Late night again. I need to stop staying up so late, I think... I woke up at 6:50am, and needed more time to get ready. I was supposed to leave at 7:20am to go to Hilarys for the Scout Training, but I didn't even leave the house until 7:35. Oops. hehehe. We left her house at a little before 8am, and stopped at Sonic for some RT 44 Diet Dr Pepper. If we had to be at a Saturday Morning training, we needed some Sonic. That's for sure :)
We got there after the meeting had already started, and they were in the chapel. Crap! We didn't have on dresses. We thought it wasn't gonna be in there. But after peeking in, most people were in Scout clothes, so our dressy casual would fit in. Our Sonic drinks? Not so much. We ended up pulling a few folding chairs in the back, and taking the drinks.
After the part in the chapel, we moved into the gym. For the Cub Scout overview part. I think, if someone didn't have a clue about Cub Scouts, this meeting would have been PERFECT for them. Unfortunately, most new people don't end up coming to these types of meetings. Just the Scouters. Then it's like "preaching to the choir".
Anyway, I don't think I learned anything I didn't already know. After that session, we went to Pack Leaders meeting. Yeah, I knew all that stuff too. I guess, after being married to a Scouting Professional for 9 years, quite a bit rubs off - hehehe.
At lunch, Hilary and I went and ate in the car (our cheese and cucumber and crackers and apple), then headed back to Sonic. We had 2 receipts with surveys on them, so I called and got the redeemable number, and we got 2 more RT 44 Diet Dr Peppers. I know, that's not good for me. And it probably wasn't good for me to drink a little bit, then add my 12 oz can that I'd brought from home into it either, right?
The last hour and a half went quickly. Then, ironically, for we were SO ready to get out of there, we stayed for at least 30 extra minutes chatting with my friend Paige and Kristie, from my old ward. The girls I was in the primary presidency with in Hondo Pass Ward. They are SO much fun. We were laughing and joking and carrying on. hehehe. I almost wet myself I was laughing so hard - hehehe. The 2 Rt 44's didn't help, either, I'm thinking :)
We drove back to Hilarys house, then I drove home. I got home at around 3:15pm. The house was clean, the kids were happy. All was well. Jake does such a good job babysitting :) I'd called and texted periodically throughout the day, giving directions and checking in. No problems.
For a reward, I was taking all the kids to the Post theater to see "Diary of a Wimpy Kid". Laurie and Hilary were bringing their families too. BUT, first I had to work on my Primary Quarterly Activity reminders/posters.
I uploaded the handout to, and ordered 100. We have 70 kids in primary, but it was cheaper to use 2 $5 fro 50 prints, than it was to just buy $70. Strange, but that's how it works :)
Then, I took my digital handout, and broke it up into 16 4x6 sized pieces. And uploaded each one to Walgreens, and ordered enough to make 3 large posters. What's that, a 24x16? That's a pretty good sized poster. For looking like a photograph, that is :)
I got done as the kids were loading up in the car. Super busy day. We met our friends there. Paul sat on the isle seat, so his leg could rest. Hilary next, then me, then Laurie. Jake, Tom, and Nathan were sitting 2 rows ahead of us. Jim, Joe, and Rowan were in the row directly in front of us. Eme, Elise, Kaitya, Megan, and Jannie were behind us. We were TOTALLY surrounded. hehehe.
The Post theater does this program where for ever movie ticket you buy, you get a stamp on a card. When you get to 12 stamps, you get a free movie and a popcorn. Since there's 7 in my family, it only takes 2 times at the theater. We had one mostly filled, so it was topped off, plus another one was 1/2 way filled. Hilary had one 1/2 way filled, so we combined it, and ended up with 2 refillable sodas, and 2 big popcorns. We let the boys have one, and the little boys have one. I don't think the girls realized that the boys had popcorn. 1/2 way through the movie, I took the soda cup away from Joe and Jim and give it to Eme so she could get a refill of something she liked. I know, I'm cheap - hehehe.
The movie was kinda fun, for a kid movie. It was entertaining, I guess :) We loaded up after the movie, and drove two Walgreens to get the prints. I came home, got the kids some food, and started working on my posters. Jake and Tom went to play with Leslie's kids, and Joe and Jim and Eme played inside the house. I got one poster done.
Hilary texted wanting to know if I had a good Mothers Day saying she could use for the Mothers DAy cards she wanted to make for Primary. I said that I could make a WordArt out of the Mothers Day song that we were signing in church. And I made it into a pretty card, too :)
I worked on that for a while, and I liked the finished product. I used Studio Manu's new Bundle, Magnificent. And let me tell you, it sure is! LOVE the clusters. Fabulous!

Anyway, at around 9pm, just as we were getting ready to go out, I remembered that Jake and Tom were over at their friends house. hehehe. So I texted Andrea and Leslie to see who had my children, and it was Leslie. She sent them back home. They showered, and went to bed.
Captain America and I headed out for Walmart at around 10pm. We got what we needed, then headed to Walgreens to get Hilarys photo/cards. Then back home.
I think it was midnight before I got back to my posters. And 1 before I got around to blogging. Here it is, 1:47pm. Sigh. I'm tired. I think I only got 5 hours of sleep last night. I'll get about 5 hours tonight too. I'm definitely taking a nap tomorrow.
SO, Happy Mothers Day to my mom! I love ya, I'm glad that we're friends! We're much better friends when we don't live in the same house, don't you think? hehehe.
AND, I did buy you a gift. And a card. And it has a stamp on it. But that's as far as I got. I'll try and get it in the mail so it can go out first thing on Monday. Sorry :(
And Carol, love ya too! And you card and gift are still not sent. Sigh. Striking out today :)
BUT, I wanted to let the mom's in my life know that I love them. Mom, and Carol, and Grandma Ida, and Grandma Mavis, THANK YOU for who you are, for what you do, and for what you mean to me!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file. Thanks.

Lovely WA! Thanks for sharing. Most excellent as always!
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [09 May 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
I love this WA! Thanks so much and I hope you're having a wonderful Mother's Day today :o)
I am sure my children would write this about me if they could, but since they can't, I'll download it! Thanks! Happy Mother's Day!
this is absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful wordart:)) fabulous as usual. thanks
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