Well, I must say, it WAS super nice not to have to wake up early and get moving. Relaxing, lazy Sunday mornings are the BEST when you have children that know how to either 1) sleep in or 2) leave you alone so you can sleep in. hehe. We went for YEARS at the mercy of small children waking us up. FINALLY! We can sleep in :) I'm just saying... something for y'all with small children to look forward to...
Anyway, at 9:35am, we started getting ready for church. Showers and brunch and Sunday clothes and such. Me? Yeah, I was struggling with body image issues. Right before my period, I have a hard time. Nothing I tired on looked good. My new black skirt was missing a button, my cream skirt I tried on was too baggy, my regular black skirt I wear had a seam ripped in the back.
I decided on a bluish teal outfit, but then ended up switching it out for a green/orange outfit. Sigh. I hate days like that. I think I was nervous about the new ward, which only made my anxiety even worse. Sigh. But I said "screw it", left on whatever I had on, and headed out to church.
We got there at 11:20am, and church started at 11:30. Well, we THOUGHT it started at 11:30. We were told it started at 11:30. Yeah, it starts at 12:30. So we were an hour and 10 minutes early. Sigh. We drove over to Captain America's buddy Joe's house (who moved to Ft Sill but kept his house here) to check on it, then went to the park. The kids took their notebooks and colored, and the little ones swang for a while. It didn't make sense to drive all the way back home (10 minutes each way) to just turn around and come back....
Captain America and I sat at a picnic table and chatted for the hour, then we all loaded back up and headed to church. We claimed a new row, and Jake even got to help pass the Sacrament. We recognized quite a few families from the last time we were in the ward, and they remembered us. That was nice :)
We had Fast and Testimony meeting (oops, we forgot it was Fast Sunday...), and took kids to Primary after Sacrament. My friend Paige is still in primary, and we gave our personal info to the new Primary President. She seemed pretty nice. We dropped Jake off at the 12/13 year old class (it was HUGE), then Captain America and I went to Gospel Doctrine. Brother Fox was the Cubmaster when we were originally in the ward, and now he's the Gospel Doctrine teacher. Very nice guy.
I left Captain America in the chapel for Priesthood, and went to Relief Society. One of the girls I knew from last time, Lynette, introduced me to a new girl in the ward, Summer. She knew Laurie and Andrea from when they all lived at Ft Sill! Small world, eh? She seemed pretty nice. We chatted for a while before Relief Society started.
Cobie is in the Relief Society presidency, and we chatted for a while too. She's pretty cool. And I saw Krista (who's in Young Womens), too. The ward has really, really grown since we were there. There were probably 30 women in Relief Society. There's less than 1/2 that many in our old ward...
Anyway, Lynette was teaching the lesson, and taught a really good lesson entitled "Watching with all Perserverence" by David A Bednar. She did a really good job and encouraged a lot of discussion :)
After church, we rounded everyone up and waited FOREVER for Jacobs class to be done. They got out 15 minutes late. hehe. We headed home, changed clothes, and got everyone a snack. I wasn't feeling too well.
See, I'm shy. Yeah, I know, I don't seem shy. And that's all just a front. hehe. I use SO much energy appearing NOT to be shy, I ended up with migraines in new situations. And yeah, I was trying hard not to be shy today. Add that to less caffeine than normal AND a head cold, and I was set up for a doosey of a headache...
Anyway, I took my meds, and laid down until around 5:30pm. Captain America and I cooked dinner for ourselves and for the kids, and hung out and chatted until around 7:30pm. We put the kids to bed, and here I am, at almost 8pm, blogging. I need to make a quick freebie, then post it, then I'll be done for the night :)
As I sit here, I'm enjoying listening to Captain America play guitar songs for the kids as they drift off to sleep. I love that he does that :)
Tomorrow morning at 7:30am, I have a doctors appointment for a follow up on my depression medication at the TMC (Troop Medical Clinic/ Army doctor). Plus, I need more migraine meds. I've only got one pill left. Yeah, that's not good. hehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Aw, that's sweet of him to sing for the kiddos! I need to find some migraine meds that actually work for me... I usually just end up taking the "Army Candy" (In case you don't know, that's 800mg Motrin) for the pain and then sleeping it off. I hope you feel better this morning! :)q
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 6 post on Sep. 27, 2010. Thanks again.
Now this is a wordart that could start a page for me. Thank you.
SO very glad that you are back on your feet, so to speak. It is good to hear the tongue in cheek from you again.
Be blessed & thank you for the marvelous freebies!
D :)
Love your work!!! I could purchase your whole store if I could afford it. :)
Thanks for the freebie! My daughter loves to sing so I can use this on many layouts. :)
Hope you're feeling better soon!
What a great way to go to sleep! Thank you for the great word art.
Thank you!
Would you be interested in sharing a few of your clipart images on http://mormonshare.com/primary ? Any post will include a link back to your website, along with a bio. The website receives over 100,000 visitors a month, and I'd love to help funnel some of that traffic to your great products.
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