OK, so I never posted my new stuff from last week. I'll have new stuff out this week too, but FIRST, here's my new last week stuff - hehehe. Click
here to go to my store and give it a look see :)

Hello people!! Hope you all had a great day :) Today we spent visiting with Captain Americas old high school buddies. He graduated 20 years ago - hehehe. Class of 1990. Dang, is he REALLY that old - hehehe.
We were up and showered and dressed by 10am, and ready to hit the road.

Here I am on the way to WalMart. We needed some more apples and crackers, and I wanted a new shirt too :) And I wanted some souvineers for my kids and friends.

Captain America went off to look for food and I went to look at shirts. I found this one, and I liked it :) It's an Alice in Wonderland shirt.... but that's ok. I thought it fit well, so I got it :)

And I bought a St Louis Cardinals shirt! The last one I bought when I was heavy, and it's now Captain Americas shirt - hehehe. SO, here's my new Cardinals shirt. Cute, eh? And new $5 sunglasses, too :)

After Walmart, we headed to Motomart and got our drinks. Mmmm.

Then got back in the car, and headed North. Captain America grew up about 45 minutes from here, in Hillsboro Illinois. That's where he went to High School. He was meeting up with his buddy Toby, and his buddy Chris.
We had bought some Sugar Free hard candies at Walmart, and I found this message on the back of all the bags. It was hysterical. hehehe.

And a pic of me and my candies. ROFL!

We met Toby at Ruby Tuesdays, and his wife Jen met us there too. I got Tilapia and a salad, and it was pretty yummy. I was stressing a bit, because I didn't know if they had anything on my menu there. They did, mostly :)
Here's me during one of the 2 bathroom breaks I had to take. hehehe. I was drinking a lot of water :)

After lunch, we headed to Captain Americas brother's house. Josh. His wife was in Florida visiting family, and he was at home with his 9 month old daughter, Kaiya. She was a DOLL!! We stayed for about an hour and visited.

Here's me with a grouchy.... why was I grouchy again? hehehe

We went and visited with Chris and his wife and 2 kids after dinner. They were pretty nice people. I could see us hanging with them :) hehehe. Their kids are Joe and Jim's age :)
After visiting with them, we stopped at the gas station, filled up, and got some drinks. Here's me. Yeah, it's not Sonic. And it's not Circle K. And it's not Motomart. But it IS a drink :)

We got to Randolphs house around 8:30 or 9pm, and hung for a while. Josh and Kaiya came to visit for a few days, so the house was full of Hartys - hehehe. It was kinda cool. They were having pizza for dinner, so I hid upstairs for a while and blogged. I can handle a lot of temptation, but the pizza smelled really good, and I'd already eaten dinner. hehehe. I DID get my blog done, though.
After they had all had dinner, I headed back downstairs, sat by my mother in law, and blogged. And we watched something or another on TV, and all chatted. It's now 10:30pm, and we're still hanging out :) We'll head back to Lewis' house soon. I fly out tomorrow night at 8pm. I'm getting pretty excited to see my kids again! I miss those little turds. hehehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
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