AND, thanks to everyone who let me know that FRINGE has NOT been canceled. Woohoo! Don't know where I heard that vicious rumor... Now I have something else to start watching again. Yippee!
Good morning, computer land :) Hope everyone slept well last night. Had I not tried to hydrate myself quite so well yesterday, I would have slept better. hehe. But then, sleeping TOO soundly when overly hydrated isn't a good thing either.... Wetting the bed wouldn't have been a good thing, me thinks..
Anyway, I woke up with my alarm, and re-set it for 6:55am. Cause I was tired. I woke up then, read scriptures, prayed, and went out to get kids ready. And mostly laid on the couch with a blanket while they got ready. hehe. And sent them off to the bus, and went back to sleep. And felt SO much better when I woke up - ha!
I chatted with my mom for about an hour on the phone, then finally got out of bed. Good thing I'd eaten breakfast when I got the kids off to school, otherwise I'd have been STARVING. hehe.
Jake and Jim and I got ready and headed out to Walmart. The one on Transmountain, because it still has a fabric section. Did your Walmart lose it's fabric section? I know a lot of them have.
And my truck acted like it didn't wanna start. Like the battery was dead because someone had left a light on or something. Only I didn't see a light left on. Strange. Oh well, driving across town would charge my battery, I figured.
Jake used his babysitting money to buy a DVD player, and I got some iron on interfacing. For this silly flag I'm making for Captain America. Which needs a lot more explaination. But we'll get to that later. I got my interfacing in the fabric section, and went to the DVD section with Jake. And yeah, the display models were NOT the same as what they had boxes for. What's up with that? That makes no sense at all... Strange...
Anyway, he picked out the one he wanted, and we went and looked at toys (for Jim), and then halloween crap, then candy, then we paid. And yeah, I don't know why Jimmy thinks he needs something every time we set foot in the store. But he didn't get anything this time. Take that, Jim! hehe. My mean streak is coming out, I think...
Here's a pic of Jim and Jake right before they were asked to get off the shelves. ROFL!
Anyway, there's this time when one of the machines puts out radiation. And they can't walk around it, cause they might go sterile. Yeah, that makes me really happy that I already have all the kids I'm getting. And I guess in practice it doesn't REALLY put out radiation.
Anyway, he and his guys thought it would be funny to make a "No Sperm" guide on flag. Cause the flags all mean something. And this one is similar to a real guide on flag they use, with the added "sperm". So Captain America asked if I could make up a guide on for them. Sigh. Anything for you, honey :)
Which is why I wanted the interfacing, to iron the yellow onto the red flag. And yeah, I bought the wrong stuff. What I bought was backing. It was only sticky on one side. So I had a WHOLE lot more work than I needed, but it worked out ok in the end. What do you think? I know my friend Joy, who has twins, said she needs one of these to hang in her bedroom! ROFL!
So then, because apparently I'm a very domestic wife these days, I decided to make cookies for his battery. Again. Which was ok, because I had a new recipe to try out, and I still find the cookie press entertaining. ROFL!
Here's the recipe I got.
I filled the cookie press, made flower cookies, and put a dab of red raspberry preserves in the center of each one.
And then I took a nap. Because I could feel a headache coming on. I think I did too much. hehe. And after about 30 minutes, I came out, and made dinner. And put it in the oven for 30 minutes, and laid back down. And after that, I was feeling a bit better.
Leslie's kids came over to play and eat with us, and I grabbed my old laptop and retreated to my room to pre-blog. And here it is, 6:25pm. And I need to get ready to take the kids to scouts. IF my truck will start. And then the little ones and I are running the cookies, some apples, the 'no sperm" flag, some ice, a lighter, and, um, er, crap, one other thing.... out to Captain America in the field.
And I'm back :) Did you miss me? It's now 9:04pm, and I'm DONE for the night. I'm just gonna go out and watch an episode of "Lie to Me" on my big TV, with my pillow and a blanket, and do NOTHING else for the rest of the evening :) Cause I'm tired.
