I woke up at 7am, got the kids as ready as needed, and went to bed. Tom walked the kids to the bus stop, and I slept till 8am. Andrea texted and said that they were walking, so I left the house at 8:15am to walk. It was Andrea and I and Becky and Veronica and Kayley. And Laurie joined us late. We have quite the group - hehehe.
I was home at 10am, and Laurie came with me, to see my new patio furniture. She stayed for about 30 minutes, then headed home. I brought my laptop to the backyard, and designed for about 20-30 minutes, and got a WordArt Pack done.
I came back inside, and Hilary and Captain America both came for lunch. hehehe. We ate in the backyard on the patio set, then Captain America headed back to work, and Hilary and I headed to the mall. I had a dressy jacket type thing for my formal that needed to go back. Because it should have been a cream color, not a white. And the cell phone case was the wrong one, so that needed changed too.
First we took back the jacket thing. Then the cell phone thing. Then we looked around, for a wrap thingy. Yeah, they didn't have one. We left, and went across the interstate, to a bridal shop. For $15, they had a wrap that was similar fabric as my dress, that matched. I'm gonna have to play with it and get it to work.
We stopped by Sams on the way home, and Hilary bought some more Gala apples. Cause they're the best, you know. And we stopped at Sonic on the way home to get a RT 44 Diet Dr Pepper. And we even got the free soda survey.
So here's the deal. Last Saturday, when we called in the free sodas, the survey consisted of 3 questions. Then we got the code. Well, this week, when we called in, there were a MILLION questions. Appearance of the car hop? Time of day? Did the car hops wear skates? Seriously? It was ridiculous! hehehe. BUT, we got our free sodas for next time.
So we met the kids at the bus stop, and dropped them off at home, and got them started with chores. Then we swung by the PX real fast to look for Paul some shorts, then headed back home.
Hilary went and did her thing, and I made homemade pizza with the kids. I made 6 batches. Split in 3. So 2 pizzas for today, and 2 bags of 2 batches put in the fridge for later. Because making the dough is always the hold up for me. We'll see how it works :)
I cleaned the kitchen, washed the dishes, made 4 loaves of banana bread, picked up the living room, and swept a little bit. Jake was still working on his school, and the other kids were playing and skating a bit.
Captain America got home a little before 6pm, and changed and took Tom to football. We ate dinner in the backyard, and it was SO nice. I got a few minutes of designing in, then cleaned up from dinner.
At 7:30pm, I put Jimmy to bed, sent Eme to her room to ready, got Jake back on track for school, and left Joe at the table with his school. I took a loaf of banana bread to Leslie, just as Captain America was getting home from practice.
Hilary and I had some herbal tea with Leslie, and chatted for a while, then headed out to our Primary Presidency meeting at Karins house.
We talked about people for callings, and tried to iron out more details for our quarterly activity coming up, and get things ready for Sunday.
And I got home at 11 something. Yeah, it was a fun, but late meeting. hehe. Tomorrow, Jimmy and I are riding with Laurie to Demming, New Mexico, to take the puppy back. Because she doesn't need a puppy - hehehe.
So, there was my relaxing, non busy day. What do ya think? hehehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on May. 12, 2010. Thanks again.
I love your word art! Thank you so much for sharing it!!
Cute word art today. BTW ever think of having a flickr page or some place where people can share their pages and what they did with your freebie art?
I love your posts and your wordart is not too shabby either!! You make me laugh~
Thank you so much for the WA- it gives new ideas for a LO theme for some photos I have.
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