Woohoo!!! It's Friday, and you know what that means! NEW STUFF in the store. hehe. Check out my 5 new WordArt packs. Hope you like 'em! Click
HERE to go to my store to give it a look. 20% off (or $2.00) the regular WordArt packs for the first week (the calendar pack is $3.00)

These 3 Calendar layouts are from Reba (AWESOME! Lovin' it!)

Layout by Jessica

This Layout is by Lori. FANTABULOUS layout, girl!!!

This layout comes from Kat. She posted it on my Facebook fan page, and I didn't see it until the next day. Oops! Sorry, hon! It's on here now :) You did a FABULOUS job on it! LOVE it :)

Layout by Jessica (FANTASTIC job!)

What a good day it was! I woke up at 6:35am with my alarm, and reset it for 6:55am. Yeah, I was still sleepy. hehe. I woke up then, read scriptures, said prayers, and headed out to help the kids get ready. I got them fed, dressed, ready, and out the door at 7:30am, then went back to bed until 8:30am. I know, I know, I'm making a bad habit of that. hehe.
Oh yeah, but wait! Here's some pics of Eme on her birthday! Happy Birthday, Emeline! Look how cute you are :)

OK, so I wake up at 8:30am, and get ready for the day. Shower, hair, everything. I was going out with Leslie and wanted to look pretty :) I wore my new black sweater from Savers.
I got Jimmy and Jake all ready for the day, and organized, and such, and Leslie came to pick me up, and we headed to Pro Ranch Market. It's this Hispanic Grocery store and more. It's across town, and I had never been there. And it was SO cool. The front looked pretty much like a grocery store, but the meat department was HUGE.
Check out this AWESOME fish display

And then there was a MASSIVE fresh fruit area, and little food shops, and ALL sorts of stuff. Bakery, and restaurant, candies, and deli. It was SO cool :)
Check out the size of these pork rinds. MASSIVE! Bigger than my head!

Look how festive it is! Mom, if you ever come back to visit, I'm TOTALLY taking you here. hehe

AND, there was a Fallas right next door. OMGosh, food AND fun! hehe. AND a Melrose. And one of those clothes store like I found with Maddie. Yeah, I don't remember which store this was in, but check out these SPANDEX pants. They LOOK like Levis. OMGosh!

And I know these are supposed to be "hot" right now, but yeah, I'm not crazy about this style... My age is showing,...

Ha! Pick one animal print, me thinks...

So after looking at the clothes store, we stopped back by Pro Ranch Market and got a HUGE cup of fruit to share. Melons and pineapple and grapes. It was pretty good :) Here's me holding the fruit cup.

And me and my DDP!

And Leslie and I, heading back home. But, first a stop at Savers!!! She'd never been, and I can't pass up a chance to go. Especially on One color tag 1/2 of day :) hehe. It was green tag day :)

I found a new pair of jeans, and a few tops and jackets, Leslie found a Hawaiian shirt for her hubby (they're moving to Hawaii - Lucky!), and off we went. She dropped me off at home, and I had lunch with Jake.
And he and I loaded up in the car to go to Dollar Tree. To get a few things for Eme's birthday. We weren't gonna do an official party until Captain America got back from the field, but we were still gonna do something.

We found a few party decorations, and a balloon, and a cake topper, and a few other things.

And we swung by the commissary to get some strawberries and cool whip and cream cheese and ice cream. Only the essentials, you know. And some frozen dinners for dinner. I never buy those, and I figured it would be fun for the kids on Eme's bday to have them :)
After the commissary, we stopped by the bus stop and picked up Jimmy.
And I baked the cake. Strawberry cake in 2 round cake pans. And I cleaned up a little bit, and started on my weekly designing. I was mostly done, just had to repackage some stuff. And the cakes were done, and I totally burned myself while taking it out. Sigh. Freaking hot cake pan...

So because it was Thursday, it was my day to pick up kids from AQ. So I took the Saturn and drove on up and got Tom and Eme and Bella. Here's me, driving to get the kids. TOTALLY forgot I still had on my apron. hehe.