At 6:30pm, I had the kids start getting ready for scouts. And I loaded up all the stuff Captain America needed. And we loaded into the truck, and off we went. And yeah, that other thing was camp chairs, and I did remember it before we left. Thank goodness. hehe.
We drove over to Scouts, off of Railroad and Hondo Pass. It's a block or so down Hondo Pass. And dropped off the 4 older boys. And what really sucks, is that Tobin Wells road parallels Railroad. I can see it on the other side of the tracks. But yeah, there's no way to get there. Hondo Pass goes one way, and Captain America is the other way. But on the other side of the tracks. Hmpf! So I had to drive a mile or two down Railroad until there was a spot to cross the tracks, THEN back to Captain Americas turn off. Which happened to be DIRECTLY across from Hondo Pass.....
It was nice seeing Captain America for a few minutes. We gave him all of his stuff, and delivered the cookies to all of the guys. And the funny flag. They seemed to really get a kick out of the flag. ha! Silly boys :) And after visiting for a bit, we headed back to Scouts. I was afraid to turn my engine off, for fear of it not starting up again. It ALMOST didn't start when we went to scouts. So I didn't turn it off. At all. ha!
We drove back around to Scouts, and sat in the truck for 20 minutes until the kids got out. Joe finished up his homework, and Eme made my wreath. Remember that fabric one she'd made last week or so? Yeah, she made mine too. I bought a rotary cutter today at Walmart (I already had the mat, so it wasn't too bad) to cut out the strips of fabric. OMHeavens, why didn't I buy that before. Saved me a TON of time and energy :)
Anyway, she completed that for me. Then we picked up the boys, and home we came. And I got Jimmy to bed, and Jake put Joe and Eme to bed, and then the big kids went to bed. And here I am. Tired. But happy :) It was a good day!
Tomorrow, I'm going to a Mexican Marketplace with Leslie and Laurie. I'm pretty excited about it. I've lived here almost 2 years and haven't been yet :) Wish me luck!
Oh yeah, here's a pic of Captain America and I went I went to visit him in the field. Aren't we cute :)
So, this WordArt is in honor of my boss, Maya, who posted a Facebook comment on my "i'm making cookies" status update about a Facebook Food Post violation, about making dieting people hungry. ROFL! I thought it was HILARIOUS, and decided to do a Food Police wordart about it :) Cause my kids sometimes call me the "food police".... And I'm sure I have a picture of Jimmy stealing some food or snacks or cookies or something from the kitchen that he's not supposed to have, that I can scrap a page about. With a guilty face and all, you know...
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks1

Thanks for sharing:)
Thanks for the laugh and the freebie. My son and his wife have had 4 kids in four years-maybe they need that flag:)
Hi, stumbled on your blog while blog hopping, wow you are a busy lady, cookies look yummy.
LOL!!! You called me out! :D The cookies look awesome!!!
I was reading along in today's blog and got to the statement you made about your daughter being born in Coos Bay. Coos Bay??? Really, Coos Bay?? I've lived in the Coos Bay area for 33 years!!! I raised all 4 of my children here. I'm currently living in North Bend, but lived in CB for most of those 33 years. Talk about a small world!!
Anyway, I always enjoy reading about your busy, busy life and love the WA. Thank you.
Coos Bay! I work in the hospital there. For last 20 years. Too funny. Oh well, would have been cool to have met you after all the reading about you and your family I have done.
Glad you are feeling better.
Thank you for your freebies. Link on your post was added to PickleMouse freebie list
Thanks again for all your work...
PS It's a "guidon" - I typed a movie script called "Guidons of Honor" for a friend who is an Oscar winning director (and the writer and director of "Legacy")
Gale, I don't know if you will read back on this post, but I thought your name sounded familiar. This world gets smaller every day, I swear!
I'm an RN as well. I worked for bah for 10 years; 3 on 2D graveyard, then 7 at HH. Too funny!!
/postjack lol
Thanks Bethany, I love your wordart.
Marilou: To cool! I am working in the ER.
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