkey, spaghetti sauce, Parmesan cheese, and mozzarella cheese. Then folded it over, pinched it off, and cooked it. Smelled DIVINE :) It just barely got done before Scouts.
At 6:40pm, Captain America came home from work, and we all got ready to go to Scouts. Captain America and Jacob and Hunter (Leslies kid) rode with Captain America, and me and Tom and Braxton and Emeline and Joe and Jim were in my truck.

The big kids went to their Activities, and the little kids just played. Hilary and I did some Primary work in the primary room, then chatted for a while. Then it was time to go home.
Here's a pic of Tom with his clay sculpture. He was so proud. hehehe. I can't remember what he told me it was.

Captain America and his car of kids left before me, by about 4 minutes. But I beat them home, somehow. I was so confused. The got there about 1 minute after me. Hmmmm, strange. But when they walked in the house with Sonic drinks, and a GIANT one, just for me :) What a SWEET man! I'll keep him :)
We put kids to bed, and I started working on my designing and blogging. It's not only 10:22, and I'm all done. Woohoo!! I need to spend some time tomorrow designing and getting my store stocked for the week.
You know, I thought ALL day long that I had plans for Thursday, and I can't for the life of me remember what my plans were, or who they were with. No one that I do things with regularly can think of anything. Weird... So, if I made plans with any of y'all, and I don't show up tomorrow, my apologies - hehehe.
Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 8 post on May. 13, 2010. Thanks again.
Have recently discovered you WA- it's amazing thank you so much for sharing
thank you!!
TY for the awesome wordart Bethany. BTW... very pretty photo of you today! Congrats on the diet going so well. Ya look great!!
Cheers!!! DiAnna
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
I enjoy reading your posts, and your word art, thanks so much. I had to laugh out loud, I "organize" my dirty dishes sometimes, too. They look so much better that way! Congrats on your weight loss, that's inspiring, way to go! Elizabeth, who can't remember her google id anymore, lol
Thank you Bethany for sharing, love your wordart. It has helped add the finishing touch to a lot of my pages!
congrats on the weight loss...you look great. I have been trying so hard to lose but it is sticking like glue.
Hey Bethany,
I saw your freebie today at Craft Crave. Your word art Good Morning Sunshine showed up today. And this morning I woke up to a note on my bathroom mirror from my hubby, "Good Morning Sunshine". I used your word art for the title of my page. Here's the link to the page I created. Thanks so much for your freebies and your awesome wordart. http://susanbowers.typepad.com/in_the_storm/2010/05/good-morning-sunshine.html
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