Howdy, girls! Well, still can’t find the computer. Get this, I think that it was at Lewis’ house (the brother we’re staying with) the whole time! The one I grabbed out of the carry on. Yeah, I’m a dork. I can’t confirm that now, since we’re at Randolph’s (the brother his parents live with) house. My old laptop and Captain Americas new laptop are there. I checked. SO, cross your fingers that when we get back to Lewis’ house, it’s there, and I was just in a sleep deprivation stupor last night…
So we wake up at 7am, and get ready for the day. Which is 6am my time. But I got 7 hours, which seems to be a lot for me. LOL! Anyway, got up, showered, dressed, make up, hair, breakfast, and off we went.
Captain America and I and his mom, Carol, and his sister, Adrienne rode together to the reunion. It was an hour and a half drive. Paul (his dad), and Nathaniel (his brother) went in one car, and Lewis and family went in their car. And off we went.
We had a good time driving and chatting and giggling and having a grand old time. Well, maybe Captain America would have had more fun in the “boy car”, but us girls had a good time :)
We had the reunion at a church in the town, which was good, cause it was hot and humid outside :) And the church had nice A/C. In fact, I should have brought a jacket, I think. LOL! I brought my own food, since I’m still on the first part of my diet. But all of the food looked pretty tasty. I just stayed away. Hehehe.
We were there for HOURS, but really, it was a great time. All of the Hartys came. Well, most. Paul has a TON of siblings, and they had a TON of kids. So there were a lot of people. We played cards for a while, and chatted, and ate. I really had a good time.
Captain America and I posing for a pic :)
Here's a group shot! It's Lewis (child #1) and Paul and Captain America (child #2) and Nathaniel (child #5)
Here's me playing cards. Think I'll win rummy?
We headed home in the evening, and spent the rest of the evening at Randolphs house. We watched a show on TV, and then chatted some more.
Yeah, my kids won't be seen with me in public as they get older... Here's me singing to one of my favorite Muse songs, with a tampon, yes, a tampon. Makes a GREAT microphone!
Here's Paul opening up his Father's Day gift :)
OK, here's a pic of me wearing a bow from Pauls fathers day wrappings. Yeah, bows are not my things. Or flowers on me, or such. hehehe. anyway, here's me posing with a bow. Like thhe face?
Right now, it’s 9:12 my time (10:12 local time), and we really should be getting back to Lewis’ house. I don’t know what time they go to bed, though. Captain America's fallen asleep on the couch, so after I finish this, I’m gonna wake him up and see if he’s ready to go :)
Not sure what the plan is for tomorrow, but I think we’ll have a good time. Maybe we’ll go to St. Louis… AND, as promised, here's 2 freebies for ya! I didn't have my real laptop, so I don't have my packaging. But I do have an old laptop, and it has my photoshop on it, so it's all good :) Hope you like it!
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

So anyway, that plan about waking Captain America up so we could go back to Lewis' house? Yeah, no. we're staying over at Randolphs house :) I borrowed clothes, and am settling in for the night :)
Here's me in my borrowed jammies, on the couch, designing after EVERYONE else went to bed :) Even here, I'm the night owl LOL!
Thanks so much.
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [21 Jun 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Yea! We just had our family reunion and this came just in time for the DVD and scrapbooking. Thanks so much. I can't believe your devotion and work ethic. I also can't believe your sense of humor and craziness.
Sigh...When do you come home again?!
Glad you are having a great time! Joe is doing well. I'm spoiling the heck out of him! Don't hate me too much when you get home and have him back and he's completely spoiled! hehe
OK, I love your blog! That's a hoot, singing with the tampon mike. LOL. I love it. I love the word art, too. I've got a bijillion family reunion pics to use that one on!
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