I'm gonna need to start going to bed earlier, because I woke up tired, again. Sigh. Captain America was up until 2 something packing and working and getting all ready for the field. And I kinda slept through it, but when there's a light on somewhere, I don't sleep too soundly. Then he was up and off to PT at some ridiculously early time.
I finally rolled out of bed at 6:55am, read scripture, said prayers, and off to get kids ready I went. At least I had food in the house. hehe. And even left over French Toast from the night before, so they had a better than cereal breakfast. ROFL!
I got the kids out the door at 7:30am, and went back to bed. See, this is the time that I'm supposed to be exercising. But yeah, I got back to bed instead. Sigh. I'll get it figured out one of these days! hehe.
Captain America came home at 8:15am, and I woke up to hang with him. He finished packing for the field, and got all the last minute things together, showered, got in his uniform, and he took the truck and off he went. Hmpf! *pouts*...
I hopped in the shower and got ready for the day. It was a mostly straight hair day :) ha!
Anyway, I just LOVE my pizza crust recipe. You want it too?
1 package of fast rise yeast
1 cup water (very warm)
1 tbsp sugar
disolve the yeast and sugar into the water, about 10 minutes. It'll be nice and bubbly.
Next, stir in
2-1/2 cups of flour
2 tbsp oil
1 tsp salt
2 tsp garlic powder (optional)
2 tsp italian spices (optional)
Mix that all together, and kneed for a few minutes, then let rest, covered, in a warm place, until raises. It doesn't quite double, but it will raise a little.
Then roll out the dough on a greased, and corn mealed pizza pan, top with spaghetti sauce, toppings, and grated cheese, back at 450 degrees for about 15 minutes or until done, and voila! You have a PERFECT pizza!
This one has sauce, parmesan cheese, yellow squash, onions, green peppers, and turkey sausage. Too bad I don't eat pizza, or I'd TOTALLY have had a slice. hehe :)
Anyway, here's me signing into my spices (what, don't you do that???) as Jake snapped a few songs of me. ha!
It was a going away luncheon for that chickie in the blue shirt. Yeah, I didn't catch her name. I did meet her at the park the other day, though. Mostly I was going to hang with Laurie and Leslie and Veronica. That works, right? I brought my cheese, and an apple, and ate some of Laurie's salad, and had some Diet Dr Pepper (thanks Veronica!). It was a quick, but fun lunch!
Anyway, got to my appoint with enough time for a potty break before, and went in. It was a really good session. I just love my Therapist. He's a really great guy. We talked some more about me being insecure, and trying really hard to please everyone. And how I go along with how they act, or how they feel, or what they do, instead of deciding and consciously choosing for myself.
How my life kinda got "out of balance" there for a while, and what I can do to get it back in "balance". There were 8 aspects of our life that we were supposed to be "balanced" in, but I'm not remembering them all right now. I"ll have to look at my notes and review.... Anyway, I feel that the last couple of weeks, I've been doing SO much better at balancing all of these areas. Yeah me! He said that I'm doing pretty good, but that I need to make sure that I don't let myself slip back into old habits, or old patterns. So true :)
And said that I needed to exercise. He'd told me that the last 3 times that I'd gone to visit him, and I hadn't yet. So he said that I HAD to exercise today, and that I was supposed to text him after I did it. Hmpf! Fine! I'll exercise. But I won't like it - hehehe.
I headed out, and instead of going to Walmart, drove back toward home. Jake got Jimmy from the bus stop, and I still had 45 minutes before I needed to pick up the kids from After school PE (AQ). I didn't wanna go home and then leave again, so I went to Big Lots and Kmart, which are super close to the school. ha! Probably would have been cheaper to go home - ROFL!
Anyway, I found a new knife set at Big Lots. Captain America had said that we needed new knives, and he was SO right. Our knives suck. ha! And, I found a cookie press that I got for Eme (and for me). I figured that would be a super fun project to do with her. And a few other things.
And then at Kmart, I got some more flour and sugar, because I didn't know if I'd have enough for this cooking project, AND another one on Wednesday (chocolate raspberry cookies are what I'm planning...) And some black electrical tape for something that Jake was working on.
Anyway, finally it was ALMOST time to get the kids, so I went and sat in the parking lot at the school for about 15 minutes and texted with Captain America and Mandi. It was a good time :) And Captain Americas car has A/C, so it was all good - hehe
I picked up the kids, and headed back to post, dropping Bella off at her house. I brought all the stuff inside, and started to put stuff away.
So the Therapist had suggested that I take a kid walking with me for company, if I didn't want to go by myself. And yeah, that didn't sound like a very good option when he was talking to me. But the more I thought about it, the more I thought that maybe that would work. So I somehow talked Tom into coming with me.
