Well, I never did figure out what I THOUGHT I had going on today - hehehehe. That's ok. I filled my day with other things :)
I woke up at 7am, got kids dressed, ready, and out the door by 7:30am. Jimmy and I laid on the couch until at least 8am, snuggling and sleeping. Jake did his chores, and started school, and I eventually grabbed my computer. I was slow in starting, but I started designing.
Facebook and Gmail kept sucking me in. Drat! I was gonna get all my weekly designing fast. Well, I did get it done, just not as fast as I'd hoped.
I was texting Hilary for quite a while, and finally had to put the phone away. I can't get work done and text at the same time. hehehe. At 11am, I was almost done. I was just finishing up the 5th WordArt pack for the week. And Hilary knocks at the door. See what happens when I put my phone away? hehehe.
She'd texted saying she was coming over on her lunch hour. I was SO excited because i thought she was done for the day, but alas, she had to go back to work. I hurried and finished off my last pack, sent them all to my packager, Joy, and changed out of my pajamas and put in my contacts - LOL! Hilary and I hung for a bit longer, and then Captain America came home, and Hilary got a call from her daughter, saying she was sick.
I totally teased Hilary, and was like "Did you just text someone to call and "save" you from me"? hehehe. Have you ever done that? Tell you friend, "Just call me in 15 minutes, and disreguard EVERYTHING I say". hehehe. She assured me she didn't, that Jannie was really sick.
She left to get her, then go home for the day, and Captain America and I went to El Taco Tote for lunch. We got the Bruscheta plate. OMHeavens, it was good. WAY bigger serving size than I needed, but I ate the whole thing. I won't next time. Steak and onions and green peppers. Eaten with salad. MMmmmmm, tasty!
We stopped by "The Jewelry Box" on the way home, and I got some fake crystal earrings for the Ball. It's tomorrow, you know. Friday night Ball, I'm kinda excited about it :)
Captain America dropped me off back at the house, and I checked on the boys. Jake had finished up classes, and was playing with Jimmy. I headed over to Hilarys house, and we set off on errands. First stop, Walmart on Transmountain.
I bought a SD micro for my phone. Or something like that. It was an 8 GB card. I figured I could put all my music on there, and I didn't need an MP3 player. I just need a good pair of headphones. Actually, the phone has some pretty decent speakers. hehehehe.
I also got a BBQ. It was a $20 one, but it would get us by. I like BBQing, we just don't do it very often. I got a bag of chicken, had hot dogs at home, and a package of Turkey Bratwurst. Mmmmm, yummy!
We needed charcoal, and some lighter fluid. I also got some tomato plants for my hanging tomato plant thingy. AND, Walmart had theirs on sale for $4, so I got another one. A little different, but similar idea. Now I have 2!
Hilary got the things that she needed, and we headed to the register in lawn and garden. On the way, we passed this dude, who stopped us to ask us a question.
"Pardon me ladies", he said. "Can you tell me if I should keep my hair the color it is now, or if I should go black? Cause I hear if you go black, then you look older, that all of your wrinkles show more. Or should I just keep it the way it is now". Yeah, he just went on and on about what hair color he should have........ Eventually, Hilary is like "Yeah, it's good the way it is", and he left.
We giggled so hard that I almost wet my pants on the way to lawn and garden. So funny.
Next stop was Hilarys kids school to pick up Megan. Normally she walks with Jannie, but because she got brought home sick, we picked up Meghan so she didn't have to walk alone :)
We dropped her off, then headed to Sonic. Rt 44 Diet Dr Peppers were calling our names, and we had our free survey coupons. Score it! We ordered, and I had to pee SO bad, I went inside. And it didn't have an inside dining area. It was just the place where they cooked. But they lead me around the maze that was their kitchen, and I found the bathroom. Thank goodness for Bathrooms.!
Hilary dropped me off back at my truck, at her house, and I headed home. Jake got the kids from the bus, and they all helped me unload the truck. We all went in the backyard, and they helped me plant the tomato plants. It was messy, but we got it done.
Tom and Joe helped me build the BBQ-er, and we got some coals going. Yeah, I need another lesson in "How to BBQ", because I kinda sucked at it :) hehehe.
I had the kids do their chores, and then the hot dogs were done. Tom got ready for football, and Captain America came home briefly, picked Tom up, and headed off to practice.
Hilary came over around 6:30pm, and we headed out to do the last of the errands. She needed to get some diet gum at Sams. She also found butter on sale, and some cheese snack crackers.

We got gas, and headed home. I was home before 7:30ish. I helped put the little kids to bed, and Captain America came home at around that time. We were supposed to go to the Kirkmans house (Kayley) at 8:30, after football, and play games (just the grown ups), but Captain America found out that his Batallion was having a run in the morning. At 4:10am. Yeah, he wasn't so happy about that. So we rescheduled for next week.
I sat down and put some music on my phone, and helped Captain America put some music on his phone. It was kinda fun going through music that I hadn't heard in a while. I kinda liked it :)
Captain America gave Tom a hair cut, and he was the last kids to go to bed. It's now 11:45pm, and I'm falling asleep at my laptop. All the lights are off, and Muse is keeping me company. But I'm fading fast....
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the pNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thansk!

Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on May. 14, 2010. Thanks again.
Thanks for everything! You've got me playing with word art again after giving up on it...I just love your stuff.
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
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