Howdy peeps :) How was your Saturday? You know, I wish that blogger would fix my spelling mistakes like Word or my Droid does without me having to go back and fix the orange underlined word. Sure, I'm glad that blogger tells me that I've made a mistake, but I'd like it to actually do something about it. Sigh. hehehe.
Anyway, last I blogged, I was waiting for Captain America to come home so we could get sodas and watch a movie at home. Yeah, THAT didn't happen. He was super tired and grouchy from being outside in the sun all day long, and in the field since Wednesday, and I was PMS-y and not dealing well with grouchy, and needless to say, we didn't do a date, and didn't hang out, and went to bed upset. Sigh. That's not how I wanted to end my day. *pouts*
I woke up still feeling sad and down. It took me till around noon to snap out of it. Sometimes we get ourselves into a real bad funk and can't seem to pull ourselves out of it. Add to it my food issues, and it's not a pretty picture. I was kinda a mess.
Anyway, I got to chat at Scrapbookgraphics for a few hours on Saturday, and had a lot of fun. I'm sure that helped a lot to lift my mood. Those ladies are a lot of fun. I texted with my friend for a while, and then Captain America woke up at noon-ish. We talked about last night, and got back to happy feelings. We both recognized that we were tired/grouchy/pms-s/whatever, and recognized that it didn't really matter, that we didn't wanna waste the whole weekend fighting. We'd rather spend it being happy with each other. So we did :)
We spent the day at home together. It was pretty nice. The kids played around the house, and we just enjoyed our family. I like days at home. They're nice and relaxing.
At 5pm, Captain America headed out with Jimmy to pick up a few Little Caesars Pizzas. I stayed home and got ready for Captain America and I to go out on a date. Dinner, and outlet malls. Should be a good time.
Here's me, ready for my date :)

I don't know what's up with my silly face - hehehe

So Captain America got back with the Pizzas, and needed to shower and get ready. So he sent me on an errand to get gas in my truck. Whaaaaat? That's not my job. Really? Apparently so. He hopped in the shower, and I reluctantly went to the shoppette to get some gas. See my "I'm not happy" face...

So to make it a little less dumb that I had to get the gas, I ran into the shoppette to grab a 44 oz Diet Coke. I know, it's not Diet Dr Pepper OR Diet Mt Dew, but I was gonna take what I could get. And they were OUT of 44 oz cups. AND 32 oz cups. Whaaaaaaat? So I asked if I could refill one from the truck, and the guy said NO. What kind of crap was that? hehhee. I told him Circle K would do it for me, but he didn't seem to care. Sigh.
I headed home empty handed... AND Captain America had moved my seat when he drove to get the pizzas. Don't you hate it when people mess with your seat? hehehe. Here's my "Heeeeyyyy" face :)

So I get back, and I'm supposed to clean out the trash in the truck too. Um, yeah, no. I come in the house, and announce, loudly, that I just went and got gas for my truck, but I draw the line at cleaning it out. I didn't make that trash mess, so the kids had better get out there and pick up ALL the trash and such. hehe.
They got some of it, and Captain America got the rest when we got in the truck for our date. It was messy. Freakin' kids. LOL!
So since Captain Americawas driving, he got to pick the music. Johnny Cash it was. Here's me, belting out "I fell into a burning ring of fire"

Captain America must have fallen in too. ROFL!

We drove over to the West Side, and went to Rudy's BBQ. I like the place. We got 1/4 lb of turkey and 1/4 lb of Brisket. Cole slaw. 3 pieces of bread. A Diet Root Beer to share, 2 waters, and a dessert. It was pretty good :)
No, it's not a beer. hehehe

Here's the dessert we shared. Some leche something dessert. SOOO good. I tasted like cake dipped in milk. Or oreos dipped in milk. I don't know, but it was divine. I counted that as my 1 plain cookie for the day - LOL. As long as it doesn't throw me off of my diet, I'm good with it :)

Me and my food - Brisket on my 1 slice of wheat bread

Captain America made a sandwich out of his. I don't know what he was looking at. We sat where we did purposefully, so he couldn't see the TV. LOL!

We finished up dinner, and headed to Circle K for sodas. Diet Dr Pepper is my friend. Here we are, VERY glowing. ROFL!

And me and my soda. I love you, soda :)

And me and my banana. I hadn't eaten enough food for the day, so I got a banana at Circle K to even it out a bit :)

After Circle K, we headed over to the Outlet Malls. There's only a few stores in the mall that I like. Old Navy is one of them! Here we are, trying to get a good self portrait. I kept off centering it, so he'd grab my hand, and reposition it, and the picture would be blurry because he was moving my hand. ROFL! It was comical near the end. hehehe.

Leave my hand alone! I like it crooked! hehehe

Check out my new watch! It had almost everything I wanted. My old one was a sports watch, and clashed with all of my jewelry. So I wanted a silver one, that looked more girly. I needed indiglo. I wanted a stopwatch. This one didn't have the stopwatch, but it had everything else. I'll just have to put my old watch by my bed and use it as my alarm clock. hehehe. Real alarm clocks bug me. They're too loud, me thinks. My old watch is very subtle, but still wakes me up :) Anyway, you like my watch? It was only $20.

Me with the Old Navy little boy manniquin body - ROFL!

Next, we went to the Jewelry Box, and I managed to get out of there with nothing. See, I do have some self control.
We swung by this cooking store, checking out the prices of cake pans. Jake's b-day party is tomorrow (Captain America will be busy on Jake's real b-day on tuesday), but decided that Walmart would have better prices. But, I did try on this cool apron. I need a new cute apron. Anyone wanna make me one? Pretty please?

After this store, we headed back to the truck. And my feet were KILLING me! Yeah, I shouldn't have worn high heels to the mall. ROFL! But I looked cute.
We headed to Walmart on the way home, to get some stuff. Cause Walmart sells lots of stuff. ha! I'm getting tired, can you tell :)
Here's me in the truck in the dark. LOL.

Me in the camping isle. My poor feet!

We bought shower stuff, and protein water mixes, and a guitar tab magazine, and soda, and hot dogs, and birthday cake stuff, and a shoe tree thingy, and food items, and hangers, and a bunch of junk. ha! I always come home with SO much more than I planned on getting. And it wasn't really that crowded at Walmart tonight. Either that, or I'm getting used to the crowds here. LOL.
We came home, put stuff away, and I blogged and designed while Captain America read his new Guitar Magazine in bed. It was a VERY nice evening :) Thanks, honey, for the date! Can't wait for next weekend :) Date nights are my favoritest!
So apparently I already made this WordArt, but forgot that I did, so I made it again. LOL. Let me see if I can find the other version, and see if I made it JUST the same as the last one, or different. hehe. OK, I found it. Click
HERE to go to Rising Generation 1. It's a different saying, but similar. hehe. And don't use the link. It's gonna give you the new one, not the old one...
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
I can make you aprons. How many would you like?
Thank you for the great training them for.
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to PickleMouse freebie list
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