I'll come back and give a recap another time, I need to get to bed. BUT, I traveled home from St Louis, was picked up by my good friend Hilary at the airport, hung with her for a while, then set to work on cleaning the disaster hole that was my house. Yeah, it was WONDERFUL for me. But it's better now. MUCH better. Still has work to do, but it's better.
So, I get to go pick up my kids tomorrow!!! I'm SO excited to see the little turds :) We bought them t-shirts and such as souvenirs, and I'm excited to give them to them :) OK, must grab a few hours of sleep, so I can function tomorrow :)
Night, digiland :)
Click on the link below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [26 Jun 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Thanks for the word art! Been there, done that ... last night, in fact. I was up until 4 am my time (Pacific). Don't know why; I was tired (still am), but couldn't sleep. Hope you got some rest; I'm still hoping for a nap here in a while. Glad you got home and get to pick up your kiddos! My son's been gone to scout camp this week and should be home sometime this morning/early afternoon. I'm sure he'll be stinky and tired!
Hi, Yes This Word Art Fits me sometimes too, and I don't even have kids yet!! This must make You Miracle Mum (or Miracle Mom as You might say!)
So, Best Wishes, Good Luck and Thank You as Always!
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