Oh wait, I figured it out! I just had to restart facebook, and it's working now- hehe.
Anyway, got ready, got kids on the bus, and Captain America and I headed to the hospital for his appointment. About his bloody belly button. I dropped him off at the door, and drove around for what felt like FOREVER looking for a parking spot. It was insane. My Ft. Bliss peeps can testify that it's NOT easy to find a parking spot. Unless you're Hilary, then apparently you find them real easy. See, I knew there was a good reason I'm always your passenger....
Anyway, I finally found some dude walking to his car, followed him, and waited for him to leave. JUST so I could find a spot. It wasn't even close. I didn't care. Any spot would do :)
Me on the way to his appointment. See, I look better :)
Here's me smiling. And apparently the muscles that control my smile also control my forehead. See, smile, and raise eyebrows. Just works that way...
So the doc came in and took a much closer look at the xrays and such, and determined that it wasn't anything serious. They COULD do a surgery to poke around, but it probably wouldn't find anything. Captain America was SO relieved. His belly button was getting infected. That's it. Thank goodness. He wasn't so happy about going on the Non Deployable list. Not cool.
Anyway, we headed back out, and stopped at Circle K on the way home. Here's me and my tiny drink. Only 32 oz.
I LOVE my white sunglasses. hehe
I stayed and chatted with her for about an hour. And then I noticed this. Nice. hehe.
We stopped at Walmart first to get personal hygene wipes, cause we ARE camping primitive, with no running water OR showers. So that was a necesity!
Here's Rowan getting ran over by Hilary. Funny, huh? He sure thought so. Pinned between the conveyer belt and Ms Hilarys shopping cart...
We loaded back up, and headed home, ice and all. We picked up Jimmy from the bus stop, and Hilary dropped me off at Lauries house, where my truck was. I grabbed 3 -20lb bags of ice, and headed home. Jake helped me unload thm to the freezer, and I headed in to blog. It's now 4pm, and I'm all pre-blogged for 4 days. No internet reception where we're going. I'm SERIOUSLY gonna go thru withdrawls... hehe.
So now I need to go and pack. Jake's packed. But no one else. Wish me luck. We're wanting to leave as soon as Captain America gets home, which means that I need to get a move on...
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thanks for the great WA! I hope you have a great time on your camping trip .. can't wait to hear all about it.
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 11 post on Sep. 03, 2010. Thanks again.
Hope you have a great camp out!
You are just too cute for words.... Love your art and your blog! Thanks for making me smile.
Whoo hoo - the sassy girl is back, glad to see you are feeling better and hope it lasts for you. Made me laugh with the hygenie wipes - they are so the first thing I would have packed too! Have fun and keep smiling!
Enjoy your journey into the wild.heehee and Thanks!
thank you!!
Have an awesome time camping!! Thanks for the WA!!
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