So we came back home, and the kids all did their chores. And the house looked pretty good when they were done. When Leslie's family brought us a desk the other day, Jake took his old desk downstairs. So I put it in place of one of the tables in the dining room where the computers are, and took that table and put it in the laundry room. So now we have a clothes folding table. I hope it works out :) hehe. Better than just putting the clothes on the couch. ROFL!
Anyway, after the cake was cool, I assembled it. I took a package of cream cheese, a carton of cool whip, and a 1/2 jar of strawberry jam, and whipped it. OMHeavens, it looked good. And I spread almost all of it inbetween the 2 layers of cake.
Then frosted it with a can of strawberry frosting. And put sliced strawberries on it. And put the cool decorations from the Dollar Tree on it. Doesn't it look pretty?

And here's Eme with her cake.

And then Jake and Tom had Hunter and Braxton (Leslie's kids) came over to play, since all the chores were done. And the boys played computers or whatever it was they were doing. And Eme had Bella (Veronicas daughter) come over to play. We had 8 kids in the house. But you know what, they were all playing with each other, so no one needed me to enterain them. Ha!
Here's Eme and Bella before we had cake.

And all my kids, and Bella, and Braxton and Hunter.

And we sang to Eme

And she blew out her candles

And look! I even had some cake. OMHeavens, it was good. I could have eaten ALL the filling. hehe. AND I even had some ice cream. Black Raspberry Chocolate Bryers ice cream. Oh yeah...

And then Bella left for her Soccer game, and my kids played with Hunter and Braxton for a long time. Tom and Joe and Jim went to the front yard for a while to play, and everyone was happy, for the most part. I finished my weekly work of designing, and got my products into the store, and such.
And at 7:30ish pm, I put the kids to bed. And sent the company home. And we read scriptures (for last night too, since I forgot...), and said prayer, and then everyone was asleep.
And then I tried on my new clothes from Savers! What do ya think?

And Jake and I watched a movie, The Village, and I grabbed my old laptop, and blogged and designed a freebie. And it really was a good day. I did forget to take my Prozac until 8pm. Yeah, that's not good. Hopefully I sleep tonight. hehe. I need to set an alarm on my phone to remember to take it. Around noon. Maybe I'll do that once I finish up with this.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
The birthday cake looked wonderful! Thanks for the wordart.
Thanks for the WA..I ADORE your work!! :)
Th♥nks for sharing your time and talents!
Happy Birthday Eme, yeah I know I'm late, but hey who wants their birthday to end in one day anyway hee hee xx
Loving your new outfits Bethany. You look great in them. Eme's birthday cake looks amazing. Glad you've had some of it too. You have to have treats every now and again.
Thanks for more amazing word art xx
Thanks for the great WA and thank you especially for a download alternative to 4shared! I really love your work -- you are very talented!
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 9 post on Oct. 15, 2010. Thanks again.
Hi Bethany, my DH saw the cake you made...and he's totally curious (and envious, I suspect, lol). He loves strawberries...but has never had strawberry cake like that! :)
Good job!
Thanks for the WA, as always!
Thanks for the word art! Great cake! Happy Birthday Eme!
Just caught up on about a months worth of downloading . . . thanks again for the beautiful Word Art!
Looks like you had a fun day; busy but fun. The cake looks soooo yummy!
Thank you for the WA!!
Thanks so much.
thats my very favorite ice cream! Thanks for the WA1
What a yummy looking birthday cake -- strawberries are one my my favorite fruits and normally I only like the fruit not anything strawberry flavored but it sure does look good. Thanks for the b-day WA too.
Thank You Bethany ! Love the look of that cake - can't ya tell I'm on Weight Watchers LOL ANYTHING looks good ! The clothes you bought look good on you, too :)
With all our family, I am always needing new birthday wordart. Thank you. These are really unique & fun.
Thank you so much!
Wow that black outfit you had on was awesome! he black jacket and pants? You look so hot in that pic!
hi bethany,
thank you for this freebie!!!
greetings femke
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