And yeah, he was willing, but slow. He kept having to run to keep up. And asking me to slow down (which I didn't - gasp! Mean mom, I know...). But I think he had fun. But he was DEFINITELY tired when we got back home. Here's me and Tom on our way back home from our walk. 40 minutes of exercise. WOOHOO! I did it!
And Eme and I started on the cookie dough recipe on the side of the Cookie Press box. 1/2 a batch of chocolate, and 1/2 a batch of vanilla. AND, I'd bought real butter at the store last time, so the cookies were gonna be EVEN better, I thought.
And in the middle of making cookies (and totally messing up my kitchen), Leslie and John and their boys came by, dropping off a load of stuff. They're moving to Hawaii (yeah, LUCKY!) next month or so, and we're getting a TON of hand-me-downs from their house. Yeah, I'm TOTALLY stoaked about it! We got 2 desks, a dresser, 2 big book shelves, 3 fake trees, and a GINORMOUS TV tonight. AND, John moved it all in for us, AND set up the TV. Yeah, he rocks! That whole family rocks! hehe. I fed John some pizza, and continued to cook cookies with Emeline and Leslie, and chat, and have fun, and watch men folk being strong and electronics smart. hehe.
They went home a little before 7pm, and I cooked myself dinner. I read scriptures with the kids (Jake wanted to read Captain Americas part, because he was in the field - SO sweet :) and said family prayer with them, then off to bed they went. Joe and Eme had to clean their room because it was SO trashed, I sent Tom to read, Jake watched a movie in his room, and Jimmy I put to sleep. Well, put to bed. Put to sleep doesn't sound good - hehehe.
And here it is, 8:44pm, and I'm winding down for the evening. Ooo, maybe y'all know this answer to my electronics question. Or maybe you have a Techie brother-in-law/husband/son/friend, something. Anyway, we have a 46 inch LG TV. And I had it hooked up to my computer with a male/male computer monitor cord. To the back of the TV. With a double ended audio cord.
Well, I bought a HDMI cable today at Big Lots. And hooked up the laptop to the TV that way. But now it's not registering the audio cable. So no sound. Hmmm... Any suggestions? I like the look of the HDMI picture quality a TON better than the computer cord.
Oh yeah, and one more thing. I'm wanting to find some other TV to watch. I like Lie to Me (just found out that season 3 started - SQUEELS in delight!), and we just started watching The Office. Any other good shows out there? I used to watch Fringe, but I heard it got canceled. I've heard good things about Glee, but haven't watched any yet. Do y'all like that one? What do YOU watch?
OK, and I'm SURE you can figure out where I got todays idea from. LOVE me some Muse...
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Just wanted to let you know that Fringe is still on. My hubby and son watch it and I doubled checked the dvr and sure enough it is recording all the new shows. I also love Parenthood. Check it out!
You're so pretty. (DON'T ROLL YOUR EYES. You are. Really.)
I love that you'r getting so much use of your new apron, too. ^_^
As far as TV shows, I'm addicted to Glee. I also would watch Chuck, The Big Bang Theory, Castle, Supernatural, and The Ladies' No. 1 Detective Agency if I got all those channels.
My husband LOVES him some NCIS (and I enjoy watching it when I make it a priority). We also like House (but I've not watched it this season. Oops!)
Whenever we just want to watch something, we pop in a DVD of Firefly in the bedroom.
(If you want other cancelled series, I would also recommend Daria and Pushing Daisies.)
we like reality shows like hoarders, obsessed, miami ink, we also like pushing daisies, parenthood, big bang theory. I like criminal minds, hubby doesnt much like crime shows so i dont watch it very often. goo luck finding some good shows.
First of all, thanks so much for this word art. I've been reading your blog and downloading and using your word art (I've even bought some!) for years. From the cover of my daughter's scrapbook for her first baby to the whimsical mousepad here on my desk, your beautiful creations abound in my home and those of my friends on ornaments, framed pages, etc..you name it! Whenever I am at a loss of what to say or how to finish a project, I look in my "Bethany" file in my scrapbook program and I seem to always be able to find just the right words...through you. Whether it be your word art or your raw honesty about your life you share with us in your blog, your words touch people every day in such a wonderful way. I just wanted you to know that.
Happy Autumn time to you and your lovely family and...
Thanks for great word art as always. We are fond of the Mentalist. And after that any of the NCIS/CSI shows, Castle, and night time Food TV. Oh and for the kids (and me), we really like Big Time Rush on Nickelodeon. LOL
Yeah, Fringe is still on. I like bones and the mentalist. also i like criminal minds but sometimes it really turns your stomach. i love the pics of you singing with the spices. oh, i aslo like parenthood.
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